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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. Does religion serve a purpose?

    Yes, it does. It tries to answer fundamental questions about Life, the Universe and Everything (the answer is 42 btw...) and as such, Religion has a fine role to play as the source of endless debating and profound thinking. It's good exercise for the brain. That's about it. I'm not belittling religion, I find the exercise very valuable...

    I really think the bigger question is: Do churches serve a purpose? And my answer to that is: This thread ain't big enough for the answer...

    Yes. let us not, as I presumed you mean a church is a building. Which would be incorrect.

    Christ to Peter...."Upon this Rock (Peter) I will build my church".

    The buildings where just an interpretation of the idea.... If Christ would have seen a Church building, he might of been dismayed...as he was quite the humble person, smashing up temples, living out in the desert, and kind of walking endlessly down dusty roads talking to most anyone. Kind of a basic, stand up, in your face guy.

    Well, I meant to distinguish between Religion (idea, philosophy, way of life....), and Churches, Temples, Synagogues, Mosques (manmade institution and not just Christian) which by their nature invariably corrupt their corresponding religion. Basically "religion" is ok, churches etc. are f***ed up.

    Any religion per se does not do any harm, that's impossible. What does harm is when a group of people takes that religion (idea, philosophy) and warps it to suit their goals (usually power, money, control). This is done by institutionalizing said religion into churches, etc. and ramming their dogmas down the throat of the people living in the zone of influence of that church, etc., usually done with the aid of the country's government.

    Which brings me to politics:

    politics are ideas, philosophy, way of life which per se do no harm. What does harm is when a group of people takes those politics, ideas, philosophy, etc. and warps it to suit their goals (usually power, money, control. This is done by institutionalizing said politics into governments and ramming their laws and policies down the throat of the people living in the zone of influence of that government, usually done with the aid of churches, etc.

    that's why I said this thread ain't big enough...

  2. Does religion serve a purpose?

    Yes, it does. It tries to answer fundamental questions about Life, the Universe and Everything (the answer is 42 btw...) and as such, Religion has a fine role to play as the source of endless debating and profound thinking. It's good exercise for the brain. That's about it. I'm not belittling religion, I find the exercise very valuable...

    I really think the bigger question is: Do churches serve a purpose? And my answer to that is: This thread ain't big enough for the answer...

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  3. An amnesty basically is an admission by the government that the ordinary judicial ways and procedures have failed, that the government and it's institution are unwilling and unable to fulfill their fundamental task to bring criminals to justice.

    There would be no need for any amnesty if an objective investigation could uncover the truth and bring the culprits to an unbiased court. But that would need a competent and not corrupt police, attorney general and court. We all know what to think of the police and the AG *) here. So can we hope the court will be able to address the situation? I don't know, but without a proper investigation the courts are handicapped from the very beginning. So it's enough for the government to control the police and the AG, then justice is not possible.

    And that is why there is an amnesty, because the government does not want justice.

    I think nobody in his right mind wants to pardon a real criminal. Nobody wants to pardon the "men in black" who shoot innocent people, or those who fire RPG at the BTS station, invade hospitals, set fire to buildings with people inside, call for all people to bring bottles of gasoline and burn down the city, order the killing of drug suspects, shooting at demonstrators in the street or in a mosque, etc. So why is the government so keen on giving them an amnesty?

    Because on of these criminals happens to be their head master. That's why and that's the only reason.

    *) Have you noticed that the Office of the Attorney General got a big raise in salary after indicting Abhisit and Suthep?

    I agree, it also brings valuable talent back to the job market...biggrin.png

  4. Isn't this the same office that cleared Thaksin of terrorism charges because Thaksin was not in Thailand when he and his Red army terrorized and burned down a dozen buildings?

    Yes it's the Attorney Generals Office as a department but that decision was made by the former AG, you know, the AG that was appointed by abhisit?

    It doesn't matter who was appointed by whom, all allegiances change with the change in power, and if it's 10 times a year, so be it.

    All bow to the ever changing wind, better work on your lower back muscles, oh appointed ones...

  5. its always funny to see how the Russian bashing is working well here .... it seems than no Brits , no Aussies never drink or get drunk in Thailand .... LOL I can tell you , have seen so many drunken English in pattaya or phuket having the same kind of attitude . Today is one russian , tomorrow will be someone else .... nothing new in that !


    No Russian was harmed in todays postings on ThaiVisa wink.png

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