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Everything posted by saintdomingo

  1. Got in on a telephone booking. The booking agencies and the Lek do not seem to communicate, nor do they seem to encourage online enquiries. No block bookings either by the looks of things. I would estimate no more than 25% occupancy. Many other local places appear to be quiet too. The buffet meals all long ceased to be.
  2. The bar I referred to was on Soi Yamato, Crazy Daves was as you say on Soi Pothole. Your post was not very clear about which you were referring to.
  3. No it was Soi Yamato.
  4. Thank you for clearing that up, I'm a bit out of touch with their shirts. Hope to get a Bangkok Bears shirt soon.
  5. Well, made it to the Lek and no hordes of Indians about. No hordes of anyone else either and it looks like the food is a thing of the past. Otherwise peaceful and almost serene.
  6. Another poster says it's a Northern Ireland shirt.
  7. Andre, a Scandi don't which part. I think he went when he split up from his misses. Shortly afterwards Andre's bar opened on Buakhao. Never heard if it was the same guy.
  8. Sounds logical, soon find out anyway. From memory pre-covid they were asking 1350 a room, now it's 770 or 790 a room at the front. A mate who lives down Soi 15 tells me the Travelodge there is 1000++, down from 1750++. Low season prices definitely.
  9. Don't remember that, reports of trouble in or from the Bxllxcks itself were generally exaggerated. Most of them there at the beginning were ageing football hooligans, later long-stay and semi permanent UK guys levelled things out a bit. About the cheering, well that doesn't surprise me.
  10. What is your definition of animal hater.? Can't say I've noticed many on here or at any of my barstool venues.
  11. Had a week in Penang once a long time ago, to me it was Australian families. Nothing against them but kids everywhere comes as a shock when you've been in Pattaya for a while. Johor and KL were alright for a few nights for a mooch about and a few drinks.
  12. I worked for three months in the Dept of Census and Statistics in Rhodesia in the seventies. Does that count.? I'd like to say that I had carnal knowledge of a statistician but I didn't.
  13. In the UK and usually in a pub, when I've pointed out an error (in MY favour) twice I've got the height of abuse. I repeated what I said and watched as it slowly dawns on them that I'm being helpful. I think best to keep quiet.
  14. The noted one for the breakfast buffet was the Casa Whatever a bit further down the road on the other side. Do you remember Nervous Dave who used to get up and do The Young Ones at the Wonderful by request of the group. They used to play it every time he walked past. In the olden days I used to drink in Soi Yamato at the Dogs Bxllxcks.
  15. Got a bad throat problem so not eating normally, doubt if I'll be doing their breakfast.
  16. Taking the misses so I wanted something lined up when I get there, didn't want to be arsing round door to to door.
  17. Not sure what's going on there at the minute, can't get much sense out of the booking agencies.
  18. Yes used to be a good one, not tried ii recently as not been in in Pattaya for a while.
  19. The link wasn't working but thanks anyway.
  20. Done and sorted, thanks to all.
  21. Trying to book but keep getting told it's closed. Anyone here know. I've already asked on the Pattaya forum but it doesn't seem very busy these days so thought I'd try here. Better delete the other one, I think double posting doesn't go down well.
  22. There's a little Thai caff over the road from there that does large bottles for 90, otherwise there's very few places in central Bangkok that do large bottles at any price. 140 upwards is the norm outside of happy hour for small bottles.
  23. That must be the cheapest Guinness in Town too. But note that those prices only apply till 7 pm.
  24. Never had a marriage visa, too much frigging about, the extension of stay based on retirement is bad enough but much simpler.
  25. What are the busy farang bars now then tw.?
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