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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Link: Price Hikes If you use these supplements for weight training or fitness, you'll have noticed big price hikes from late last year, due to Covid-related supply chain problems. ???? Do you have any recommendations for quality brands that are still reasonably priced? There may be other supplement types that are similarly hit. Please add any info.
  2. Soy contains estrogen. Men wanting to maintain testosterone levels might want to stay away from it. (It's also used a lot in prison food to keep testosterone levels low = prison populations docile). Also: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/diet-nutrition/a20707020/is-soy-good-or-bad-for-you/
  3. Thailand's top Govt-mouthpiece-in-a-white-coat says... Meanwhile, one of the inventors of the m-RNA vaccines has warned parents to "think twice before you vaccinate your kids" Dr Robert Malone
  4. When the local gym closed in 2020, I bought a power half-rack, 20 kg Olympic barbell and plates, plus dumbbells and other stuff (a quality rubber mat) (direct) from a local company "Maxxfit" for home use. Link: Maxxfit The quality is excellent for the price. Power rack came with sturdy support / spotter arms, weight racks, and pull-up bars, etc. 20 months of serious use at home, and no issues with any of the equipment at all. (Bench included, but a bit lightweight for heavy lifting).
  5. Done "for the sake of public health" . ???? Thanks, that's the biggest laugh I've had today.
  6. Yep, my personal favourite. Difficult to find around my locale (Banchang / Rayong) these days though. Stolichnaya a distant #2, a serviceable voddy for the price.
  7. Yep, exactly. The Thai junta requiring "cases" to maintain their ridiculous "state of emergency", and keep on robbing everyone.
  8. Blame meaningless "cases" all on on the usual scapegoats. Omicron is here, and basically everyone is going to get it. Hence the countries like the UK now relaxing testing rules. Time to stop playing virtue-signalling / finger-pointing King Canute, and accept the inevitable.
  9. From the other story, on the same page: https://aseannow.com/topic/1245602-child-dead-in-car-neighbors-speak-of-horrific-abuse-that-nearly-left-boy-handicapped/ It had allegedly been going on for a long time, known to all the neighbours who evidently did nothing, until a camera crew showed up.
  10. Shame that the angry crowd of vigilantes never intervened while the poor child was alive, and being horribly abused.
  11. For Imperial College, read Prof. Neil Ferguson. The guy who has a history of providing wildly overblown computer model stats in regard to virus epidemics. Sars, Bird Flu, Ebola, BSe, etc. -This was before Covid. The guy is basically a failure, providing wrong data and computer modelling, but mysteriously still granted large funding and importance. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/professors-model-for-coronavirus-predictions-should-not-have-been-used-z7dqrkzzd https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2020/05/08/so-the-real-scandal-is-why-did-anyone-ever-listen-to-this-guy/
  12. Dusting off this old chestnut again.. Must be about time to review the Khra Canal Project also, then.?
  13. I just came back from a week's holiday on Tuesday. No one checked our vax status or ATK results at the ferry or the hotels (Mercure and Mac Resort). Maybe due to being obviously very busy last week. Had a great time, and nice to see Ko Chang busy again after a long while.
  14. Yep. I'm sure there are quite a lot of people also died "with" toothaches in the last ten days. Please get boosters, double-mask and hide under your beds.
  15. Agreed. I spent last New Year up in Chiang Mai, and at the top of Doi Inthanon it was a perishing 8'C. Oop North, there is usually a rash of deaths accompanying Cold Season when people bring BBQ's / coal cooking pots into their homes for warmth, and suffocate from carbon monoxide poisoning.
  16. The drug of choice accounting for most of those prison stats is methamphetamine. There are massive production bases just over the borders on Thailand's neighboring countries. So you can guess who is involved in this business. The pill version of meth is everywhere in Thailand. "Yaba" (crazy drug) was originally called "ya-maa" (horse *power* drug) when I came here in the early 90's. They sold it at petrol stations to truckers and construction workers so they could do 20 hour shifts. Until prolonged use made them seriously ill, crazy, or dead. I seriously doubt anyone in Govt here will do anything to stop this trade. The vast amount of money made off-the-books finances political campaigns and lavish lifestyles at the top of the food chain.
  17. Is hypothermia a common cause of death in Thailand? Some of my office staff have the A/C on lowest setting, and wear jackets, so I suppose it's plausible. ????
  18. Yep. Sounds like someone went to one of those WEF / UN meetings in Davos, Switzerland, and came back spouting about 'sustainability, safety, and building-back-better after Covid-19" blah blah.
  19. Carbs, carbs, and erm, carbs again. Bread, potatoes, rice, pastry, pasta, cookies, etc. This is what packs on the lard. If you can give them up or just cut down on them, you will see a big difference to your stomach and midsection. Another good way to lose unwanted fat is to eat within an 8 hour time-frame only. 10:00am to 6:00pm. Will make a big difference to your appearance, and general health.
  20. Covid is now a multi-trillion dollar business. You think mega-corps like Pfizer are in this because they are such charitable benefactors, and are prepared to lose money? I have a nice bridge available for that £500, if you're interested?
  21. Understand what you're saying and agree to a certain extent. Big Pharma and any other corporation is driven by profit which is fair enough. With the opioid crisis though, they (specifically Perdue Pharma with Oxycontin) became legalized heroin dealers, citing (their own) bogus conditions like "breakthrough pain" to massively ramp up dose size. They created a dependency. The incentive to lobby Govt to mandate forever 'boosters' as a reaction to "variants" to make every single person in the world similarly dependent on them must be very appealing all round, at that level. I imagine.
  22. Everyone talking about about these vast corporate Pharma companies like they are some sort of benevolent charity organization.. The same companies that started the opioid crisis that killed and addicted 100's of thousands in the US alone, synthesizing heroin (Oxycontin, Fentanyl, etc.) and being allowed (FDA, CDC, Congress, etc) to prescribe essentially end-of-life cancer medication to people suffering from erm, headaches. They corrupted every organization supposedly protecting public health along the way. That was well over a decade ago.. They got away with it, and made amazing profits. Imagine the power, political influence (massive lobbying), and money that they have now. But it's all about "saving lives", eh?
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