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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. Too late. democrat marxist party is rewriting the history of America now.
  2. It wasn't Christmas, but I was on that tour just last week with the family in Italy!
  3. My wife worked at a place where one guy told his boss, I need some extra money, and then asked to work an extra shift. Boss tells him he can work the day shift before his evening shift. Guy works the day shift. At end of the day shift and before his evening shift starts, he goes into their lunch room and calls his boss from the pay phone there. Hello boss, I'm too sick to come in to work today ...
  4. You think they look bad in these pictures. You should see them without their makeup!
  5. I wonder how huge the money grant was for this study?
  6. U.S. intelligence agencies follow RT, along with all the others that they follow. Good intell comes from all kinds of different sources.
  7. I didn't know biden wanted to emulate putin?
  8. If you mean what I think you mean, then that blueprint has already been enacted by the biden administration!
  9. Climate change hypocrites flying in personal jets?
  10. Depends on who you ask. Me: So many treasures! Wife: Damned lot of junk!
  11. This reminds me of my visit to my urologist yesterday. As I was leaving and got to the elevator, I see a guy in a wheelchair being pushed by another guy into the elevator. The guy pushing the wheelchair backs up out of the elevator and says, I will wait for the next one, he can't be in an elevator with other people. Why I asked myself, then thought that there are too many people in the elevator. I look in and there is one person in the elevator so I step in too. As the door is closing, I look at the guy in the wheelchair, who has a really pissed off look on his face, and then notice, the shackles and chain on his ankles.
  12. joe biden falling and hitting his head before a debate would only be believable if we could see the stiches holding the wound closed, during the debate!
  13. Was WWDB an AM station back then?
  14. You should check your editing of the statements you responded to. It was skip along cassidy that stated the email supporters to forcefully push back. Not me. I wrote: " i am not sure that I got the email you specifically write about. I do, however, get upwards of 15 emails a day from the democrat national committee. obama harvested my email address from the obama white house website when I registered for an appointment to see my representative. The representative's office administrative personel had no clue why consituents were showing up claiming they had an appointment! The obama white house failed to pass along the information, at least with this democrat representative, that there was supposed to be an appointment with the constituent and the representative, I think back in 2010. Since that time I have recieved thousands of emails from the DNC! "
  15. i am not sure that I got the email you specifically write about. I do, however, get upwards of 15 emails a day from the democrat national committee. obama harvested my email address from the obama white house website when I registered for an appointment to see my representative. The representative's office administrative personel had no clue why consituents were showing up claiming they had an appointment! The obama white house failed to pass along the information, at least with this democrat representative, that there was supposed to be an appointment with the constituent and the representative, I think back in 2010. Since that time I have recieved thousands of emails from the DNC!
  16. I am currently reading a book about becoming a better handgun shooter. One of the authors, an ex Vietnam Special Forces guy, made the claim that during the Korean war, about 10,000 rounds were expended for every enemy killed! I think that in Vietnam, it was over 20,000, but that may be wrong. In the movies, you can shoot a handgun at targets 300 yards away and hit it! I recently went through a handgun course with several other people. At 3 yards, the instructor shot a 1 -1 1/2 inch group with all the rounds he expended. My group was more like, 6 inches! A couple of other guys did worse, while others did better than I did.
  17. More like much propaganda scare mongering by the democrat party.
  18. I was in a war for 2 years. It's amazing how much you can miss with machine gun fire.
  19. A bump stock (or finger, or shoelace, or thumb, or stick, or belt loop and thumb) does not achieve accuracy in shooting. It only achieves expenditure of ammunition. Accuracy is achieved by proper aiming and control of a firearm allowing accurate hits on a target.
  20. Mine still loves me after 30 years. I have no clue why!
  21. High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington The trail that leads from Tehran to D.C. passes directly through the offices of Robert Malley and the International Crisis Group The Biden administration’s now-suspended Iran envoy Robert Malley helped to fund, support, and direct an Iranian intelligence operation designed to influence the United States and allied governments, according to a trove of purloined Iranian government emails. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/iran-spy-ring-robert-malley-lee-smith Iran-Israel tensions are shining a fresh light on Robert Malley According to one report, Malley “helped to fund, support, and direct an Iranian intelligence operation designed to influence the United States and allied governments.” Unfortunately, that just scratches the surface of what Malley is accused of.
  22. electrocute verb elec·tro·cute i-ˈlek-trə-ˌkyüt electrocuted; electrocuting 1 : to execute (a criminal) by electricity 2 : to kill or injure by electric shock electrocution
  23. I read book back in the mid 1960's approximately when I was a teenager. I found it in the Leesville, LA, U.S. of A. public library.
  24. When I heard the lady say, this is democracy now, I stopped watching the video. Nothing but communist propaganda!
  25. I had a friend like that in San Antonio, TX . He was from Belize. I wish I could remember his name so I could look for him. He worked hard there, bought a 1970 Toronado there, then immigrated, legally, to the United States. He had the darkest skin of anyone I have known. Even darker than my neighbor a few houses down who is from Nigeria.
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