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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. Asian people are blind to people that rob them. Remember the Marcos family in the Philipines. Won every election then fled to America with millions.Remaining family members however are still popular with voters. Same with the Shinawatra clan they will corrupt the senate to ensure future elections and add to their ill gotten gains for decades.
  2. When you arrive just tell immigration your address is living on the beach.
  3. Poiticians and civil servants in Thailand steal millions from the government and escape justice. Yet this guy gets fifty years jail for using the company car for private use. Double standards and injustice on display here.
  4. How come you missed the chinese off your list.
  5. On of the pleasures of living in a warm climate is wearing casual cool clothing. If the poster wants to wear undershirts, longsleeves and a tie he is in the wrong location.
  6. This bribe costing 560 billlon is money the country can ill afford. The plan is opposed by many financial experts including ex bank governors. Pheu Thai are already proven to be liars for siding with the military. They can not be seen to lose face again and will proceed even this bribe did not get them a majority in the election and is sure to damage the enonomy.
  7. Most Thal police have very little up top
  8. Pro monachy with family members serving on the royal household staff. Fast tracked to the top job. Jobs for the boys if you have the right connections.
  9. Rubbish post. Immigration saying extension available for 1900 baht. No special treatment normal extension available to all.
  10. The driver will be sober when they find him hiding at his mothers house.
  11. It is not expensive or too difficult for contractors to obtain legal permits for immigrant workers. Employers sometimes do not wish workers to be lawful as the lack of a permit allows the employers to evade taxes and provide lower wages and living conditions to fearful illegal employees.
  12. Politicians use this law to prevent people speaking truthfully about how corrupt the system is.
  13. I'm in my late seventies and it would be nice to turn back the clock. However i dont think a teenager today would enjoy life As much as i did in my early years and beyond.
  14. What a wonderful person you are cheering everyone up. Life and soul of any party.
  15. Another connected political crook returning to face a neogiated deal after fleeing justice.
  16. I don't think this would happen with the Thai submarine. The current one never leaves its moorings.
  17. Pita did what that guy should have done already. Sour grapes and jealousy on display here.
  18. Im impressed at the genuine responses to this post. Makes a change from the sarcasm and trolling.
  19. I have always felt uneasy after SCB left me no option other than use their app on my phone to use internet banking.
  20. I wonder how anyone so dumb could end up being a billionaire?
  21. Forget about the land 100% Thai owned. Property.... any asset aquired after marraige is classed as joint property 50-50 so you are legally entitled to half the house. Suggestions on this forum to change the current situation to offer you more legal protection at this late stage would depend on the cooperation and agreement of your wife which seems unlikely after years of marraige.
  22. This is long overdue. Hundreds of people incarcerated for voicing an honest opinion. Convicted criminals contiue tohave powerful positions in the Government and won't support a change as the present unjust law protects them more than the monachy.
  23. Sorry should have read none O visa extension in your home country
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