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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. Hi, I have received excellent medical care for ongoing problems from my local government hospital in Banglamung for many years as a paying patient. I am thinking of relocating to Chiang Mai but have reservations and worry about my ongoing healthcare and prescriptions .Would it be possible to transfer my medical records from Banglamung to another local government hospital in Chaing Mai possible Suan Dok. Anyone transferred to another Provence and overcome medical transfer?. Helpful suggestions appreciated .
  2. I sold my bungalow in the Jomtien area because of the frequent burglaries to my property and bought a condo . Theft really is a problem for foreign residents as well as Thai people. Hiring a Thai security firm was not a solution.
  3. I am not suggesting you should buy this particular plot . However regarding planning. I have found the planning dept in Banglamung very responsive and helpful regarding a building adjacent to my bungalow. The owners decided to purposely disregard building regulations .City hall officials where very firm with the builders on site and weeks later inspected the site to ensure the offending property conformed to current building regulations.
  4. As well as the problem neighbor you are getting the 'brush off ' from the condo management .If you are an owner and the problem neighbor is a renter and several other residents are also inconvenienced put your complaint in writing to the condo management and contact members of the committee and demand your complaint receive proper attention. Probably the owner of condo is unaware their tenant is causing problems and upsetting other residents.If they are aware perhaps you are living in a 'low end condo 'and should consider moving to a building with proper management.
  5. jippytum

    Baht bus prices

    currently in Chaing Mai the red baht buses charge a minimum 30 baht .Expensive if you have to change buses sometimes cheaper to use bolt
  6. A letter from condo manager will suffice for immigration but will not be acceptable to exclude you from the property tax. Your name must be registered in the blue property book .Foreign owners are not permitted in the blue book and a yellow book is required. I jumped through the many hoops required from City hall to obtain the yellow book but the cost and aggravation was not worth it .
  7. Unfortunately covid cases worldwide are once again on the increase, The government under pressure from big business have ignored the numerous warnings from rural doctors and hospital administrators. A warning to government hospitals to prepare facilities for an increase in covid admissions has just been issued. Has the government acted prematurely to downgrade the virus to endemic status and remove precautions to protect the public under pressure from big business when the number of positive cases of the original virus plus new sub variants would indicate otherwise ?
  8. Any shop selling food that allows you to shop without a shirt will not get my money
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