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Everything posted by saintdomingo

  1. Thanks Keeps, I do try to keep it to one but if I take my eye off the missis for a few seconds she's bunged a second one in. So basically they are no better than they were a few years ago I thought I'd read differently. Ta very much.
  2. Are the above still classed as heavily over salted and having too much MSG. They make the homemade veg soup tasty but I remember them copping for a lot of flack not too many years ago. Anyone know.?
  3. Also had mine in 2008, at St Thomas in London but I went for the radiotherapy. 16 years later all is well last psa check gave 0.254, it did once go to 0.4 but only the once. Reminds me I must be due for another.
  4. Pps, and by everyday inhaler I just meant the ones that young Thai ladies were forever sticking up their noses a decade or two, or more, ago. If you've got the time perhaps you can explain what the purpose of that was, I never understood.
  5. Thank you Sheryl, apparently I have cylindrical bronchiectasis (which explains a few things) and this inhaler is recommended for it. I am seeing the docs again next week and in case they don't mention it, like last week, I'll buy one before I go. Same with amoxycillin.
  6. Is this an everyday inhaler or prescription only.?
  7. I have found it very difficult if not impossible to contact Chula by phone, if going personally have a Thai speaker with you preferably someone with an understanding of Govt hospital procedures.
  8. If you have a problem with a Thai best thing is just to walk away, suck it up and forget about it. You ain't going to win.
  9. As previously explained job now sorted but thanks for your efforts.
  10. Due to the fact that I'm not up to going out, the Mrs isn't up to understanding what I'm talking about, that's almost what I'm doing.
  11. The NYT and an article from 1985 , I think boogieman seems a bit over the top though that is with the benefit of hindsight. One effect it would have had would be to strengthen the Catholic base (they would not need pressure) and weaken general Christianty.
  12. No idea sorry. Like I said previously it is of interest now because radiotherapy treatment to my throat is making it difficult to get food down.
  13. Not much of a political person cde, sorry about that. Though I see now that you were talking specifically about the US, possibly explains it a bit more.
  14. Secular humanism, I don't remember that which years are we talking about.?
  15. Thanks troops, only ever been in one expat shop normally the supermarkets do it for me but this ain't normal times. Thanks again.
  16. No these are packets of dehydrated potato which we add boiling water to. Produces non-lumpy mashed potato, ideal for throats that have been bombarded with/by radiation.
  17. No these are packets of dehydrated potato which we add boiling water to. Produces non-lumpy mashed potato, ideal for throats that have been bombarded with/by radiation.
  18. Due to hospital treatment to my throat I have difficulty getting food down, Smash (or whatever it's called now) would be ideal. Anyone seen anything like it here.
  19. What time can you get here, they sometimes finish early. Or late.
  20. Well there is a Catholic Church there.
  21. Well, many on here would be more accurate.
  22. The black socks bit intrigues me, where had he been drinking.? I thought the socks 'n sandals brigade had disappeared a long time ago.
  23. Went to the Green Door in Las Palmas once but that was 50 years ago. Probably different now.
  24. Well you like Pittodrie so I suppose we can make allowances. Whatever happened to Gill Sans by the way, it used to be more than popular. Never see it now.
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