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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. Khun Malee handed over 30,000 Baht in 1,000 Baht notes which were examined by the man.


    K. Malee, helpful: "Here are 30 1,000baht notes for your viewing pleasure"

    M-E Man, intrigued: "Thank you so much. Oh, they all look alike, how funny!"

    K. Malee, proud: "Yes, that is the Thai way!"

    M-E Man, returns half the money, preparing to leave: "Oh look behind you, there is an Orang Utan stealing your bananas! Bye, bye"

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  2. Handing power to Suthep 'no way to fight corruption'

    I agree with that.

    to tackle these problems by dismantling the existing democratic system as it won't solve anything

    the existing political system has proven itself worthless (except by those in power) many times over and if you do not start out from scratch you just perpetuate the same problems with a different flavor or color.

    Kasian predicted dire consequences for democracy if Suthep is handed "absolute power".

    I agree with that, too.

    "What tools would Thai people have to scrutinise Suthep once he has seized all the power?"

    What tools do they have now to scrutinize the government? Who controls those tools and what is their effectiveness?

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  3. Dear Mr. Spiegel,

    You missed the point. It's not about sustainability of a high-speed rail system, nor feasibility of a rice scheme, nor accountability of a flooding budget, for that matter it's not about credibility of any government project.

    It's just a way of moving tax money in the correct pockets. And if you look at it that way, then of course it is sustainable, feasible, accountable and credible. Just a matter of perspective...

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