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Everything posted by tgw

  1. yes, but ... as I see it, there are some issues with insurance policies, especially travel insurance the first issue is unclear or "strange" clauses. for example about motorcycle accidents, on some policies there are clauses that say passengers of motorcycles need themselves to hold a MC license to be covered. in general conditions of coverage are unclear for drunk passengers, helmet regulations, etc. the second problem is the relationship between formal coverage and practical pay out. insurance companies often pay out even when outside of their formal coverage policy. this is most often the case with reputable companies with good image whose policy premiums are expensive, while other companies would use strange clauses as the above to decline coverage. the expensive policies are not usually those offered on discount travel sites, and even then people often don't subscribe the travel insurance. the other problem with this is of course the lack of information about insurance coverage. I tried to find out for myself, but was unsuccessful. Short of talking to the claims manager, I don't think it's possible to find out what these "unclear" policies cover and what not.
  2. entitled or not, low-priced flights are well within the means of unemployed people. there is a huge problem with the cost of living in Western welfare countries, so the price of air travel is relatively low compared to social benefits people can claim.
  3. go to a private inspection place near your home, ask them for info and let them handle the paperwork. these places usually have commercial signage of a yellow cog on dark blue background
  4. would zoho be an option? "Life Time Free Basic Plan" https://www.zoho.com/meeting/pricing.html?src=hdd
  5. I'm a web developer and computer user with a security mindset, I would say my laptop is pretty safe if combined with 2-factor authentication. My laptop is behind NAT, 2 firewalls and VPN - I'm not using everything at the same time though. Not using any ISP-provided router either. The most important thing about e-banking is to not run both authentication methods on the same device, for example the phone. But I get that it can be difficult for normal users to secure their laptop. For average users who routinely install software on their computer, I would go as far as to advise buying a separate device that will exclusively be used for activities that require high security. And don't let anyone use that device.
  6. Nexus Android trojan targets 450 financial apps and takes over bank accounts https://www.tomsguide.com/news/new-nexus-trojan-targets-450-financial-apps-and-is-taking-over-bank-accounts Some time back I was mocked on this forum because I said I don't use mobile banking apps on my phone because I think it's unsafe... Here we are.
  7. what is surprising for me is that the cost of autopsy has to be paid by the patient/family ? is that usually what happens in other countries too ? I would have expected that the party ordering the autopsy also pays for the cost.
  8. 6 Kg in 2 weeks is not very realistic, unless it was mostly water. Don't forget to drink water.
  9. not really. in general, immigration officers of any country could use the space much more efficiently. in your example, even if it's one of the better ones I have seen, they still could easily have placed 4 pairs of stamps on each page instead of 3. I also had some stamps that take less than half a page of space put in the dead center of a page. Obviously, it's not the IO who are paying for my new passports.
  10. but still correct. can't achieve that with 7 rockets. the meaning of words is important. social media will be the death of language.
  11. Thailand really needs to start imposing damage compensations in the tens of millions of baht on companies for safety rule infractions causing injuries or death.
  12. that's not the point ... the point is the average honesty of workers and how realistic and cumbersome effective controls would be.
  13. just imagine what would happen if they didn't ...
  14. you seem to be confused it's completely irrelevant if it's NATO airspace or not - the relevant thing is whether Finland approved it or not. Finland is the most important authority deciding who flies in its airspace.
  15. Hague court responds to Russian threats after Putin arrest warrant. The International Criminal Court (ICC) responded on March 23 to threats made by Russia, expressing regret over the country's attempts to obstruct "international efforts to ensure accountability" for violations of international law. https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/icc-responds-to-russian-threats-after-putin-arrest-warrant measures against judges and prosecutors ? the Hague court should file charges accordingly with the competent authorities. I just hope the Dutch Security Service is well prepared, they might have some work coming.
  16. this demonstrates that Ruzzian missiles are precision weapons.
  17. yes, that would be my reaction too. there are also plenty of people leaving their passports with motorcycle rentals.
  18. actually the Ruzzians have hastily built a couple of residential blocks, that look nice and modern... from a distance.
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