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Everything posted by tgw

  1. the whole world is being threatened. stopping Ruzzia doesn't stop only Ruzzia but also stops China, North Korea, and who knows how many other little frustrated megalomaniac wannabee Hitlers. and for the US and the rest of the (free) world, investing tanks and planes in Ukraine is very cheap compared to waging a real war against Ruzzia. It's the best investment to secure durable peace. Regarding your last paragraph - Ruzzia has already lost a multiple of what the US lost in Vietnam. And they are still sending fresh cannon fodder. That's the disadvantage of living in a dictatorship - public opinion matters only when a revolt is looming. How many more Ukrainians have to die? Let's give Ukraine the means to shift the losses ratio by a few columns and give them the means to kick Ruzzia out of Ukrainian territory. Nobody wants to attack Ruzzia, just push them out and back to where they belong. And then a cordon sanitaire around it. "Nobody wants to build a wall" ... let's remind Putin of these words of Walter Ulbricht, except it's a real quote this time.
  2. I think it's you who is ignoring facts - there already are dozens if not hundreds of ex-US military volunteers in Ukraine.
  3. Ukraine needs - longer range precision missiles - more of modern tanks in numbers (Leo 2, Abrams, ...) - more IFV - artillery, guns and ammo - more Gepards - western fighter/bomber jets
  4. well, it's rather good news that they didn't themselves believe their lies ... well, sort of.
  5. what would be really interesting is the press covering a variety of such incidents from A to Z in all details until the settlement, under different circumstances.
  6. misleading title. better: "Phuket Van Driver’s Licence Suspended After Being Filmed Playing on his phone while driving"
  7. Danilov: Russia began new offensive but faces major challenges https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/danilov-russia-begun-new-offensive-but-it-faces-major-challenges
  8. Procedures for requesting asylum are outdated, ineffective and mostly unfair everywhere. And at the same time, there is no easy solution nor, seemingly, even a difficult one. Globalization and international mobility put developed countries' social systems at risk and popped leftists' dreams there of egalitarian societies. It seems to me that helping true asylum seekers can't be done without implementing very strict procedures that will cost money and require international cooperation.
  9. Absolutes rarely are an accurate way to deal with reality. Of course all Russians aren't guilty. Take Navalny for example, but also one of my neighbors who is Russian, she despises Putin and his policies.
  10. technically incorrect. the Sidewinder A9 series began a long time ago, but the A9X entered service in 2003.
  11. Racism grows naturally inside every cop serving around large cities with lots of poverty, cultures, races, immigrants. The human brain produces that kind of shortcut based on what the eyes saw in past. Then follow expectation and cognitive bias. It takes exceptional character and good training for cops to remain professional at all times. Recruit the right people and train them well.
  12. I know first hand that most older Russians are indeed bolted to their TV, and also that Perve Kanal, Rossiya Adin, RTR, Match 24, Rossiya 24, NTV, TNT, etc. spew out lies and Putin propaganda 24/7. Years ago, they also had a lot of pseudoscience broadcasts making retarded claims, with many people believing them. In Russia, the TV often just runs, most commonly in the living room of course, but often also in the kitchen, just to provide a background noise. here is a youtube channel for you: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoAw0n5OyITkmejSCMfmnWg why do you again promote a false narrative, this time pretending there is no actual propaganda in Ruzzia ?
  13. it's not really relevant if Western tanks are there or not for the Ruzzian spring offensive. Leopards are an offensive weapon, if they were to stay mostly static in defense, they would get destroyed one by one. Their role is different.
  14. I know where his thinking comes from. He is very much mistaken and even the time for his type of thinking has long passed. How to dialogue and explain it to him ?
  15. *Deleted post edited out* I think there was something more than fishy about this text. https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3993197?ln=en https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3993197/files/A_C.3_77_L.52-EN.pdf the amendment was approved. you attempt to use a false narrative used by Ruzzia at the UN to spread more fake news here. You are just a mouthpiece of Ruzzian propaganda and misuse the forum. I think you should be sanctioned for that. the problem of trying to misuse UN resolutions for propaganda purposes is that everything is logged and publicly archived. but shame on you for trying.
  16. it's nice to see Putin admit that it is UKRAINE's territory, not Ruzzia's.
  17. ah, but you have this rose-tinted mask on
  18. my addition: have the business card of a Thai lawyer in your wallet. if you have done nothing wrong and something is fishy on the police's side, alone the sight of that card will make them back down. happened twice already. I didn't even need to make the call.
  19. perfect illustration of "ethics": the article is behind a paywall.
  20. and that's another prediction coming true: President's Office: Poland ready to supply Ukraine with F-16 fighters in coordination with NATO https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/presidents-office-poland-ready-to-supply-ukraine-with-f-16-fighters-in-coordination-with-nato
  21. did you watch all the videos? he was on the ground, held by officers, he didn't try to break free at first, and he was assaulted by the officers while he was down. that's when he tried to flee and stopped complying.
  22. this is the time it takes to train new fighter jet pilots. Ukraine already has experienced pilots. converting to a new type of plane is much quicker than training new pilots.
  23. wow, what happened is absolutely horrible and appalling from what I gathered from the videos, my best guess is that the beating was probably triggered by road rage. On the video, the first stop occurred when Nichols wanted to turn left towards his home, I would speculate he cut the officers' car off, maybe did an illegal lane change or something like that, and some road rage ensued, maybe a finger was flipped or some insults exchanged before Nichols realized - or not - that the guys in the other car were police officers. So everyone got heated up for the first stop already. And then what follows is just horrible. I'm not sure what prevented 5 officers from immobilizing Nichols, I suspect they had planned to beat him from the start, so they didn't properly detain him, but left him enough leeway for Nichols to be able to "resist arrest" and beat him up as a consequence. I wouldn't say the officers could be sentenced for second degree murder though, I'd say it was aggravated manslaughter. The officers would deserve every second of the 15-year minimum sentence for that offense, probably more, and then the other charges. I think it's time for the USA to implement everywhere a longer on-the-job training and evaluation period to determine if they are suited for the job. Giving badges to thugs and telling them to go beat up criminals is not the way to go.
  24. funny... after I post something specific, then something specific happens: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/iran-thwarts-drone-attack-on-military-site/48241502 https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/blast-heard-military-plant-irans-central-city-isfahan-state-media-2023-01-28/ video: https://v.redd.it/7vummdu9fvea1
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