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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. 1 hour ago, sambum said:


    Enough already! What colour is black today? The point is that the French Muslim woman chose to wear an article of clothing on a beach that was ILLEGAL - OK! And one of your original comments implies that breaking the law is to be encouraged and even admired:-  "Of course and contempt for it hopefully."


    "In many Muslim countries it is illegal to wear the veil in certain places" so what would the punishment have been in one of those places if the French woman had "shown contempt for the law" and chosen to wear a veil? I think the 11 euro fine (?) would have been trivial in comparison!


    Going by your comments, you are either a Muslim, or a Muslim sympathiser, and in certain places that might almost be classed as "illegal", but I believe you are entitled to your opinion, the same as anyone else.  However, you appear to be changing your stance more often than Muhammad Ali, and our dialogue is pointless if you keep changing the goalposts.

    Where is it illegal to be a Muslim sympathiser? and where am I changing my stance?

  2. 24 minutes ago, sambum said:


    I've already said I'm not prepared to do any more digging around just to prove my point or disprove yours. The point is, that if it is the law or the custom of the land you are in, you should respect that, and this French Muslim woman obviously didn't.

    And by the way "in fact in many countries it's illegal in places." your quote - not mine, so basically you are agreeing with me!

    No! what I'm saying is, in many Muslim countries it's illegal to wear the veil in certain places.

  3. 4 hours ago, sambum said:


    "In the southern communities of Iraq, especially in Najaf and Karbala, hijab is compulsory."


    And that was just a quick search - I do not intend spending much  more time on this except to say that "when in Rome etc etc etc", and

    if I go to enter a temple in Thailand where it is compulsory to remove your shoes - I remove them - no problem.


    If a Muslim lady in France goes to  a beach where it is compulsory to not wear a veil,burka - call it what you will and she deliberately wears one - she should understand the consequences , pay the fine and get on with her life having learned a lesson in her (presumably) adopted country. If she was born there, then she should have known better!



    Oh please, is that the best you can do? That is not the law of the land, I don't doubt out in the sticks in many Muslim countries girls have to wear the hijab, that's cultural and illegal but impossible to enforce. I'll give you a hand, Gaza and Saudi Arabia it's the law of the land but in the vast majority of Muslim countries it is not compulsory, in fact in many countries it's illegal in places.

  4. 1 hour ago, Zendo said:


    Good, so what Sect / branch is at work in France name it, because over there muslims have no idea, they just call it Islam and go to the nearest mosquee to get in touch with imam, who mot of the time don't speak French.


    To be more clear I want to say that traditionnal islam.. soft one if you want is slowly replaced by harder one.. pushing more and more to another level, using all kinds of techniques to reach their goal.. you can name them, it's "the islamic brothers". But in the mosquees you will never been shown wich part they are from.. it's just Islam.


    "Some reject Islamist Violence" => make me laugh.. have you read the coran ? difficult to be FOR this book and being Against Violence, it utterly nonsense (many like to say this.. so I use it too !)

    Have you read the bible, be difficult to be FOR this book and Against Violence.

  5. 5 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

    The hijab and the advancing in female covering to the point of being a burqa... is Islamic subjugation of women - PERIOD... Leftists and Liberals would not tolerate any such behavior if the Christian Religion forced women to wear something akin to the hijab.  The Leftist Media would go berzerk damning the Christians...


    In the over all - women in Muslim societies around the world - few have the option to not wear the hijab.  It a Mullah in one Islamic country issued a fatwa declaring that women were not required to wear the hijab .. .in a year's time (should such an fantasy fatwa stand) the majority of women would take it off.   The requirement of wearing of the hijab is not found in the Quran .  Rather it is found in the ever increasing male domination and subjugation of women in Islamic societies -  without any foundation in the Quran.   


    The French Government feels much the same as I write and moreover see that the forced wearing of the hijab is used as a symbol of the dominance of Islam over all other peoples and governments... 

    Thus such symbols of Islamic dominance must be struck down in Western Societies ... 

    Are you serious? it is not compulsory in the majority of Muslim countries.


    Hijab by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  6. 7 hours ago, koolkarl said:

    If a western woman went to a muslim country, I understand that she must cover her head to

    conform to their customs.  Why should western countries change their customs to please muslims?

    Seems you and 20 others at the moment have no idea at all, name some of these countries that insist western women have to cover their heads then, my guess is you can't name three, I can only think of one.

  7. 7 minutes ago, tmd5855 said:

    I worked in Dammam, Saudi for an oil company.  If any female employee who were all placed in Dubai came visiting??  They were given a hard time by immigration, hotel staff etc, so company flats where purchased.  They needed to have male employees nearby at most times.  

    So Western women had to abide by local laws and customs.  Then DITTO for non, Christian women coming to Europe

    So one example from the looniest country on the planet, good one.

  8. 12 hours ago, Sappho said:

    I lived on the beach near those rocks in the late 80's and was there in the early 90's too.  I lived there with Thai artists.  People were always walking over and around those rocks-tourists and Thais alike.  I didn't know they no longer allowed you to climb on them.  It's too bad they have become such a "thing".  They were quietly respected and it was wonderful to just come across them.  I guess the amounts of tourists-Thai and foreign alike going to see them have grown so much that they have decided to put more precautions around-and it allows entrepreneurial people to make money at the same time :-)

    They served mushroom omelets in those days too and we smoked ganja pretty openly...

    Things change.......

    Those were the days, things change but often not for the best.

  9. 1 minute ago, koolkarl said:

    If a western woman went to a muslim country, I understand that she must cover her head to

    conform to their customs.  Why should western countries change their customs to please muslims?


    "If a western woman went to a muslim country, I understand that she must cover her head to

    conform to their customs"


    Some, but not all by a long chalk.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

    This should be a matter for the police to deal with not bystanders, but I think we can all take a wild stab at why the alleged reaction of bystanders was hostile. I'm n such a climate wearing a veil on a public beach could be construed as being deliberately provocative.

    " I'm n such a climate wearing a veil on a public beach could be construed as being deliberately provocative"

    Only to ignorant peons.

  11. 32 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:

    'Jirasak Wannabuan of the local authority went with other officials to the area on Monday and found that a sign forbidding climbing had fallen into disrepair.' What a surprise. And it was, no doubt, printed in Thai. Besides, it says all there is to say when the media points out that the locals worship a rock-shaped penis, and one shaped - purportedly - like a vagina.

    The only thing they worship is the money.

  12. 4 hours ago, cumgranosalum said:

    Global warming and the resulting climate change is fact - anyone not accepting this needs their head examined.

    There is no debate on Global warming now - the debate now is on what to do and how quickly and effectively it can be done.

    Is that right? no debate eh, is that how science works? I don't think so and neither do many respected scientists.




    A History of the Disastrous Global Warming Hoax | Somewhat Reasonable

  13. Enough. Enough. I thank you all for your advice but I'm going to stay with Windows 7. All this talk about 'driver updates', 'shut downs', fast boots', 'blue tooth malfunctions'. It's supposed to be a one click upload for christ's sake. You shouldn't have to be a computer geek to make it work. My worst fears have been realized but now allayed by my decision to stay where I am.

    Thanks again.

    Good decision download "never10" and never be bothered again.

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