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Everything posted by saintdomingo

  1. His typing has suddenly improved. Takes a sharp memory to get away with bs.
  2. What does the red hand refer to.?
  3. And he's gone 40 minutes without posting on this active thread. Hope he's OK.
  4. From where though.? Does he claim to be in Thailand and if so whereabouts.?
  5. Normally nobody over the age of 15 thinks it's clever to go in a pub or drink ale. They just go and do it when they want to.
  6. You were showing off about drinking 285 the other day. Same as you show off about how much money you have.
  7. Which bar is mentioned.? Too idle to look it up. Most bars recommended on tourist sites turn out to be not up too much.
  8. He asks for help and then immediately says he knows exactly what he plans on doing.
  9. Always assumed it is a leftover habit from when the Sois were likely to contain plenty of animal and human excrement.
  10. Ah the famous Hot and Cold, good to hear these old names again.
  11. I replied earlier and asked if you meant the Sleazy but that was in Soi Yamato. At that time the main one in Soi Post would have been the Vegas. Went there a few times after a few in the Dogs B.
  12. You type English fantasies incorrectly, so why shouldn't other people.
  13. The law says that you do not damage a person's reputation. It also says that in a private matter the truth is not a defence. In this case the lady is speaking on behalf of the business not as a private individual. As I am neither Thai nor a lawyer, where this leaves things I have no idea.
  14. Some Scottish people don't but the majority voted to remain in the United Kingdom. Your vast knowledge of this subject comes from.?
  15. I used to drink whisky occasionally, malts for a while and then Black Bush. I enjoyed both so bought a bottle of Bushmills Malt once, but did not take to it. Ended up giving best part of it away.
  16. For once I agree with you and find you being logical and accurate.
  17. Well they don't seem to have a Facebook page.
  18. As my post makes clear I realise all that. The unintended effect is that low levels of literacy are maintained and enforced.
  19. It seems to be standard practice on forums that correcting grammar and spelling errors is not permitted. This means that the low standard of literacy will be perpetuated, the author will never know that he is wrong and the reader who knows no different will never learn either. A brave new world of could of, should of and would of is already here and unlikely to disappear.
  20. In a bar.? Thought you said you were going out.
  21. George or anyone, how do I put someone on ignore.? Never done it before.
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