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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. you have been watching too much CNN
  2. Sanctioning Taylor Swift a police escort in return for free concert tickets worth thousands. Starmer accepting free designer clothes for his wife from a suspect donor. Free gifts of VIP tickets to EpL Arsenal football matches. Not declared. Starmer looking for freebies and stuffing pensioners fuel allowance. Didn't see that in the manifesto
  3. No he's not . But he is supporting Harris and has the nerve to accuse Trump of inappropriate behaviour. He should keep quiet considering his oval office blow jobs and connection to Epstein.
  4. Until the likes of Bill Clinton come clean the Trump connection pre election is a non starter.
  5. The world has gone nuts. look how many gay presenters front tv programs. Several married to same sex partners and allowed to adopt children.
  6. Too little too late. Even the media CNN are editing Harris interview tapes to make her look plausible. Trump has long been pilloried for complaining about dirty tricks pre and post election. recent Evidence would indicate some credence to his claims.
  7. Sosiety is not divided on condeming the sleaze and broken promises by Starmer so soon after the election. On that that topic the country is united.
  8. Greed on both sides. The wealthy woman agreed to invest in an illegal lottery and was scammed by a greedy dishonest lawyer. sam nan nar.
  9. North Korea has been subjected to strict worlwide sanction for decades. Shows how useless they are.
  10. I am suprised there was no mention of fire sprinklers in opertation in a building of that age. My previous condo was built 18 years ago and had them fitted.
  11. He should engage the same doctor to look after his daughter that did such a good job to restore him to perfect health after a near death series of illnesses that befell him while incarcerated.
  12. Thaksin's influence is hiding in plain site and has been obvious to most of the population since he returned from Dubi. Perhaps most of the investigation team have previously been transferred to inactve posts some time ago.
  13. If he's so popular how come not many people have heard of him.??
  14. I get the impression this gentlemsn may not be unacustomed to wearing female undies.
  15. This person looks fit like he works out and no tatoos. It is possible he was having some sort of medical problem. I hope you will not be placed in the categorie of scum if you require possible medical assistance in the future.
  16. it would be like a breath of fresh air to see some new faces in the US Government. The old very old faces are due for a welcome makeover.
  17. Starmer looks like a deer caught in the headlights. Millions of shocked voters hoping for positive change are bitterly dissapointed at the sleaze and broken promises so soon after the election.
  18. I thought it was a good PR stunt. Very topical after Joe's insulting comments that didn't help Harris.
  19. This case has been publicized add nauseam. It is only this woman's vendetta that made it so. She has had her day in court. End of.
  20. when Big C was owned by Carrefour the majority of fruit and veg was imported from Australia. Would you trust an organic label from a retailer when the majority of produce is now Chineese.
  21. This gaffe is another example of the failure of Biden to demonstate that his replacement by Harris was a mistake.
  22. Another smear campaign from a very worried opposition trying to slow the momentum of the Trump bandwagon.,
  23. This doctor is determined to make an example of a foreigner. This case was a minor assault case at best and has been decided in court. This karen is not seeking justice but has lost face after the court verdict did not agree with her version of events.
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