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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. what's wrong with export? buy, pack and send to cargo shop. no issues at all. However nice policemen in Pattaya often visit post offices and question foreigners who send parcels abroad. Strange, right?
  2. Israel. So far the safest haven.
  3. the full article says "they took him down". Sad, he might have kids back home. Also I did't understand how "taken down" man can still talk. Unless of course it was russian language. Hey. lighten up, @Moonlover, this should be fun, no?
  4. @cnx101 I've seen British fella going berserk at Soi 4 Ratchada, Yankee dude dancing on a catwalk at Nana go-go (traditional thai dance, with fingers), dutchman vomiting in a bowl of soup (with soup) (Sangsom+Singha cocktail) and numerous stunts and freak-shows. This is Thailand, and it would be very sad place without entertainers like those & this ^^^ fella )
  5. Highly educated linguistic staff of 7/11 night-shift - they can distinguish between many European and Eastern European languages. Unless that 53yo cashier had a Russky boyfriend noway she would notice difference. they sound same-same:
  6. "headbutted" <- love it! btw, what does it mean? stuck sm. head into butt? or something more kinky ) How did they identify his nationality? He had hammer and sickle in his hands while wearing fur hat, T-shirt with bare-chested leader and balalaika over his shoulder? He tried to pay in rubles and got upset they didn't accept it?
  7. Obviously her wiki page is (what they called) "modified", yet who cares to dig for the truth?
  8. She makes previous cow look legit. Who choose them? None looks like even generic thai female. Such a freaks!
  9. Drinking is bad. Quiting is very torturous - just freaking insomnia drives crazy! Solution? Damage control! Learnt from nice ppl from Taiwan when they come from very heavy party clear'n'clean as babies. Just know your limits and take those supplements before and after. btw, it feels completely different when having a drink once a week than daily.
  10. @BananaStrong, there are endless stories about not-so-teachers in Thai schools. One highly decorated school at Lard Prao had young men from Uzbekistan and Ukraine as native speakers. Nice guy, btw. IMHO the ED system rotten to the core and unfixable. Example: years ago our house got termites infestation. Some smart farang told me the best way to fight them is to contact Kasetsat University's lab as (obviously) they out to be on the edge of this problem - termites destroy mango forrests en masse. Makes sense, right? .... I haven't seen such poverty! year 20XX yet 15" CRT monitor, all "glassware" seems left from Vietnam war. Professor spoke great English, was very kind and helpful, but please: who on Earth would study or invent anything? Returning to my point: Thailand is (in case you didn't notice) an agricultural country, Kasertsat Uni. funded by Ministry of (guess) Agriculture and Royal family, yet labs, classes and equipment says complete opposite and they got their stuff from donations and scrap markets. It was very sad trip.
  11. Is that Regent's at Pracha Udit area? Near sauna and italian restaurant, also near are BBS and KISchool? Friend's son went there.
  12. insomnia, cold turkey, shivers, tremors "cod eyes" just like that bi*ch Liz T. BO, pale skin alco-humor, irritability, short attention span strange facial expressions time traveling: 50+ y.o. farang acting like 20 y.o. macho Don't you just love it? And I forgot to add: very "intellectual" conversations. often over opinionated.
  13. Well. I'm glad we didn't bet on "is it the money scheme or sheer lunacy". However you won - ultra fast back-flipping indeed. And the winner of May Pen Arai goes to ___________ PS: 100,000's tickets and packages were under force majoraux ???? claims, hundreds contracts with locals were cancelled, British Airways almost rerouted flights to Singapore, French ate all frogs and had set Marcel on fire (again, just a bad habbit) and Olaf farted so loud that Annalenna fainted. Rishi Sanook choked on tikka-samosa. Yet, May Pen Arai
  14. Tests have been scrapped too. Only thing remaining is the insurance: "You're no longer required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or negative pre-departure test when entering Thailand. These 24 hrs of "banana-for-brains" brought huge damage to Thai Travel Industry's reputation. Although I think they just didn't see it coming. Poor sods!
  15. If we'll develop some "conspiracy theory" with this fuss than things will fit into perfect picture: As I reckon there was quite a difference between ATK prices over LOS. Some were dirt-cheap imported from "I-Dont-care-where" and merchants made quite good money. Remember ATK stall at Khao Sarn entrance? Now how about make millions of arrivals to buy those @#%@ tests mandatory? Think mere 100THB markup multiplied by millions? Tourists will have simple choice: either vaccinate yourself immediately (impossible) or buy ATK on arrival (mai pen ding-ding). I know it does sound like cheap movie script, but this is Thailand and almost everything here looks just like that.
  16. @richard_smith237 Thanks! Crystal clear now, but: Airline X told its customers/passengers-to-be there's no worry and "if no cert" than THB200 PCR on arrival. That sounds very doubtful: PCR is quite more expensive for start and even Antigen Test Kit doubtfully would be that cheap. What is your opinion?
  17. Please shed some light: "swab on arrival" - what exactly is it: PCR or ATK? Who will pay for the test? If PCR is not immediate than what? Sit in the corner? If test (any) yields false positive what would be next? and why insurance reduced to $10K from $100K? Thai medical care improved 10 folds? [not being sarcastic, these are questions friends are asking]
  18. Quite ironic how that hungarian woman went with mRNA, helluva billions for "entrepreneurs" and... Where's she today? Who in clear mind would endorse mRNA vaccine? Lunacy at large
  19. Trump also tried to lecture Merkel to stop buying gas from Russia and switch to LNG from States instead. Indeed big business, obviously )
  20. My most beloved subject: no she was not. no, she just started to help her family's buffalo that broke his leg. no, she worked at that venue as a cashier, not a boom-boom. no, she didn't get money for pooki-dooki, sake-sake and wanky-shmenky, she only comforted customers. If I get 50 satang each time I got this "no, she wasn't" I would be rich ) Seriously - all good mannered, well educated and spoken ladies are married decent thai men long time ago. What's left is
  21. searches are not same-same bookings. #fakenews detected
  22. On the scale of shxxtxness of IOs the most unpleasant was Bulgaria, most pleasant at Thai airport. US was just messy and very tired officer, HK and SG for some reason uber-professional and cool like robots. Same goes to Taiwanese. Malaysia. Only good memories - I think they work at Imm. part-time, the main occupation is tandoori chicken and tikka-massalla. Some flashbacks about sitting in small room at Bet Gurion's, Israel and talking with damn sexy lady in uniform about my family for almost an hour. Decades ago.
  23. There are few british ladies I met married to Thai dudes + kids near our house at Ding Daeng. Very unfriendly, I'd say rude. Why khun thai? No idea. Broken heart back home? Fancy needle size noodles? Some sort of escapists? Like som-tam too much? At large back home?
  24. Yes, exactly same-same happened to one dude. He was stupid enough he was just "lucky".
  25. yeah, they have specially assigned deity for exact purpose ) Meanwhile went to pawnshop at Huay Kwang intersection - so many desperate for cash to bet.
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