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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. Tip of the iceberg compared to bogus bank deposits to secure visa extensions. Agents and immigration working together.
  2. Pattaya will always be regarded as a location for sex and low quality tourists
  3. I think compared to twenty five years ago the Thai population seem less happy than before. Personally i think mass immigration may be a factor. Some locations are overwhelmed with foreign visitors who's bad behaviour seem to be on the increase.
  4. that happy event wellcomed by millions would be short lived. the constitution court would then rule MFP illegal. No way forward for Pita at the moment. However i hope to see him as PM one day.
  5. An example should be made of those Thai thugs as it would if a foreigner kicked someone in the face that was already on the ground and unable to defend himself. Cowards.
  6. Good news. Glad to hear Thaksins publicity tours are not fooling the population. Hard to believe he is still on parole and banned from politics.
  7. Why show a vidio that is blurred out. Waste of time.
  8. if your father decides your ready you have no choice. You know that already. Don't worry he will make all the decisions for you as he does with the current puppet of a PM.
  9. The woman who recevied the money in error ls now a thief. She is being aided in the theft by her husband. Nice people i hope they are prosecuted
  10. Porsche spend millions on advertising .For this to a hot news item happening in front of the showroom is a PR disaster.
  11. Burned the undergrowth made hundreds of people ill with the smoke to harvest mushrooms .
  12. Sad ending to what appears to have been a hard miserable life RIP
  13. Well the Buddhist retreat she had just completed did nothing to calm her behavior
  14. I had joint custody of my child and agreed maintainance for upkeep school fees etc. following divorce. This meant nothing my ex had all the rights when push came to shove and my lawyers could do nothing to help me. Thai mothers have all the legal support.
  15. if you can't meet the first agreed rental payment you should not move into the property.
  16. Thaksin's lawyer also a convicted criminal should be banned from being an MP never mind being promoted to the cabinet.Birds of a feather stick together.
  17. RIP. this AI long winded article missed the important points regarding this poor mans demise.
  18. Silly post. it's obvious you are annoying people with your exhaust fumes. Be more considerate of people working in the hot sun nearby when you park.
  19. I bet you pedal the same route at the same time every day and object to ordinary people following a routine they are comfortable with..
  20. a committee member has to be an owner or spouse. An AGM chairman has to decided by owners at the meeting not in advance.
  21. Sorry for the womans loss. However she does seeem to receiving financial aid including support for life. Many Thai widows would swap the meagre financial support they received for hers.
  22. This poor woman and many like her had been denied bail. However convicted criminals like Thaksin already on parole charged with the same offence was given bail without punative conditions.
  23. Councils are critisised for not solving the stray dog problem in rural areas. However when they attempt to solve the issue do gooders who are part of the problem threaten legal action. *uck the dogooders get rid of the dogs.
  24. the rice scheme lost the country 500 billion. The ill fated digital wallet scheme will cost another 500 billion. 500 billion Seems to be Thaksins go to amount for loss making ideas.
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