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Everything posted by tgw

  1. any VPN vendor solution runs the risk of getting recognized by websites you visit, because multiple services maintain lists of known VPN server IP address pools. setting up a private router for VPN is the safest approach.
  2. in theory, there is. both routers could use an IP-to-IP protocol that does not use encryption, for example GRE or another IP tunnel protocol. in practice however, I'm pretty sure no consumer-grade router firmware supports this, because nobody wants to run unencrypted traffic over public IP routing. I don't know if custom router firmware such as tomato or DD-WRT support it. In any case, you would then have to overwrite firmware on both routers to test it. I wouldn't be able to assist, because I've never done that, and I also advise you against it.
  3. okay, so it's simple really. the person in the USA must use a router that supports VPN. For example an ASUS, there are many brands and models which support this. https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1008713/ that turns the ASUS router effectively into a VPN server. dynamic domain service such as dyndns can be used to make the router reachable through a public URL such as "yourdomain.dyndns.com". after that, you need to install the VPN client on your computer, for example OpenVPN. after you connect over OpenVPN, your computer will appear on the internet using the private US home IP address. regarding security issues, every instance that gives external access has the risk of being compromised. the risk is limited however, especially if the router is not configured to give LAN access to the VPN client, but only shares the internet access, which is, I believe, the default configuration. check the router to be sure, delete any Open VPN -> LAN static routes if present. so, if friends & family do not consider you to be a potential security risk, I see no reason to not give you Open VPN access. performance-wise, I think there won't be much of an impact, except maybe on very weak routers with very weak internet connection/bandwidth. Your own bandwidth will be limited by your Thai international routing anyway, so the resulting 15-20 mbits should IMO be handled easily by the router. some providers choose to block Open VPN ports. to circumvent such a port block, you can set the OpenVPN port to 443, both on client and router, which should work if your friend/family does not already run software using that port with that dyndns address. 443 is the standard port for exncrypted HTTP traffic, so no network provider can block it if they want to keep the internet running.
  4. A VPN like I suggested would be indistinguishable from a US based home computer, because it would use the home computer's router.
  5. the following source material will help you to find the answers to your interrogations yourself: Sensationalism in Media https://reporter.rit.edu/news/sensationalism-media Why sensationalized news stories are damaging to society https://www.thewilkesbeacon.com/opinion/2019/04/16/why-sensationalized-news-stories-are-damaging-to-society/ https://academy4sc.org/video/sensationalism-breaking-news-watch-this-video-now/ Sensationalism Explained https://fairygodboss.com/career-topics/sensationalism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensationalism
  6. gutter press sensationalism appealing to the lowest divisive hate instincts - and they make money from it.
  7. yes, so ? it's not a service you will find for free
  8. setting up VPN access to the friend's home router seems simpler and doesn't require their computer to be on.
  9. Firefox has a useful feature "user profiles", for which timezone, keyboard, language, etc. can be set differently.
  10. I use Private Internet Access. https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/ it's the cheapest I could find, and I have been using it for 6 months, heavy duty. I'm pretty impressed with their service. the downside is that from the pricing I suppose it's a service provided by the NSA, but I don't really care.
  11. There is a simple solution to your problem, if you have friends in the USA, just ask them to setup a VPN for you on their home router. Use DynDNS if their IP address is dynamic.
  12. one patriot battery costs one BILLION and a single missile 3 million, (known) range 100 miles. one wonders if one billion could not buy more useful hardware for Ukraine,
  13. I understand where the poster you replied is coming from, his remarks were a bit one sided though. Of course the CRV is to blame, but the Yaris is equally to blame, from the published photo it seems very clear that not only this wasn't a U-turn spot, but there are continuous lines and zebras on the ground indicating crossing there is totally prohibited. And behind the continuous lines were the opposite lanes, also carrying traffic, which the Yaris would have needed to cross to reach the side road. Making a turn there was reckless driving. all victims RIP.
  14. a bit of research about the crimes mentioned in the pro-Ruzzia spun Sputnik piece will shine a very different light on many of these stories. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Odesa_clashes#Trade_Unions_House_fire the rest are episodes of an independence war that could be compared with a ten times longer list of crimes and more serious crimes against the state committed by the Ruzzians.
  15. in the meanwhile... Poll: 85% of Ukrainians believe victory in war with Russia requires liberating all territories, including Crimea and Donbas. According to a recent poll conducted by the Rating Group, 9% of Ukrainians said they would consider a victory in liberating territories controlled by Ukraine before Russia's full-scale invasion started on Feb. 24. https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/poll-85-of-ukrainians-believe-victory-in-war-with-russia-requires-liberating-all-territories-including-crimea-and-donbas
  16. ah, it's the Daily Mail, it must be true ???? well, at least that there are coup rumors ... as we read in the Sun .... oh, wait. ????
  17. that is reminiscent of Putin's hollow argument about his current missile attacks on civilian infrastructure (war crime) - "who started it"? stating the attacks are a response to the Crimean bridge bombing... the Minsk agreements were already discussed, and Ruzzia is the one mainly responsible for breaking them. there is one aggressor and one defender in this war.
  18. Zelensky: Russian troops have 'effectively destroyed Bakhmut'. President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his evening address on Dec. 9 that heavy fighting is ongoing near the towns of Bakhmut, Soledar, Maryinka, and Kreminna in the Donbas in the east of Ukraine. https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/zelensky-russian-troops-have-effectively-destroyed-bakhmut looks like Ukraine will withdraw from Bakhmut
  19. left and right are almost insignificant when it comes to the extreme. people have been known to switch from extreme left to extreme right and back. I think the main common denominator is the "extreme". left and right just provided them with excuses to do what they wanted to do.
  20. I think that all Western leaders have today enough wisdom to not sentence Russian people to poverty after the war. Even after WW2, there was a Marshall plan to reconstruct Europe. But one condition will be the de-Z-fication of Ruzzia, so a regime change seems inevitable if Russians don't want to live like North Korea in the next 25 years. The situation is certainly complicated, with people like Medvedev, Prighozhyn and Kadyrov around Putin, I don't really see how the regime change could happen, it would take a massive uprising, but Ruzzians have proven again and again in the past years that they are cattle, and the progressist, educated people have left Ruzzia anyway, so who will lead that uprising ? North Korea it is then.
  21. that scumbag is the only one threatening nuclear war, but Ruzzia would not gain anything from nuclear strikes. very likely, on the contrary. soon the figure of 100k dead Ruzzian soldiers will be reached, not including wounded and prisoners.
  22. Moscow accuses Ukraine of drone attacks deep inside Russia https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/05/europe/russia-ukraine-missiles-kyiv-zaporizhzhia-intl/index.html "accuses" makes it sound like a bad thing ???? I mean... yes, and ??? what did Putin expect ??
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