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Posts posted by huangnon

  1. My neighbour and friend passed away recently. He had been suffering from diabetes and heart problems for a while and was virtually bed-ridden for the last year of his life.

    He was 74yo, and when he finally passed on, his body was taken away from his house, and was declared to have died from "Covid", even though he had not left the house, or any of his immediate family being tested positive for C-19..

    (At his funeral, a bunch of goons with full Hazmat suits and visors delivered his body to the temple and no one was allowed to go near the casket).

    • Sad 1
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  2. 3 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

    Minister Anutin is up to his hips in the new marijuana trade, and will make himself a bundle, but he has built a political career, saying whatever the Big Kahuna wants him to say. That is his job. He will say that today and tomorrow happily sell to low quality tourists who come specifically for the marijuana.


    He is not a moron, he is a successful Thai politician & businessman.

    Politics and business go so well together when you get to make policy or know beforehand of the decisions that benefit or create your business.

  3. I wonder how much debt Thailand owes the World Bank / IMF?

    After the big crash of 1997, it was the Thaksin Govt that paid off Thailand's debt to the IMF, and largely through Constitutional reform turned a surplus GDP of 12% in 2017, with foreign reserves of 185 billion USD preventing capital outflows..

    Guess which little piggies have had their snouts in the trough since then..?


    No wonder the World Bank are sniffing around looking to asset-strip the nation.


    Thailand's national (projected) debt:



    The statistic shows the national debt of Thailand from 2017 to 2020, with projections up until 2027. In 2020, the national debt of Thailand amounted to around 222.24 billion U.S. dollars.


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  4. 42 minutes ago, brommers said:

    Yes, sadly David's Kitchen is permanently closed. It became very reliant on Chinese customers and so it's business was devastated by Covid. I much preferred it when it was at the original out of town riverside location rather than its city one.

    Sad to hear, but thanks for the update.

  5. 20 hours ago, jonclark said:

    The PM is completely correct. The price rise is only a few satang for a single unit.


    Sadly though most business and home use more than a single unit of electricity in a month. This few satang will translate into about a 15% rise your electricity bills. So if for a medium sized business, your electricity bill is 500'000 baht a month you are now paying an extra 75'000 baht in electricity per month. Which is considerably more than a few satang. 


    I shudder to think how much the rise in electricity bills will be for the super cooled shopping malls  that litter the capital and country- I am sure that this few satang increase will be clawed back from their customers in some form or another


    Clearly his understanding of the economics of the situation is as coherent as his leadership. 

    Spot on. Also have to factor in the knock-on effect for manufacturing, food processing, hotel accommodation, etc, etc. A vicious circle of price hikes and inflation.

  6. I've booked a week's holiday next month in Chiang Mai. I've not visited CM since the height of Covid in late 2020, so not sure which restaurants are still in business. I would like somewhere special (local or European food) to take the family on my birthday.

    (Searched for an existing thread, but nothing came up). Thanks in advance. ????

  7. 2 hours ago, chalawaan said:

    Reminds me when...


    The sons of a Thai politician shot an off-duty cop in a disco over the usual nightclub drunken BS, with dozens of witnesses, just one of their infamous acts of senseless un-avenged violence, they're free to this day. 



    I can't link to the story because the website is not approved here due to other content on that site that the Thai authorities deem harmful to the image of Thailand and the Institution.




    One of them got made "Minister for Toilets" a while later. Wasn't he or his sibling also made "Police Marksman Instructor" or something.? ????

    • Like 1
  8. 27 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Given the famous UK climate, I'm wondering why anyone would even consider living there. Perhaps that's why Brits have spread to all corners of the globe.

    For at least six months of the year outside the Winter months, it's very livable, imo.

    Was there in April/May this year, and the weather was great. Certainly a nice change from the intense heat and humidity in Thailand during these months.

  9. 18 hours ago, RobU said:

    I agree with you that it isn't unique to Thailand. In the UK police now arrest people for 'Non Crime Incidents' people can be placed on a non crime incident database without their knowledge. When the right people complain about them. One elderly chap was arrested for a humorous post on facebook which showed that four LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ flags formed a swastika, they sent 8 officers to arrest him and hancuffed him for not committing a crime.

    Everything except actual crime is now policed in the UK.

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  10. 3 hours ago, connda said:

    The world government 'elites' seem to have now embraced totalitarianism.  It's not 'just Thailand.'  
    As such, there are now efforts to outlaw protests as well as speech that doesn't conform to official narratives.  It's not a good sign.

    When / if we embrace a "digital economy" it will get a lot worse. You might get automatically fined just for posting that.

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