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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. 7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

           Antarctica is melting faster than prior years.  In the dead of their winter last year, there were temps as high as 50 degrees F.   During their summer, as high as 60 F.    Ice shelves are degenerating fast, enabling ancient glaciers to travel faster to the sea - to calve and melt.  


    recent National Geographic article and a few brief videos

    And yet even scaremongers like NASA say the opposite



  2. 42 minutes ago, DiscoDan said:


    If someone makes claims about your company that makes you lose money or possibly lose all your customers  don't you think you should have a right to take them to court?


     If Andy Hall had hard evidence then he would of been found not guilty.

    " If Andy Hall had hard evidence then he would of been found not guilty."


    Not been here long?

  3. 15 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

    There is just so much wrong with this story I don't know where to begin.


    They "claim" she was arrested on drugs charges.


    Whilst under arrest, she was approached for 35,000 by "Singha".


    She contacted "one" of her boyfiends.


    He handed over 5,000 deposit.


    On the 23 August she was sent to trial and bailed.


    She immediately went to the front desk to complain , on the 29 August.


    Officers said that they had never heard of "Singha".


    And finally, she is 33 and Mr Peter is 60, I have never seen a couple with such a massive age difference in Pattaya.




    "And finally, she is 33 and Mr Peter is 60, I have never seen a couple with such a massive age difference in Pattaya."


    You don't get out much then.

  4. 8 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Iran is up to their neck in state sponsored terrorism.  Read up on their involvement inside Lebanon...and now Syria.  They are a destabilizing force in the ME.

    Iran aids Hezbollah (a legitimate political party) in Lebanon in kicking the Israelis out and is in Syria aiding the legitimate government in it's fight against ISIS. The US is the destabilising influence in the ME.

  5. Ha Ha, reminds me of one day many years ago I popped in to my fav watering hole in Khlong Muang and there was this Thai geezer swathed in bandages talking to the boss. I got talking to them and apparently the geezer was a local fisherman who liked to drink. He'd fallen asleep on the way back from fishing in his longtail and ploughed flat out into the beach, oh how I larfed.

  6. I can see why nobody's answered you so far, your requirements are tough to match, actual beachfront hotels are probably on Ao Siew, Khlong Muang and Tub Kaek, on the other hand I imagine Ao Thalane to be best for Kayaking but not sure any hotels are on the beach, it's been a while since I was there and things change so quickly. Have a good google, good luck it's a beautiful area.

  7. On 24/05/2016 at 4:25 PM, grumpyoldman said:

    ...........and it's also renown as a short-time hotel for Thais with mistresses&mia nois so I highly doubt their food is any good. With hourly rates who is actually going to eat there? Truly you jest, yes?

    For anyone wanting to plunk down a decent amount of THB on a good steak meal/bottle of wine, Diver's Inn Ao Nang, across from the McDonalds Plaza and up a little. Moneywise it's the opposite spectrum of the duck noodle soup at Ting, but the owner Jurgen puts out a good steak and a quality wine selection.

    Yeah Divers Inn does some good nosh.

  8. 50 minutes ago, MiKT said:



    Mrs miKT has been away taking food parcels to the poor UK natives and the one Thai daughter (pictured above 7/8 years ago) who now fecklessly chooses to live in a cold and rainy England.


    But I wanted to check my memory of said daughter and sisters clambering up these rocks many times when young before posting more.


    She laughed herself sick when I asked if they were considered sacred.


    I also have a pic somewhere of some other young ladies posing rather rudely over the rock gym.


    Not sacred.........End of story.



    "I also have a pic somewhere of some other young ladies posing rather rudely over the rock gym."


    Sorry I don't believe you, proof please, pretty please LoL



  9. 2 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

    'Cute' ... Wow Mindless Liberals will tolerate anything as nothing matters to them.  Immigrants need to assimilate to the laws and customs of the land that they enter.  

    Yeah cute, you really need to get out more. My guess is you've never been to a Muslim country, you ought to give it a try they are extremely hospitable people and some of the girls are gorgeous and very friendly, if you know what I mean. I suggest Morocco, go to paradise beach, Tagazhout, north of Agadir on any Sunday and feast your eyes, they don't wear bikinis just string LOL

  10. 3 hours ago, sambum said:


    I didn't say it WAS illegal anywhere if you read my post properly - I said "almost".


    "name some of these countries that insist western women have to cover their heads then, my guess is you can't name three, I can only think of one. "


     "I'll give you a hand, Gaza and Saudi Arabia it's the law of the land"  (That's 2) And I've given you another - anyway - who's counting?


     The point of the thread (As far as I can see) is about whether  it was wrong for the French Muslim lady  to be fined for wearing a veil on a beach where it was banned. You obviously thought that it was, and I've answered your questions, how about you answering mine? What do you think would happen if the Muslim lady was in a Muslim country where the veil was banned and she insisted on wearing it? Do you think that Muslims should be encouraged to break the laws of the country they are in if that law is in conflict with their religion?


    Well it's been overturned by a higher court now, she will be getting her fine back so obviously the high court thought it was an unjust and stupid law so break it and show it up for it's ridiculousness.

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