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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. Artists like Taylor Swift can fill Wembly stadium unlike the entire Britsh Armed forces sadly could not. It is appalling illegal immigrants to the UK outnumber our armed forces.
  2. Notice the 'big guns' doing u turns after the Trump landslide and Joe's low bar exit
  3. Good for him. Anyone who gives two fingers to immigration for ten years deserves some credit.
  4. Like most goverments they give with one hand and rob you with the other one. Thaksin's populist vote grabbing schemes are a disaster for the economy. Raising vat to 10% would hurt the poorest in society but would keep the money trough topped up for greedy politicians.
  5. Whatever rules are on the statute book the Thaksin family will finds ways to sercumvent them to evade justice.
  6. any competent police investgation should incude the cctv footage immediately not waiting until a member of staff returns from holiday and after the hotel management have first look at the footage.
  7. I had the turps op in Pattaya main hospltial in march this year. All went well with the op but i reguired a bladder op four weeks later. Now no pain good flow but i still have to urinate at least three times every night.
  8. Wait untll your renewal. Obtain two bank letters Only if the IO queries the defecit show him the statement for the second account. no need to leave the country or worse stll get married to solve this minor problem.. I previously used two accounts from different banks to show 800,000 deposit.
  9. Joe blighted any presidential reputation he had left at the close of his tenure in a blatent show of nepotism. How he can claim political persicution for Hunter after the Dems persicuted Trump with legal persicution
  10. Sexual misdemeanor by celebrities in the states are prosecuted equally as in the UK. Spacey, Cosby etc. However unlike the UK sex crimes committed by politicians in the states are whitewashed eg Trump, Clinton. Politicians like Trump and Clinton would have no political future in the UK.
  11. most of my family in the Uk have not lived long into old age. I put my longlevity down to moving to Thailand 39 years ago. I have been able to enjoy the warm weather and exercise outdoors everyday. Plus healthy food and fruit is available along with female compianship if desired.
  12. Abouttime this nicker nicker was nicked
  13. For an educated person to relocate to work and live in a foreign country without a modicum of preparation or research had a predictable outcome.
  14. Glad living in Thailand i can escape most of the phony crap associated with this western holiday.
  15. After having regailed us with your information on Pattaya bus station and Makro toilet. Can't wait for more of your informative blogs on Pattaya.
  16. he is telling you 'no good turn goes unpunished'
  17. People do not need a '' whistleblower' to confirm the woke bias of the BBC. on many subjects not just Israel.
  18. i bet he didn't make his ludicrous stance prior to voting.
  19. I have seen some women with the ''Groucho'' type eyebrows a lot worse looking than that tattooed on permanently.
  20. Yes and so was the mainstream coverage like CNN, BBC and others all biased and fake news.
  21. Not so much sales as rentals. Chaing mai rental market curtailed to six month lets because of air pollution. Tenants do not want to rent twelve months if they have to leave any location for any reason.
  22. to answer your question you are a perfect example of someone who should apply on line
  23. Because Biden when asked during his election campaign he category denied he would pardon Hunter stating '' The course of justice must prevail'' You are a proven liar Joe and guilty of blatent nepotism.
  24. This forum realy loves a Dreamer
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