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Posts posted by fasteddie


    An earthquake measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale hit Blackpool in the early hours, its epicentre was on Dinmore Avenue. Victims were seen wandering around aimlessly, muttering "Fuuuckinell".

    The tremor decimated the area causing approximately £30 worth of damage. Several priceless collections of mementos from Majorca and the Costa del Sol were damaged beyond repair.

    Three areas of historic burnt out cars were disturbed. Many locals were woken well before their giros arrived.

    The Evening Gazette reported that hundreds of residents were confused and bewildered and were still trying to come to terms with the fact that something interesting had happened in Blackpool. One resident - Tracy Sharon Smith, a 15-year-old mother of 5 said, "It was such a shock, my little Chardonnay-Mercedes come running into my bedroom crying. My youngest two, Tyler-Morgan and Victoria-Storm slept through it all. I was still shaking when I was skinning up and watching Jeremy Kyle the next morning."

    Apparently looting, muggings and car crime were unaffected and carried on as normal. The British Red Cross has so far managed to ship 4,000 crates of White Lightning to the area to help the stricken locals.

    Rescue workers are still searching through the rubble and have found large quantities of personal belongings, including benefit books, jewellery from Elizabeth Duke at Argos and Bone China from Poundland.


    This appeal is to raise money for food and clothing parcels for those unfortunate enough to be caught up in this disaster.

    Clothing is most sought after - items most needed include:

    Nike or Burberry baseball caps

    Kappa tracksuit tops (his and hers)

    Shell suits (female)

    White sport socks

    Rockport boots and any other items usually sold in Primark.

    Food parcels may be harder to come by, but are needed all the same.

    Required foodstuffs include:

    Microwave meals, Tins of baked beans, Ice cream, Cans of Colt 45 or Special Brew.

    22p buys a biro for filling in the compensation forms.

    £2 buys chips, crisps and blue fizzy drinks for a family of 9.

    £5 buys B&H and a lighter to calm the nerves of those affected.

    ***Breaking news***

    Rescue workers found a girl in the rubble smothered in raspberry alco-pop.

    'Where are you bleeding from?' they asked, "Mereside" said the girl, "wossit gotta do wiv you?"

    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

    Well 'ard ain't ya?

    Typical of several comments on here, being spouted from behind the safety of their computer screens...

    If they bug ya so much, why don't you nip down to a local clubhouse or favoured drinking hole, and really tell 'em what you think?

    Nah, thought so, all mouth (in private) and no trousers...

    Oh really, I'm 67, been a biker all my life and still am, I've had a few run in with these creeps and I'm still here. People who have to hang around in gangs to attempt to intimidate people don't scare me. Round our way they're more well known for driving around in vans looking out for bikes to steal, so before you go shooting your mouth off in an attempt to defend these thugs, try and engage your brain, what are you, a prospect or something?

    p.s. yeah 'ard enough!

    p.p.s. I knicked one's girlfriend once and him and a couple of mates came looking for me, found me too but when he saw how many mates I had with me, he decided to let the matter drop, game set and match, (got to admit I was somewhat relieved, he was a gorilla).

  3. 44 minutes ago, waldroj said:

    "...Prayut said he would be unable to do anything if his horoscope was not promising..."


    Even if that horoscope was promising, he's still unable to do anything !!!


    He needs to forget about improving his horoscopic future, and instead reflect on what a former soothsayer said about him almost two years ago, and what the junta also said then about the "government" keeping to a schedule that included elections in early 2016. (http://www.thephuketnews.com/prayut-tells-fortune-teller-to-drop-crystal-ball-51784.php).



    You mean don't want to "listening" to Thaivisa radio.

  4. 5 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    So from your post you visited Pattaya 3 times once every 20 years but you think that qualifies you to really know about the place. I have been coming to Thailand since 2000 and have a home in Banlamung area of Pattaya for over 10 years with my Thai wife and live in BKK, Pattaya and Rayong for last 4 years. Never had a problem in Pattaya but don't get drunk am aware of situations at all times. Only problem I ever had was passport stolen when visiting Chatuchak market in BKK 11 years ago.

    No that doesn't qualify me to really know about the place, not that I ever said I really know about the place, but reading the news and talking to my Thai girlfriends & friends when I lived in Samui, Krabi, Koh Lanta and Ao Nang and travelling all over Thailand certainly helped. But then I bow to your superior knowledge, you've had no trouble there so all the news reports were wrong, OK whatever.

  5. Whatever. Do you really believe the Assad regime would permit them undeterred access to obtain facts on the ground. The guy talking about the recapture of Palmyra failed to mention the terrorist group, Hezbollah, helping Syrian forces and of course the eventual recapture by ISIS. let alone the dismal failure of Syrian forces to empty the military warehouses (second largest in Syria) when originally captured by ISIS. Frankly speaking he comes across as another wholly misinformed US politician regards Assad.
    At least one of the politicians you mention underlines conspiracy theories, another wishing to ban female access to abortions etc etc We have differing opinions, to me the people your refer to, with at least some of their views, are 'disgusting'.

    One man's conspiracy theorist is another man's free mind willing to do their own research and not just slavishly follow the party line.
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