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Everything posted by tgw

  1. I use PrivateInternetAccess. Very cheap, infinite number of devices, works.
  2. there are things I wouldn't wish to my worst enemy ... but there are exceptions.
  3. obviously the Condo management should take steps to ensure that either: - the power outlets are disconnected or - power outlet usage can be billed to the tenant using it under no circumstances is it acceptable that personal vehicles be charged on common condo costs.
  4. it's funny how the same logical arguments have to be repeated almost every day to the same people.
  5. yes. seems poferries has a technical problem in the part of their front end. maybe they wanted to block foreign traffic (evil) but implemented the block in their frontend instead of properly doing it on script level, so part of the content generated by the backend still displays but no template is loaded.
  6. I loved Scott Adams' comics years back when I was working in an office not unlike the subject of his Dilbert cartoons. His blog was also pretty good and raising clever points. I read it daily. His mind was very sharp. And then, at some point, he started to derail, maybe ten years ago. At first some of the blog posts were coming across as odd, then some were outright daft - and he stopped writing them. I remarked that since Ruzzia's attack on Ukraine some of his comics seemed to spread Ruzzian propaganda. I suspect isolation and social media to be the cause of the apparent senility.
  7. I think most people get that the fascist dictator who started a war lost at Stalingrad... But Stalingrad really isn't a well chosen metaphor, since Stalin himself was quite the butcher.
  8. they shouldn't be so harsh with themselves, the mobiks ARE the equipment. very useful for mine clearing, close quarter reconnaissance, enemy ammo stockpile depletion, etc. also, if chemical weapons were to be used, they would indicate whether an area is safe to go for regular troops that have been supplied with gas masks from 1956 (filters 1979 model 62 third edition) or scavenged out of the "zone" from discarded Chernobyl stockpiles...
  9. the poll options read a little like Google's report on the most frequent search terms.
  10. I'm not sure really certain you aren't relevant enough to be credited made responsible for any development in the matter.
  11. a sad example specimen of the human race has reacted with a laughing emoji to the announcement of crimes against humanity committed by Ruzzia. (please note I am not against emojis, freedom of expression all the way!)
  12. the whole world is being threatened. stopping Ruzzia doesn't stop only Ruzzia but also stops China, North Korea, and who knows how many other little frustrated megalomaniac wannabee Hitlers. and for the US and the rest of the (free) world, investing tanks and planes in Ukraine is very cheap compared to waging a real war against Ruzzia. It's the best investment to secure durable peace. Regarding your last paragraph - Ruzzia has already lost a multiple of what the US lost in Vietnam. And they are still sending fresh cannon fodder. That's the disadvantage of living in a dictatorship - public opinion matters only when a revolt is looming. How many more Ukrainians have to die? Let's give Ukraine the means to shift the losses ratio by a few columns and give them the means to kick Ruzzia out of Ukrainian territory. Nobody wants to attack Ruzzia, just push them out and back to where they belong. And then a cordon sanitaire around it. "Nobody wants to build a wall" ... let's remind Putin of these words of Walter Ulbricht, except it's a real quote this time.
  13. I think it's you who is ignoring facts - there already are dozens if not hundreds of ex-US military volunteers in Ukraine.
  14. Ukraine needs - longer range precision missiles - more of modern tanks in numbers (Leo 2, Abrams, ...) - more IFV - artillery, guns and ammo - more Gepards - western fighter/bomber jets
  15. well, it's rather good news that they didn't themselves believe their lies ... well, sort of.
  16. what would be really interesting is the press covering a variety of such incidents from A to Z in all details until the settlement, under different circumstances.
  17. misleading title. better: "Phuket Van Driver’s Licence Suspended After Being Filmed Playing on his phone while driving"
  18. Danilov: Russia began new offensive but faces major challenges https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/danilov-russia-begun-new-offensive-but-it-faces-major-challenges
  19. Procedures for requesting asylum are outdated, ineffective and mostly unfair everywhere. And at the same time, there is no easy solution nor, seemingly, even a difficult one. Globalization and international mobility put developed countries' social systems at risk and popped leftists' dreams there of egalitarian societies. It seems to me that helping true asylum seekers can't be done without implementing very strict procedures that will cost money and require international cooperation.
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