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Everything posted by tgw

  1. the thing we don't know is how much of the military is or will be siding with Wagner. General Flustikov moved this morning to take over control of the Ministry of Defence headquarters on Frunzenskaya in Moscow. I doubt a lone general would do something like this, especially a Russian one. Flustikov was GRU, and GRU relations with Wagner are very friendly. Russia's National Guard, the "Rosgvardia" was created by Putin as a kind of Hitlerjugend. So I guess they will be loyal, but will they be ready to right veteran fighters ? it all looks like a large clusterf*ck
  2. I'll add some more details for people who think Wagner is just soldiers and ground equipment. Do you remember Wagner had fighter pilots in this war ? Well, Wagner captured Taganrog Airbase and possibly (probably) Millerovo as well, meaning Wagner probably has access to fighter jets. So far, Wagner has reportedly shot down a Russian helo and a plane Wagner captured Russia's Southern Military District Headquarters and Commanders. If Wagner controls this district, it means it has access to a lot of assets, including strategic ones (nukes). They probably would be unable to detonate them, but Wagner has potentially already come into possession of nukes.
  3. I suppose Russia feigned giving Lukashenko full control over nukes so they could threaten to strike Ukraine and then blame Lukashenko. I guess the situation is becoming too hot for him.
  4. apparently Russian Air Force is bombing the M4 motorway between Voronezh and Moscow Russia Today's Telegram channel has apparently been shut down for "violating local laws"
  5. Putin ally Lukashenko 'flees Belarus' as Wagner launches coup threatening Moscow https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1784011/lukashenko-flees-belarus-russia-coup
  6. they seem to be past Voronezh already, according to social media posts, army and police didn't put up much resistance and rather let them through. they are rolling on the highway, transporting tanks on trucks. they are gunning it to Moscow ...
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag a false flag op is a specific kind of deception
  8. who would be conducting that false flag operation with what goal ?
  9. 2021: Russia has the 2nd strongest military in the world 2022: Russia has the 2nd strongest military in Ukraine 2023: Russia has the 2nd strongest military in Russia also: 2022: Putin: this is not a war, it's a special military operation 2023: Prighozin: this is not a coup, it's a special political operation
  10. mind blowing. it's interesting to note that there are at least 3 factions: - FSB: hates GRU, Ministry of Defense and Wagner. not sure what military support the FSB has - GRU and Wagner share a base near Moscow, Russian SSO (Flustikov) was transferred from GRU to MoD. I think it's safe to say Flustikov is friendly to Wagner, otherwise what would be the "point" of securing headquarters ? - Ministry of Defense: supposedly Putin's faction, so it would also include Rosgvardia and we still haven't heard from the Chechens in the last couple of days
  11. well, there is white people's food and then there is ... "modern" white people's food. I'm sure if these Chinese tried proper Italian, French and ... basically the whole continental Europe's cuisine (sorry Brits), they would like most of it too. what I see in these posts of the Chinese is food prepared by white people who either hate good food or can't cook or overdo the "healthy". Switzerland, Germany, and other countries are now full of people like that who eat strange food. and yeah, it's strange white people's food. well, yuck. when the Chinese are right, they are right.
  12. my dad's cellar still has its moments. the Trois Rivières was from 1979, probably bought for around 20$ at the PX at the time.
  13. I'm in none of the poll's categories. It seems the poll is made for people who always do the same day after day. I usually drink very little. Often nothing for weeks. Sometimes wine, beer. A glass of wine a day seems so restrictive. Drinking alone ... sometimes. Sometimes much wine (my father's got some nice bottles) and then some rum (Trois Rivières) and/or Chartreuse and similar. Sometimes I get hammered. Where is the "I just drink what and as much as feels good in the moment" option ?
  14. sadly, all proper sleeping pills with short half-life are on the restricted lists.
  15. I don't know why everybody loses so much time with this dam demolition. It's clear the Ruzzians did it, it made sense from a military point of view, I don't see it as being such a big thing compared to the other horrible acts committed by the Ruzzians. It's just one more item to add to the list of their war crimes, which is already quite long.
  16. how about going to a notary ? the fee shouldn't be exorbitant
  17. maths require exact numbers to work - 12000BTU , 33.3 months. I feel the price of aircons has also gone down. I recently replaced an aircon for just 8.000 THB, and have been saving 600-800 THB per month, so I guess it will have paid for itself within a year.
  18. I think the battle is ferocious and there are heavy casualties on both sides. I wouldn't be surprised if losses were balanced. The reason for this is that the West didn't give Ukraine F-16 in time, apparently Ruzzian helos are giving them a hard time. Ukrainian losses would be much less if they had air superiority or at least could defend against the RU helos. The important thing for Ukraine is to breakthrough to Mariupol, Berdiansk or Melitopol, even if they lose half their equipment. The Ukrainians are true heroes of our time, they are fighting for all of us.
  19. lol. and there are people who believe that kind of thing ?
  20. yawn... the man that got hand-picked and instructed to play a certain act got scripted reactions in order to fuel, spin, hype the show ... that kind of "news" can safely be ignored.
  21. What is Putin blabbering about ? He annexed the Donbas. Now he wants to declare it independent ? I watched his round table with bloggers a handful of days ago, he appeared to be blabbering there too, didn't look strong at all. He probably has gone senile already.
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