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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Yep, I vaguely remember those maladies.. ???? Didn't they disappear during 2020?
  2. At the start of this year, he was urging the populace "not to be scared", and being positive about an endemic status of this virus. Now, he is looking to postpone this, and scare-mongering.. A large section of society is trying to rebuild their lives and livelihoods right now. Are you happy to have this guy dictate the parameters of your life for you?
  3. All she has to do is slur the magical words; "Do you know who I am?" And get spirited away from the stench of her actions.
  4. Translated: "Signed up to shonky trade deals, in return for loans to buy jets and weapons".
  5. People who gamble will do so anyway. The majority of them do it on their phones or at their workplace, village, etc. I don't see how an actual physical walk-in casino will change normal people's gambling habits, tbh. It will prevent however, the billions of Baht / dollars that Thailand loses just over it's borders with it's immediate neighbours.
  6. Hey! Look over there! The cannabis legalization is just a sideshow distraction from a desperately unpopular government that stole people's democracy and livelihoods at the point of a gun.
  7. Just re-reading a few old Henry Miller classics. Tropic of Cancer. Quiet Days in Clichy. Black Spring. Amazingly rich prose, free-association and vocab. Also pretty visceral and tackles taboo (1930's era) matter with lots of energy. Great reading.
  8. I bet he doesn't even have Covid. Just making a point about non-Thais, not wearing the ... masks.
  9. Does it state the average age or co-morbidity of those 10,000 people.? "Pneumonia" is basically the intrinsic cause of death of old age or "natural causes".
  10. They've all got genomic sequencers that they are fully-trained in the use of. I'm sure...
  11. The only real opposition he has, is from his own back-benchers.
  12. Have the newsreaders removed theirs, yet? We (at my office) had a clean sweep of maskless staff, last week. Today the muzzles are back on again, probably due to the "new variants" being of concern, according to the daily fearmongers.
  13. Auspicious numbers are all around us.. Eight-legged creatures however, have a history of being able to forecast sporting / betting events. ???? Ollie the Octopus
  14. Yep. That's all they are. An army of the rich. The horrendous accident stats here don't seem to bother the collective hive-mind at all. Just an unemployment solution.
  15. Cha Cha just parroting the Davos agenda. This is the guy that said women wearing bikinis only have themselves to blame for sexual assaults..
  16. They do have a valid, erm.. point. (Getting me coat).
  17. CP Group (7/11) have a vested interest in keeping mask mandates, as they own the factories producing them. CP Group Probably one of the main reasons the mandate has existed so long here... And another reason to avoid shopping there.
  18. It's still a great idea, generating sales for "mom & pop" shops around the corner from the row of CP-owned supermarkets.
  19. Constant "state of emergency", to subvert the rule of law, scare people into compliance, lock up critics and opponents, etc. What more can you expect from a bunch of semi-educated military muppets who obviously do not have the brains or foresight to see over the trough they've got their snouts deep into..?
  20. Fingers crossed that this somehow gets through. The lack of choice here for decent beers is an embarrassment.
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