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Everything posted by saintdomingo

  1. Thanks to all, you may now take a well earned rest.i
  2. You seem to be the expert on all this. And a bit of a gob<deleted>e too.
  3. I can not really make any comparisons but prices seemed a bit more than medium. Possibly the grand (or baby grand) piano in the reception area influenced me. Professional enough.
  4. A few too many bad reviews, she's decided to try a small place in Ekamai. Thanks very much for your helpful response.
  5. Many thanks for that freeworld, up in the Nakhon she would know but in Thonglor she doesn't.
  6. The wife is having a problem with excessive eye watering, more irritating than painful and for once she doesn't automatically know a remedy. In Bangkok, any advice for a not overpriced doctor.
  7. As if I am going to come on here and say I can't afford a micro or whatever. Get hold of yourself Jim😀. I've been leading a nomadic lifestyle for too long, eating out in Pattaya was cheap but not so much in bkk. But health problems have kicked in complicating things. Enough of that. Thanks for your helpful posts.
  8. Yes now very gay and ladyboy. I only go to the 2 bars mentioned now and only occasionally. I used to drink in the Madrid but the lady owner passed, I think during covid and it closed soon after. Shame another nice old (over 50) Patpong bar.
  9. Thanks Rhodie, I had 2 weeks there in 75, 3 months in 77. Passed through in 93. 77 was best.
  10. If Patpong is on your agenda, try something completely different and have one in The Old Other Office. Not changed after 40 years except the ladies disappeared a while ago, it's just an experience. While you're there try the Crown Royal and see what a real Patpong bar was like.
  11. Thanks gents, in my experience (or possibly imagination) there used to be a tt at most BTS stations it was puzzling me that I didn't seem to see them anywhere. Anyway thanks for the help, it's appreciated.
  12. I'm glad you mentioned that Jim, I have been getting the impression that once people have moved on to an airfryer or whatever they never think of moving back. I have been living out of a suitcase for far too long and I miss being able to knock out a pan of scouse or vegetable soup a few times a week. But what to get is a puzzle. I've got a married mate whose wife does amazing things with an airfryer and a single mate who would be lost without his halogen oven, but I will probably just go for a micro. Decisions, decisions. None of these things cost too much so getting two of them wouldn't hurt. And of course I need a suitable gaff to house them, plus me, plus it's looking like the other half. Anyway
  13. Long, long time since I've changed money here but the place that was always quoted was Super rich and they had branches everywhere. Not the case now, which is the main player lately.
  14. And possibly when apprehended was on his way to a shopping mall to enjoy the aircon.
  15. The man did a runner, no chance to present his bill.
  16. I wonder what the Swede was arrested for.
  17. So they WERE arrested for just playing bridge, no illegality there. What was the point of your first post Lou, everyone knew what was being referred to and what the circumstances were.
  18. For some reason he is evading answering your question "Are you the taxman? A priest?" Being a taxman is a perfectly honourable profession.
  19. Increasingly you have to wonder whether things like this are brainfarts or spellchecker losing it's grip.
  20. As a clueless youth along with a few others at work, the Joe Cool character we aspired to be was McGill Man in a Suitcase. What's his name again, something Bradford.?
  21. Not at all, it's a kind of sick fascination like listening to a 13 year old showing off cause he's drinking alcohol.
  22. Well they teach and insist that the wafer changes substance and becomes "really, truly and substantially the Body of Christ" "whilst retaining the appearance and properties of a wafer." Added to this they believe the mass is a continuation of the sacrifice of Christ at Calvary. The Bible teaches that Calvary was a once for all, perfect finished sacrifice for sin. And no further sacrifices are Most Protestant denominations view Holy Communion as purely a commemoration. Some only holding it twice a year.
  23. So you think that the RC mass has both "a real meaning" and "efficacy". I am genuinely looking forward to the explanations of these two Sunmaster. Also to hearing what was transformed in the first place.
  24. BTW you had nothing to do with it either so what are you on about.
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