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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. 11 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Congrats, you've identified a number of apologists / propagandists for the extremely cruel and vicious Assad dictatorship.


    I assume you're a consumer of alt right news with the associated farcical opinions / beliefs. 

    So a congresswoman and a senator, both veterans, are apologists/propagandists for an "extremely cruel and vicious Assad dictatorship"? Not to mention Dr Ron Paul, a man who should have been president, a man of great honour, that's a pretty disgusting accusation.

    As for alt right news, whatever that might be, never heard of it, but thanks for the tip, I'll look in to it.

  2. 1 hour ago, fasteddie said:

    The " Syrian Observatory for Human Rights" is a one man operation operating from Coventry UK, and Al Jazeera is a news organisation based in Qatar, a country which along with Saudi Arabia and Turkey arm and finance the Wahhabi terrorist organisations daesh/isis which is spreading terror and hate throughout the middle east.


    Here is a link to an article in the Guardian on " Syrian Observatory for Human Rights"

    The Syrian opposition: who's doing the talking? | Charlie Skelton ...


    And a link to an article in newsweek about who funds ISIS, Qatar being implicated.

    How Does ISIS Fund Its Reign of Terror? - Newsweek

    Also would you deny this from an American congresswoman?

    CNN Exclusive: Rep. Gabbard on meeting with Assad - CNN Video

  3. 46 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:


    Hard to differentiate between Syrian forces and Russia, but they are working together.

    The " Syrian Observatory for Human Rights" is a one man operation operating from Coventry UK, and Al Jazeera is a news organisation based in Qatar, a country which along with Saudi Arabia and Turkey arm and finance the Wahhabi terrorist organisations daesh/isis which is spreading terror and hate throughout the middle east.


    Here is a link to an article in the Guardian on " Syrian Observatory for Human Rights"

    The Syrian opposition: who's doing the talking? | Charlie Skelton ...


    And a link to an article in newsweek about who funds ISIS, Qatar being implicated.

    How Does ISIS Fund Its Reign of Terror? - Newsweek

  4. 6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Perhaps best to do some research before posting too fast, eddie. LOL



    Putin Shows Off Russia's Embarrassing Aircraft Carrier


    As far as the coalition doing nothing, perhaps some research would also be good.  At least they didn't displace millions of innocent civilians and kill hundreds of thousands of the same.  It would have been better if they did nothing. LOL

    He He, you do embarrass yourself, " As far as the coalition doing nothing, perhaps some research would also be good.  At least they didn't displace millions of innocent civilians and kill hundreds of thousands of the same".....Oh really, so not in Iraq? or Afghanistan? or Libya? and you tell me to do the research!

  5. 19 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Can't see that you bothered backing anything you posted on this topic. Not feeling the need to play secretary. And, newsflash, you're also just a Thaivisa member "saying so".


    Indiscriminate attacks on civilians are frowned upon, to put it mildly. Barrel bombs are indiscriminate, and so were most of the aerial attacks carried out by Assad's forces and Russia's. Barrel bombs are even more so in relation to conventional unguided munitions. This too, was discussed on previous topics.

    "Indiscriminate attacks on civilians are frowned upon, to put it mildly"

    Agreed, but I would ask you what would be Assad's motive for doing such a thing? The man is a popular president, his armed forces are over 80% Sunni, why does he command such respect from those the western media would have us believe are his sworn enemies?

    Could it be Syria is the only secular state in the middle east where all religions live in peace together? Why is the west so determined to destroy this once peaceful secular country and turn it in to another jihadist hell hole aka Iraq and Libya?

  6. 10 minutes ago, Morch said:


    I am not joking at the least. Their reports were discussed on these topics in the past, you are welcome to look them up. Is the mention of their nationalities supposed to mean anything with regard to their credibility and objectivity? There are posters from Western countries singing Assad's praises too.


    Deflect all you like, but it would take some creative imagination to assume that rebels were able to time a ground based chemical attack to exactly coincide with a dropping of a barrel bomb by Assad's forces. And, btw, barrel bombs in general, aren't really that acceptable as far as war practices go.

    Oh no, you made the statement now supply the evidence, and just Thai visa members saying so wont cut it.

    And as for the last line, don't be ridiculous, what's the difference between barrel bombs and other bombs?

  7. 36 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Unless mistaken, there were clips of Syrian helicopters dropping barrel bombs posted on previous topics. There's quite a bit of documented aerial attacks. Similarly, the "reports" of the two "journalists" mentioned were previously presented on the forum, neither came off as very credible, or objective.

    You have to be joking, I challenge you to back up the statement ", neither came off as very credible, or objective."

    One is English and one Canadian, and unlike most reports from other sources they have actually been there.

    And as for barrel bombs dropped from helicopters, so what, it doesn't mean they contain chemicals, just explosives.


  8. 3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Sorry you can't find it.  As was stated above.  ISIS doesn't have planes in these areas.  Only Syria or Russia.  So if not Syria, then it was Russian aircraft.  Because the chemical attacks did happen.  No denying that.

    "Because the chemical attacks did happen.  No denying that."


    But not necessarily from the air, on the liberation of E Aleppo numerous stashes of chemical ingredients were found in previously terrorist held areas.


    If you want to get a more truthful insight try reading what two independent journalists who were actually there have to say, Vanessa Beeley (English) and Eva Bartlett (Canadian).

  9. 1 hour ago, onthesoi said:


    Once again Ahab, your completely wrong.


    If only you had bothered to follow the provided link to the NASA website and read the first paragraph:

    Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities.



    Lets think about those words again slowly this time:

    Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that....


    That is not the same thing as "only a claim" and "There is absolutely nothing to back it up."



    And this is some more truth from someone who's pay cheque/ego hasn't corrupted him.


    A History of the Disastrous Global Warming Hoax | Somewhat Reasonable

  10. 1 hour ago, onthesoi said:


    Once again Ahab, your completely wrong.


    If only you had bothered to follow the provided link to the NASA website and read the first paragraph:

    Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities.



    Lets think about those words again slowly this time:

    Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that....


    That is not the same thing as "only a claim" and "There is absolutely nothing to back it up."



    NASA, NOAA and the IPCC have been cooking the books for years......



  11. 1 hour ago, getreal said:

    You hardly would need.padding and helmuts for noncontact soccer.

    I will give you rugby though. Thankchrist they dont have hooligans. It would be a bloodbath.


    My point was when thais and the english fight, the thais always win.

    But i am sure You would beat them in rugby.  The Kiwis? Nah.


    "My point was when thais and the english fight, the thais always win."


    You got any evidence of that?

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