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Everything posted by saintdomingo

  1. Sheryl, how do you feel about the Thai (Dutch Mill,? not sure) High Protein 12gm yoghurt.
  2. There is no expectation for foreigners to understand "why", knowing "what" is enough. An analogy would be that it is often said the law is for the benefit of the legal profession, Thailand is for the benefit of the Thai people. At least the Thai establishment.
  3. How about dragon fruit.?
  4. Which people, the would of and should of brigade.?
  5. I eat healthier than most people I know but sometimes a bit of what you like is helpful. I broadly agree with your summary of 7eleven but they do stock some things that do not fit your description. They are aware of and are slowly catering to changing tastes.
  6. I am a pub/bar person. I don't like going to other people's homes and don't really want others in mine. The habit of a lifetime has been to meet my friends in the pub/whatever and go home when I feel ready. Not as often nowadays as previously, dry days not a problem now as due to health reasons I haven't had a drink for 8 months.
  7. The cupcakes are OK even if they have gone up to 12 baht (cheeky gits) the last time I got one. But it's 20 baht for a pack of 2.
  8. celsius and newbee2022 are not interested in such technicalities, mere facts are not allowed to distract them from their mission.
  9. I think you missed "the day I go out drinking" for many it is a social event and not a chance to stock up and sit at home with a few cans.
  10. I go to one on Soi 55 Soi Thonglor which I think is the one you mean. I have a straight number 2 no fuss and no problem. Don't think it could be done any quicker.
  11. Another boring, predictable post from this source.
  12. Thanks to the allowance of 190,000 baht for over 65s plus the up to 100,000 for pension payment, plus 5% for the first 150,000 I will owe nearly zero tax. With the way sterling is going it may well be zero.
  13. Agree with you, but think the question should be "will they be concerned with me.?" If the task of seeking out people is more trouble than is justified by the amount collected they may not be concerned with the likes of us.
  14. And then when you change the US$ is there no record from the currency exchange.? And at what rate would you buy THB outside Thailand.? The first point would only be relevant if visas and extensions become conditional on tax clearance. FIFO is a new one to me.
  15. Would you feel the same if you were not subject to a DTA.? If the answer is yes, why then did you mention DTA.?
  16. So eating fruit that is up to 90% water is not hydrating as the water content is stored. Well that is a blow. How about my home made vegetable soup which besides the veg has 1 litre of water plus 1stock cube, much the same.?? Looks like I'll have to persevere with the water.
  17. Thanks gg, when I tried them they were sending me miles away.
  18. Anybody know the address of the nearest TRD office to Thonglor.? Or any TRD office in Bangkok Central area. Many thanks in advance.
  19. I saw a comment not long ago that if you have a bank passbook savings account that deducts tax from interest paid, you will then have a TIN number. True or false, anybody know.?
  20. Point number 6 may answer one of my questions, following a throat problem I struggle to get two litres of water a day down me but I get though a lot of watermelon, dragon fruit and oranges. Does the high water content in these fruits compensate for the missing water.? Also do the numbers 10 and 12 on "High Protein" yoghurt indicate the number of grams of protein in each.? Hoping your answer to this is yes as l also need to eat a lot of protein to compensate for weight loss.
  21. How many years ago.? 20 years ago living in the central plain region it was always cool mid-dec to mid-jan bit not cold like this. Thais always felt it though, extra layers of clothing plus woolly jumpers being the order of the day, always wondered how those who went to Europe and much of USA survived the winters.
  22. empathy deficit. Arf arf. I like that and will definitely use it myself.
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