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Posts posted by huangnon

  1. Quote

    Prawit demanded action from the police to clean up their act.


    The RTP - that critics say is merely a mafia organisation in brown - were told by Prawit at the meeting:


    No more bribes

    No inappropriate behaviour at all

    No corruption in any shape or form

    The RTP were to offer no favors and follow the law to the letter.

    Or else.

    Someone must be cutting in on this venal little toad's action.. 



    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

    And its not unique to Thailand, The Uk had several  profits of doom  One (Neill Fergusson) was caught breaking lock down rules in order to visit his mistress in the early days of covid . another ( may even have been the same guy) had a history of disproved doom and gloom predictions stretching back over 20 years involving everything from Foot and Mouth to SARS. The rest of them were no better. Strangely they all received knighthoods in gratitude for the parts they played in helping to terrify the nation 

    Same guy. Professor Neil Fergusson at Imperial College, London. Failed computer modeller extraordinaire. Always gets his modeled predictions totally wrong, and indeed is the 'go-to' guy for wrong predictions... Funded by the usual suspects (Bill & Melinda, WHO, etc).


    • Thanks 1
  3. On 8/22/2022 at 7:48 PM, Bday Prang said:

    Many of these "doctors" ceased to practice medicine years ago (probably when it dawned on them they were useless) they seem to make a living by being "affiliated " to various organisations and uttering public statements like this, as and when required, 

    Indeed. Just Govt mouthpieces wearing a white coat. And a mask of course.

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  4. 19 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Decathlon for me as well. The shoe's description as sold is 'walking shoe' and I bought my first pair maybe four years ago at Decathlon Pattaya. My work offshore involves walking miles with loads of stair climbing and they are simply awesome. Last summer, I headed off for work in Malaysia and forgot to pack them. Luckily, while serving quarantine (remember that malarkey?!) I discovered lazada traded in Malaysia and Decathlon had a store on lazada and I bought my second, identical pair for a whopping 49 ringgits. I wear them for everyday use and as my 'dress' pair for flying, traveling while the original, only slightly shabby pair also get packed for work. The low, low price is a huge bonus.


    Top link for a full description and bottom link for Thailand online.





    Yep, have ordered a few different walking shoes from Decathlon. The comfort and durability is great for the price tag.

    The "Trail Running" style shoes are worth a look also.

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