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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. I am in a similar business and need to hook up with companies like these.

    Anyone have anything helpful?

    okay with the current exchange rates ,problems witin the country and the ridiculous prices being asked i would say this is not a good business i am sure people are in a dreamworld when they quote some off the prices i.e 20 million baht per rai for undeveloped beach land with poor access, i know off a place in krabi that has sold for below half of the actual asking price in the last 4 months,another piece off land up for 3.5 million ended up being rented for 3,000 baht a month

    most off the quoted prices are just there waiting for a gullible farang to come along.

    hope this is helpfull

    p.s. i have been looking at land/property prices for about year and half but just have to laugh at some of the prices this is thailand a 3rd world/developing country noy europe......

    As a foreigner why would anyone want to "buy" property here anyway. You don't actually own and if anyone wants to argue that they are insane.

    Own land, not. You get leases which is another way of renting.

    Own a condo, not, the company or corporation actually owns that, you have a percentage.

    Own in your tee rat's name, well, search the board here for those horror stories.

    Government changes, rules can change in a moments notice leave you and your investment out in the cold.

    OP so you and your people in the real estate business here are basically shysters, can I sell you some snake oil? Cures all, and will give you wood!

  2. Well, I need to save up some money before I consider opening another hotel! I can't say that Krabi Airport Hotel would be on my plans, although I have toyed with ideas about opening some type of resort in the Krabi area.

    To be honest, I am working flat out on software projects, and now isn't the best time to open a new hotel

    The hotel in Phuket seems to have gone downhill since I left, judging by the customer reviews that I've read. Can't say I'm surprised :)


    I think between Ao Nang and Khlong Muang a Health, Sport & Spa resort would fly.

    Tennis, beach volleyball, croquet, an indoor facility (for when it's raining), saunas and pools. A large buffet for breakfast and lunch (including a wine buffet), changing into a restaurant in the evening.

    Activity Director (I'll nominate myself) to set up tennis, volleyball games, shuttles to the beach and local attractions.

    You buy I'll fly ;-)

  3. Hi Craig,

    I am not affiliated in any way other than a member here but I had a very good experience with the ThaiVisa Insurance obtained right here.

    I knew I was going to get bigger coverage later, so I didn't go big, I think I spent something like 7000thb for three months, then, ends up, I wipe out on the motorbike. Luckily nothing broken just massive abrasions (taken down to the bone on my ankle), flipped them the ThaiVisa issued insurance card at the hospital, done, covered.

    I did end up having to pay for a couple post visits for cleanings 500thb a whack, three times maybe, but overall I would recommend them to anybody.

    Cheers, GOM

  4. Feel sorry for the victim, I left Phuket after 3.5 years because it attracts alot of violent people from other Southern Regions, I lived in Bangkok for 11.5 years never had a problem. In Phuket I was mugged and robbed 3 times. Bangkok Dangerous mmm.... Not lol

    That Rassada/Saphan Hin area has to be the most dangerous in Phuket.

  5. But my own circumstances meant that I needed to relocate.


    Speaking of which, Simon, I noticed there are not really a whole lot of options right near the airport for lodging.

    Think you would ever open up an Airport Hotel Krabi?

  6. source: http://mfa-ptc.mfa.go.th/protocol/list_det...e_code=40210003


    The Consulate of Australia, Phuket

    Chancery: 185/30 Moo.4, Thepkrasattri,

    Thalang, Phuket 83110 Tel: 0-7627-4968


    Office Hours: 09.00 - 17.00 (Monday - Friday)

    Mr. Laurence Keith CUNNINGHAM


    Honorary Consul

    Does that mean Larry is there from 9 til 5 five days a week?

    You might try for Larry at The Chava Resort Surin Beach, I ran into him there last year.

  7. wow Mr. Ping, pood Thai geng mahk, huh? I guess that bargirl Thai class (for the cost of girl drinks) has paid off...........

    Why, is that how you learned it?

    Slope slope sly Mr. Ping, you should know that one from your classes huh? No, I did Island Learning Center for a year in 2002,and still don't think my language skills are all that great........

    On topic, it would be great if we could take the pinned restaurants in Phuket and organize it into areas of Phuket. i.e. recommended restaurants Surin Beach, Patong etc. I doubt Laguna area people will go to dinner in Kata (regularly anyway), so I know that I would prefer to hear reviews about restaurants Chalong-Nai Hairn-Rawai-Kata as I do get really bored with going to the same places all the time.

  8. Peter,

    what is the point of this topic?

    Seems to me your argument is what is the sense of wearing a helmet if you are going to hurt other parts of your body?

    I've always been an odds and probabilities guy, so I am just going to say the odds that you survive a moto wreck with a helmet are better than without, maimed or no.

  9. cloud seeding maybe? trying to get it to rain to fill the reservoirs back up?

    It worked ! Woke up to rain today, although I did do my Native American rain dance yesterday, so could've been that too.......

  10. The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

    Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

    And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

    But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

    Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

    That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

    Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

    The poor people in the north whatever color might be need better representation and they need regular town meetings where their concerns and problems can be addressed.

    Right now the representation has the "what's in it for me" attitude, do their jobs ineffectually as they really don't care. Paid official is a good position.

    Give these people effective voice, give them answers to their problems and they stop following the meglomaniacs that promise them the world while robbing them.

  11. ^Yes, but only if you like your food very spicy... my 2 baht attempt at humour. (Phet pronounced - pet - means hot, as in very spicy with lots of chili [prik]). If you like it a little bit spicy - phet nidnoi; not spicy at all - mai phet. In most places, you'll be understood if you simply use English.

    wow Mr. Ping, pood Thai geng mahk, huh? I guess that bargirl Thai class (for the cost of girl drinks) has paid off...........

    OP, across from the C&N hotel on 200 year road is #9 restaurant. Nice chicken noodle soup for cheap and their other Thai dishes are good too.

  12. Sounds like she was given an antihistamine...which suggests the doctor thinks the rash is some type of allergy and not heat rash.

    Application of hydrocortisone or other steroid cream at night will probably help just as much without the systemic side effects, but need to try to figure out what she is allergic to.

    Past couple years I get the same thing this time of year. Last year the doctor told me it was because the water in my well had reached bottom and I was showering in water with maybe some heavy metals. He said he had many patients with the same and prescribed cortisone cream.

    This year I have just been using cooling powder, seems to work o.k. Except missed it this morning on the backside of my arm, has the raised rash type thing and is itchy !

    Bring on the rain god**ammit!

  13. Thanks cdmtcdm. What is KPP and where is their office in Rawai? Is that 10 meg for int'l speeds or just domestic?

    Rawai Cable where I went in to talk to them about this is near The Islander Restaurant, if on the road from Nai Hairn Beach before the Islander.

    They don't have the cables set up everywhere yet, they told me my soi (Nanachat) would have service in the latter part of June.

    Quoted 2000thb deposit for the box, 690 a month for cable TV and internet. Sounds like a bargain to me !

  14. I think we are all in agreement that you don't hit your animal friend.

    Has to be tough though to be there all the time with your pup, so you can jump up and take him/her outside when they are about to do their business. Maybe you all just have more time than I, who knows.........

    Cheers, GOM

  15. I raised a Golden Retriever in my youth.

    One thing you cannot start too early is training using hand signals. People thinking their dog or dogs can understand what they are saying are insane.

    First hand signal- with index finger pointed out and a little knock on the nose is "no" !

    For potty training, show your dog the poop, may have to rub her nose in it, give her the index finger on the nose and a "no", and toss them both outside. Once she smells the poop outside, she'll get it. Also, be sure first thing in the morning and last thing at night you take her out to pee and for sure a "good dog" petting when she pees outside. She'll get it after awhile.

    Hand signal-closed fist for sit- give her the closed fist,push her butt down to sit, give her a little snack treat.

    Hand signal-open hand toward the dog "stay" (this one will take awhile,have to walk away, give her the "no" signal if she moves).

    Never too early to start leash training. Snap your fingers call "heel" and pull the leash so your dog is walking beside you at a heel. This is really great because once she's trained there you can chuck the leash.

    Teething-do they have those leather bone chews here in Thailand? I dunno.

    Anyway, good luck and start training your dog right away, once they understand the hand signals, Goldens are really smart.

    Believe that you are old school with your advise, one should never hit a dog on its nose, this is a dogs main tool of sences, and definately never rub his nose in his business, These sort of tactics went out of the window many years ago.

    For house training, this takes a lot of patience, keep the door open so that the dog can go out into the garden, watch it and as soon as you see him attempting to squat inside of the house, pick it up and take it outside, when it does its business outside give it a lot of praise.

    For chewing remember these are a very inteligent working dog and will become bored very easily. Give him lots of toys to keep himself occupied, try not to leave the dog in the house for long periods my its self.


    I said "little knock' there Brian, I didn't say hit the dog on the nose, your words in my mouth are irritating.

    My main point was hand signals and any dog trainer will tell you that's the best way for your animal to understand you.

    You want to take forever with the house breaking, up to you, a couple poopy noses and the dog will understand.

    Sorry, never joined PETA, just wanted and did have a very happpy and great dog.

  16. How about a list of unfavorite retaurants?

    After that I went to the neighboring Wine Connection deli bakery where the usual competent staff looks to have been replaced.

    The clerk , who was picking at her nose when I entered used her freshly booger'd up fingers to pick up the bread I chose.

    I walked out.


    Saved you money on cheese................

  17. good comments from Amnesty pointing out the illegality of the military shootings, oddly enough I raised this earlier in this thread, unarmed people are being shot that pose no immediate threat, amnesty have no highlighted this also in their report, link in the Tuesday news thread.

    And where was your AI during Thaksin's extra judicial drug killings?

    How about during the men in black snipers that are now coming to light with SD's assitant being grabbed.

    Don't pat yourself on the back so soon Tony, there's more to the story than a bent AI report.

  18. You left out one small detail re: US protestor's rights. They have to protest legally. That means they are restricted where they can protest. They cannot 'set up camp' in any downtown area that would affect businesses without a permit and that would be very limited so as not to disrupt the free flow of commerce. I dare you to name a protest which took place anywhere in the US that was even remotely similar to the one at Ratchaprasong. As long as the BKK protestors stayed at Pan Fa Bridge, the govt. went out of it's way to accomodate them. They could have protested there forever and a day but they wanted trouble and started moving to non permissable areas via Kok Wua and the govt. drew the line. That still wasn't enough reaction for the Reds, who want civil war, and they shut down ome of the best money-making areas in Bangkok. When has anything like that been allowed anywhere in the world? You have painted a totally false picture of the Red's behavior. That makes you a propagandist.

    OH, don't resort to name calling...... it makes you look small and uneducated, LOL.

    If protesters assembled in Times Square in NYC, they would not be shot and murdered, I assure you.

    You are missing the basic fact that in the US, citizens have basic rights. They cannot be tossed in jail for 15 years for "insulting" anyone. Also, they are free to print, publish and broadcast. Their TV stations are not shut down at will.

    In Thailand, the government simply declares whatever they don't want "illegal" and imposed some "emergency decree" which basically gives them the authority to murder anyone they wish and violate their rights.

    Why was this not issued against the PAD when they occupied the airports?

    It is complete foolishness to rail against the UDD for what they did in Rajaprasong and at the same time support the PAD and what they did at the airport.

    Propaganda? Don't be silly. I am not the Thai government, or a UDD or PAD supporter, or a rich elite who is worried about my Mercedes Benz getting damaged.

    1. I promise you that you will not be allowed a protest in Times Square more than the time it take the police to remove you.

    2. I will not address you point as it is a violation of forum rules (a red-shirt thing to do) except I defy you to tell me who spent 15 years in jail.

    3. If you don't like the laws of Thailand then don't go to Thailand though you will be hard-pressed to find a civilized country that doesn't have S.O.E. and Marshall laws.

    4. What was or was not applied to the PAD was up to the Taksin puppet governments so you'll have to ask them why. Personally, I think Somchai should have fired any officer who refused to remove that yellow hoard.

    5. Since you responded directly to my post, it looks like you are putting words in my mouth to talk about "rail against the UDD" as i did no such thing. And you are you are trying to 'frame' me as a yellow supporter or apologist which I most vociferously deny.

    6. You don't have to work for any govt. to be a propagandist nor do you have to be a rich elite who drives a Mercedes Benz but you might work for a Mercedes Benz driving. elitist, citizen of Montenegro as a professional propagandist. I hope you got your pay 'up front'.


    1. a person involved in producing or spreading propaganda. 2. a member or agent of a propaganda.

    Alright! Here, here!

  19. Right Vindie... Try pulling any of the crap these zombies have in any other major city in the world and see how quickly the respective governments would break out the big guns. The problem with Thailand is they waited too long. This shi*t would have been mopped up in 72 hours in the USA, and the death toll would have been directly related to how many idiots chose to stick around after the authorities had given the order to disburse or face the consequences.

    I challenge you to name one lawful event in US history where protesters were murdered in the streets. There are none.

    Kent State

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