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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Thailand's top Govt-mouthpiece-in-a-white-coat says... Meanwhile, one of the inventors of the m-RNA vaccines has warned parents to "think twice before you vaccinate your kids" Dr Robert Malone
  2. When the local gym closed in 2020, I bought a power half-rack, 20 kg Olympic barbell and plates, plus dumbbells and other stuff (a quality rubber mat) (direct) from a local company "Maxxfit" for home use. Link: Maxxfit The quality is excellent for the price. Power rack came with sturdy support / spotter arms, weight racks, and pull-up bars, etc. 20 months of serious use at home, and no issues with any of the equipment at all. (Bench included, but a bit lightweight for heavy lifting).
  3. Done "for the sake of public health" . ???? Thanks, that's the biggest laugh I've had today.
  4. Yep, my personal favourite. Difficult to find around my locale (Banchang / Rayong) these days though. Stolichnaya a distant #2, a serviceable voddy for the price.
  5. Yep, exactly. The Thai junta requiring "cases" to maintain their ridiculous "state of emergency", and keep on robbing everyone.
  6. Blame meaningless "cases" all on on the usual scapegoats. Omicron is here, and basically everyone is going to get it. Hence the countries like the UK now relaxing testing rules. Time to stop playing virtue-signalling / finger-pointing King Canute, and accept the inevitable.
  7. From the other story, on the same page: https://aseannow.com/topic/1245602-child-dead-in-car-neighbors-speak-of-horrific-abuse-that-nearly-left-boy-handicapped/ It had allegedly been going on for a long time, known to all the neighbours who evidently did nothing, until a camera crew showed up.
  8. Shame that the angry crowd of vigilantes never intervened while the poor child was alive, and being horribly abused.
  9. For Imperial College, read Prof. Neil Ferguson. The guy who has a history of providing wildly overblown computer model stats in regard to virus epidemics. Sars, Bird Flu, Ebola, BSe, etc. -This was before Covid. The guy is basically a failure, providing wrong data and computer modelling, but mysteriously still granted large funding and importance. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/professors-model-for-coronavirus-predictions-should-not-have-been-used-z7dqrkzzd https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2020/05/08/so-the-real-scandal-is-why-did-anyone-ever-listen-to-this-guy/
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