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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. I was presuming she was in the UK on a visa sponsored by her husband. The same guy that fathered her two kids.
  2. From the BBC article: Twelve year gap between the original post mortem, and "scientific advances" seems quite a long time. Then another seven year gap for the UK cops to want to speak to her former husband.?
  3. Probably Climate Change, (or Climate Crisis!!!) to keep the state of panic going on.. Saving us, or saving the world: Problem-Reaction-Solution stylee.
  4. The Monty Python team reformed to do a tour a few years ago, basically to support Cleese, who'd just lost the rest of his money to another gold-digger. (He really seems attracted to them ????). He must be either senile or skint (possibly a combination of) to want to pish on the legend of Fawlty Towers, by re-making it. Hopefully, not for the box-ticking robots at the BBC, anyway.
  5. Been there once. It had only recently opened, and they did do us a favour with the "quarantine" thing that only got rescinded here last year. (Last May. -They were an approved 'quarantine' hotel). Food was okay, but the service was poor, tbh. Hopefully, they may have sorted that out by now. If it's a "rooftop" setting, I'd rather to to the "Kameo" hotel in Rayong. The "California Steak" restaurant there is pretty good. Food, service, and price-wise.
  6. If you have no major health issues, why worry, imo. Your physical health can be influenced by mental state as much as anything. Carry on doing what you enjoy.
  7. The science is "clear" to the bankers funding it. Yet, lots of scientists disagree with the dire BS predictions and "zero carbon" ideology. The fact that only the alarmists are getting the funding, while other scientists get attacked and de-platformed should inform that the "science" is far from settled.
  8. You're quite right, Chuckles. We should be taking these stories with a little more gravitas and at full face value.
  9. Bingo.. Every time these morons get caught out, they wheel out the "honest, salt-of-the-earth copper / cabby" story. As predictable as a soap opera.
  10. Yep, so easily available yet erm, illegal.. Another manufactured "grey area" for the clowns in brown to create revenue streams.
  11. Using that metric, should we also ban all movies, operas, theatre, pantomime, etc., also?
  12. Wash it down with a beer and stop worrying. It's a seasonal thing, and will improve soon.
  13. They must be building a lot of new prisons.. Would be interesting to reveal just how many of Thailand's supposedly "top people" are invested in the drug trade.
  14. Signs you've been in Thailand too long: You keep coins in your ears. The footprints on the toilet seat are yours. You can fall asleep on top of a wall. You can use the utterance "urrrghh" to signify 15 different things. You point at things with your mouth. Etc.
  15. Shrimps and buffet tables are quaking with fear right about now.
  16. I was referring specifically to China, and the videos of people keeling over and supposedly dying in the street.. As per youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fKTZuY6KxM Are you really taking this at face value? Oh and thanks for the the CNN ref as some sort of 'gatekeeper of eternal truth' statement.
  17. Do you actually believe any "news" coming out of China? Supposedly, their "zero-Covid" absolute lock-down measures resulted in zero fatalities, but opening the country again, produced queues of corpses at the crematoriums, etc.. Thus: "Lockdowns work, and we'll use them again. And again". Communist propaganda,. Remember at the start of the pandemic: People in China dropping dead in the street.? Where else in the world did that happen? Does anyone have real life experience of anything similar? *crickets*
  18. Oh great.. The manufacturers of these masks (CP, etc) will be happy at least. I'm sure they wouldn't want to influence any policy that limits their production. ???? The masks have almost replaced the ubiquitous plastic carrier bag as the main source of litter around Thailand, sometimes a combo of carrier bags of the filthy things chucked away by the roadside, or floating in the sea.
  19. The Chinese CCP have outright lied, obfuscated and manipulated stats since the beginning of 2020. Why would they be telling the truth now?
  20. Yep, just hope he didn't reproduce beforehand. Dangerous morons aren't exactly an endangered species here.
  21. If it's not treading on their patch, they'll probably want a franchise deal, at least.
  22. I've spent a lot more than that, on occasion.. ????
  23. 100%.???? In my mid-50's now, and I'm stronger and (almost) as fit as I was in my 20's. Free weights with a good diet really makes a heck of a difference. Things I Wish I'd Known At 20. #5421
  24. Really? According to who? https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/human-body/yes-they-claimed-the-vaccines-would-prevent-transmission/news-story/a176eb002c29e603fc29ef9fe0b33b18
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