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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. Police urged to tackle issue of missing persons

    "Please don't wait. Please adjust your attitudes," he said.

    Pol General Jarumporn Suramanee, an adviser (Level 10) at the National Police Office, met with Ekaluck yesterday.

    ...after the Pol General pulled his finger out of his nasal cavity and had thoroughly inspected his lucky find, he then proceeded to yawn heavily and scratched his behind. Having concluded all these strenuous activities to his satisfaction, he then advised his visitor to adjust his own attitude with the appropriate, traditional and culturally approved brown envelope. Then he counseled Mr. Ekaluck on the importance of not stressing out the police officers who worked so hard and diligently on a daily basis with no time off, or any rest at all until their cases came to a natural conclusion...After that:

    Jarumporn assured Ekaluck that the National Police Office worked diligently when handling reports of missing persons

  2. I think we can all agree that they have given him more than enough rope.

    Suthep has gone through the denial stage, the anger stage.... now its time for the acceptance stage... behind bars.

    But they have given Thaksin over 5 years and haven;t even tried to catch him, how much more rope does he need ? Now go back under your bridge red troll...

    Ahh, but they did catch Thaksin...except, they got confused and gave him a passport instead of arresting him...all quite understandable once you internalized Thainess...

    (I do know it was not Tarit who gave the passport, but these stooges are all interchangeable)

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  3. Not being smartarse at all but would really like to see what stevenl commented about this on the other site , am interested by the mods comments after not publishing it at all..what could have been said that warrented that reaction...?

    Re-post here and get a better re action i would think..

    Wow, 30 minutes in the elevator makes the papers. Must be a slow news day.

    Sent from my D90W using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    ...yes, no shoplifting at 7/11 at all!

  4. All the typical reactions by WASP readers who do not understand the Buddhism here. Hate, revenge, desire for violence, wishing ill-will upon someone.

    The man has committed a crime and cannot escape the karma which will bring him much suffering, in this life and the next.... satisfied?

    By hating and wishing for him to suffer...you only create bad karma for yourself....a bad kind of mindset to have.

    The father of the child is also wrong to have no forgiveness in his heart.

    From what I have experienced in Thailand, the Buddhism here is all about money...

    What you apparently don't understand is that this creature has forfeited it's humanity by it's own fee will, and therefore human laws, values and considerations do not apply to it anymore.

    • Like 1
  5. “He accepted the charge and told the police that he only used it to show off. When the ladies saw it, they would think they'd be safe going out with him,” he added.

    and this is how a thai thinks, so what chance have you as an individual farang got with the nice girls?

    ...well, ahem, his "gun" was only 9mm, we farangs usually have Magnums! There you go...

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