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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. The hospital probably outsources disposal of medical waste: to the lowest bidder..
  2. So, we're going down the Chinese path of 'zero-covid', then? Anything to keep the despot's Article 44 'state of emergency' in place.
  3. Pattaya (similarly Las Vegas) is a "last chance saloon" for the terminally ill, bankrupt, or heartbroken to have one last fling, before going out under their own steam. Not to mention that a few of the "flying club" may have been roofied and put over the side by their bar-fine.
  4. If he was a truly-devout Thai Buddhist, he'd be putting out blue Fanta as an offering. Just sayin'.
  5. I had mild flu-like symptoms, aches / chills for around 10 days. The missus similar but less. My 10yo boy had a sore throat for 2 days.. Some of my Thai staff have had it also. One guy was pretty sick, but he regrets not isolating at home after spending 2 weeks in a field hospital.
  6. Had the double AZ, completed late last year. But no plans to get a booster of the m-RNA type. Actually had Covid in October last year, and have had worse flu, tbh.
  7. You'll need a whole lot of other dinosaurs to stumble into their well-appointed tar pits before any real changes get made here. Here's hoping..????
  8. You'd think with the recent low birth-rates and fertility rates Thailand is currently experiencing, that unprotected intercourse might be a welcome boon to the economy? ???? https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2019-thailand-baby-bust/ But, nah. Another sanctimonious finger-wagging warning about the dangers of being young and having fun.
  9. Oops. Sorry, I missed the date on that, was 1st up on a search. ????
  10. Zebra crossings here have been adopted willy-nilly, copying from other countries, without any training or instructions given to the Thai populace on how to use them. Maybe as some sort of trade-deal or just someone higher-up thinking that implementing them makes Thailand seem "civilized". They are literally "death-traps", especially for hapless foreign tourists, expecting cars to stop. Either train people on how to use them and enforce accompanying laws, or scrap them totally.
  11. Yep. My local will be open as usual I reckon, but I'll call ahead today to make sure. These silly alcohol laws are all applied a bit ad hoc outside Bangkok anyway nowadays. Cheers! (hic).????
  12. Yep. The burst area of the flexible coupling-piping was wrapped by divers, and lifted out yesterday. ????
  13. Wonder if he staples dollar bills to his forehead in the local bar.? Or drinks "bile beer" there..? ????
  14. He knows what he is doing.. Countries in the West now in the process of removing all restrictions, but Prayut needs his Emergency decree to keep large-scale protests off the streets. I'm betting he will keep this up until the end of this year, until the scheduled election. Most Thais just live in a bubble of their own language barriers and ossified culture, and won't question it even though continued compliance with this BS will cost a lot of them their livelihoods, especially in the tourist sector.
  15. He, and his fake royal family have been the US' best mates in the ME for quite a while now.
  16. I reckon Prayut is just keeping this card up his sleeve until the next election at the end of this year. Him and his massively-unpopular "government" can then be the saviours of the nation by dropping all Covid restrictions and giving 'happiness back to the people', before the vote. "Never let a good crisis go to waste" - Churchill.
  17. The guy is a "businessman", with a gangster nickname "Sia Daeng".. ???? Wonder how much interest he was charging on those loans?
  18. Hear ya. Similarly, I haven't been back for 3 years also. But I 'bit the bullet', and booked flights for this April when I heard Boris dropped all travel restrictions in the UK. Hopefully, with the international press putting Thailand's dystopian travel procedures (scams) under the microscope, these dolts will rescind these very soon. Fingers crossed.
  19. Bojo ended restrictions due to political unpopularity, and the press hammering him and his cabinet for breaking all their own rules. If those restrictions were all removed purely due to political expedience, were they totally arbitrary in the first place? Thai PM Prayut is similarly unpopular here, but has an election at the end of this year or early 2023. He could be waiting until that time to be the "hero" that ended Covid misery in Thailand, bringing happiness back again.? ????
  20. In line with the World Economic Forum's plans to make a one world (digital) currency, that monitors every transaction you make.. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/12/cbdc-stablecoin-digital-currency-regulation/ And thus controls the fine details of your life.
  21. Cannabis has been called a "gateway drug". When you progress to the harder stuff, you can start removing major limbs.?
  22. Remaining, unwanted stock to be re-branded as "children's vaccine". Erm, no thanks..
  23. Oh no! What's going to kill us all next week?
  24. In brief, my son's British passport expired last month, and I had forgotten to renew it. The application process says up to 11 weeks, and we have flights booked to the UK in early April, so I went for the "Emergency Travel document" option on the website. When trying to complete this application process, (after entering April flight dates), the application ends with a message "if you're not traveling for 6 weeks or more, you can get a full validity passport.... " This is contradictory with the actual (stated) full passport delivery of 11 weeks.? A bit frustrating, and the email reply I received from the HMPO office wasn't clear also. Any advice, please?
  25. Yep. Thailand's "medical tourism" hospitals have had a hard time of it over the last 2 years, so they've obviously asked their bent connections in the Govt to throw them a bone.
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