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Posts posted by Gers1873

  1. So few facts yet so many so quick to comment and apportion blame - based on what?? A few lines in a newspaper not known for letting facts stand in the way of a good story.

    It is not known how the seat came loose nor is in known if the woman panicked or not. Did her husband land on her - again this appears speculative on the part of the police.

    Hopefully the full facts will come out :whistling:

  2. I contacted the Thai pollution control department.


    Who sent the following


    We would recommend you to inform this situation to the local authority which is xxxxx Town Municipality (Tel. xxxx ext).

    The municipality officers are authorized by the Public Health Act, B.E. 2535 which they shall have power to issue the written order to the person who is the cause or is evolves in the occurrence or possible occurrence of such nuisance requiring him to abate or prevent the nuisance within the reasonable period of time.


    I did, they came, it stopped.:D

  3. Sadly, we may well have passed the tipping point on this issue. Very sad when we have 7 Billion people on the earth. That's a lot of people to affected by the problem.

    Not so long ago it was 5 billion and therein lies the real problem. How to stop people over-breeding. The Chinese may not have the ideal solution, 1 kid per family, but at least they are trying. As a race we are likely to breed ourselves out of existence unless the problem is addressed.

    WOA === World Overpopulation Awareness http://www.overpopulation.org/

  4. If it's true, it goes to prove my theory that just because you can get a degree it doesn't make you clever or sensible.

    Only an idiot would carry child porn on a plane as it is always a possibility that customs will check your computer for just such.

    Wonder what drew the other passengers attention. Was the professor spanking the monkey on the plane....... new meaning to the mile-high club :unsure:

  5. If you want it based on your Thai DL, only DLT is authorised to issue. everything else in Th is a fake

    In Thailand you can only obtain a LEGAL IDP on your Thai license.

    ssentially, an International Driving Permit (IDP) is proof that you hold a valid driver's license in your own country. And it provides a translation into almost a dozen languages, mainly so that police and other authorities in other countries can read your license in their own language. It may not be absolutely necessary to have it, since many countries recognize each other's licenses, but traveling with an IDP has many advantages. The permit is intended to overcome the difficulties drivers might have while traveling in other countries that may have widely varying licensing requirements. The IDP is a special license for tourists authorized by United Nations conventions on road safety.

    The IDP is printed in several languages-the five official UN languages (English, French, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese) plus German, Arabic, Italian, the Scandinavian languages, and Portuguese. It is valid in all the signatory countries. In addition, many other countries that did not sign the treaty recognize the permit and accept it in their territories.

    An IDP is easy to obtain if you know where to apply (DLT offices in Thailand), does not require a driving test, and is available for a small fee. It is, in fact, an official translation of your domestic driver's license.

    It can only be issued in the country where your orignal license was issued.

  6. Mexican food - same ingredient folded 10 different ways :whistling:

    Shows how little you know about Mexican food. If you're talking about the very internationally popular subset of Mexican food known as antijitos, etc, (including tacos), there is truth to what you are saying, but the better places may have many varieties of meats, etc. as choices.

    Obviously not a Billy Connolly fan - it was a <deleted> joke ---- get over yourself. Having lived in Dallas I am more than familiar with TM food

  7. If you have ever visited the Scottish Highlands in the summer you will be familiar, uncomfortably so, with midges!!

    There are any number of traditional remedies that will allegedly ward off these minuscule marauders who are vicious wee buggers;

    some people swear by yeast tablets or Marmite, as the insects apparently dislike the scent of vitamin B in the blood.

    If it wards off midges then mosquitos should be no problem :D

    I found OFF (Johnson & JOhnson IIRC) in the supermarket in Thailand - works pretty well..... the key component in battling mozzies is DEET. Any produc containing DEET should work - use sparingly with younger kids.

    A natural alternative if you can locate is Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent is derived from the leaves of the Eucalyptus citriodora tree. It is designed to repel mosquitoes for up to 6 hours.

    Not sure of a 'lemon grass' or 'kaffir lime' derivative wuold have the same effect - again - worth a try

  8. I've had to drive in lots of places and one of the worst is the Middle East as anyone that has lived there will tell you...in the west there is no excuse for inconsiderate driving and the question of 'deliberate disrespect' comes into play and the associated 'road rage'...

    as a westerner who is used to courtesy from other drivers one of the hardest things to get used to in the third world are the local driving habits which do not incorporate western expectations; people simply are bad drivers, wandering all over the road, not signalling, squeezing in if there is a space (sometimes when there is not)...basic dumbshits...but, one must realise that they do not intend to be deliberately disrespectful or unsafe: they simply don't know any better...

    on the other hand, there is no question about disrespect when someone gives you the finger...lucky not to get shot...

    If an accident happens in the Middle East it's the will of God. So accidents will happen regardless of driving behaviour. Much the same as in Thailand I think. Go to the temple, make merit, but some amulets and your be safe at 160 km/h in the rain on the footpath..

    It may be the will of god but it doesnt stop them hitting each other with their sandals...... I've yet to see Thais beating each other with their 'flip-flops'. :whistling:

  9. Nice to see the West finally waking up after THIRTY YEARS.

    Friedman wrote in his 1982 book From Beirut to Jerusalem, "President Assad decided to end his Hama problem once and for all. With his sad eyes and ironic grin, Assad always looked to me like a man who had long ago been stripped of any illusions about human nature. Since fully taking power in 1970, he has managed to rule Syria longer than any man in the post-World War II era. He has done so by always playing by his own rules. His own rules, I discovered, were Hama Rules."

    Hama is Syria's fourth largest city after Aleppo, Damascus, and Homs. It is located in the northwestern part of the country. In the early 1980s, it was a stronghold of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, which was working to topple the minority, Alawite regime of then-Syrian President Hafez el Assad. In February 1982, Assad ordered his military to demolish the city. New York Times reporter Thomas Friedman called the tactic "Hama Rules."

    Over 20,000 murdered - DOUBLE the anount killed in the T'Min Square carnage.

    Perhaps we will finally get rid of this brutal family.

    But why is it more urgent to deal with this person as opposed to others like Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus, Kim Jong-il in North Korea who are equally brutal? :unsure:

    True but they dont have the active support of Iran nor are the Quds Force, the Revolutionary Guards' external wing, which has been active in Iraq and Syria active in these countries.

    So thre reasons 1)oil, 2) oil 3) oil :whistling:

  10. No reason not to cook at home. When we met my now wife would only eat Thai.

    Now she makes and EATS Italian, Indian, Chinese, British and North American grub. She also bakes scones, bread pudding, apple crumble and has recently made her forst xmas cake.

    As the OP says the info is all online --- including some cexcellent demonstrations on youtube... cook at home - eat out less

    Think I my get her to try the dill pickles they look great :)

  11. Nice to see the West finally waking up after THIRTY YEARS.

    Friedman wrote in his 1982 book From Beirut to Jerusalem, "President Assad decided to end his Hama problem once and for all. With his sad eyes and ironic grin, Assad always looked to me like a man who had long ago been stripped of any illusions about human nature. Since fully taking power in 1970, he has managed to rule Syria longer than any man in the post-World War II era. He has done so by always playing by his own rules. His own rules, I discovered, were Hama Rules."

    Hama is Syria's fourth largest city after Aleppo, Damascus, and Homs. It is located in the northwestern part of the country. In the early 1980s, it was a stronghold of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, which was working to topple the minority, Alawite regime of then-Syrian President Hafez el Assad. In February 1982, Assad ordered his military to demolish the city. New York Times reporter Thomas Friedman called the tactic "Hama Rules."

    Over 20,000 murdered - DOUBLE the anount killed in the T'Min Square carnage.

    Perhaps we will finally get rid of this brutal family.

  12. What a squalid, cesspool of a destination Pattaya is. The Brit is already dressed for prison by the looks of his pants....and nice tats! And 'luxury' boutique hotel? Jeesh....who writes this claptrap? One only need look at tripadvisor to see it's far from 'luxury'. Regardless, hope the lass recovers.

    Pattaya is a smaller version of BKK and a larger version of Patong. ALL make serious cash from sleaze. Luxury like looks is in the eye of the beholder, :o

  13. I find repeating "<deleted>" under my breath very therapeutic and calming.

    Regrettably, my missus has now picked up the use of this word - which I only use whilst driving

    I taught my wife wan*er but she keeps saying "that man is a wan*ing" oh well it takes yer mind off the moron most of the time

    I remember criticising a motorbike rider in fairly subdued terms. When a little voice from the backseat pops in with "f**ing wan**er".... one really has to watch what we say in front of our children....... mines was three at the time.:jap:

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