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Everything posted by biggles45

  1. ' so they don't have to worry about medical free loaders' When you charge every foreigner 3X plus what a Thai pays, the idea that the hospitals lose money is ridiculous. Illegals from Laos or myanmar dont pay their bills but they wont buy insurance either Any 10 year visa they introduce will be just like the Elite:- renewable every year and have 90 day reporting with no guarantee of Residency. Oh, and cost a lot!
  2. All those in the know have already bought up all the land needed for the construction, par for the course in corrupt countries
  3. I have trouble understanding how you can test negative for CV, board a plane for an 8 hour flight and then be positive when tested in Thailand. Are the tests that unreliable? This is a deal breaker for me.
  4. 'But trying to stop a speeding biker is near impossible at the best of time.' Speeding! He was in a line of traffic turning at an intersection so how could he be speeding.
  5. 'but it is mandatory that you have to book into a 'quarantine' hotel for 7 days. ' So if you have your own place to stay, condo/rented room, you still have to pay for a 7 day hotel stay? Extortion comes to mind
  6. 'when the police salaries are woefully inadequate police will devise other ways of generating genuine income' You could give them 5 times higher salary and nothing would change. The greed is already part of their DNA and a primary reason for being a cop.
  7. A waste of time, its Thailand and 29 officials will never be punished in any meaningful way.
  8. Lets hope they make an example of them, and they dont just pay their way out if it.
  9. I wonder if reform would come easier if all the hi-so overseas property owners were told by those countries that in the interest of fairness and recipricosity Thais could no longer own any property and must sell within xxx time
  10. Yes, if it was one of the languages supported by the printer. The instructions on how to print would be in my home country language so easy to do, just select the language, as it should be in Thailand.
  11. So how are they going to find the Current Industry Minister had no guilt in this when he submitted the purchasing plan during Thaksins govt?
  12. 'I honestly don't think seniors play video games.' Where on earth did you get that idea? I am 75, started playing on the original XBOX/PS2 many years ago. Still have an XBOX360 with 35 games in Thailand and just replaced the one I had in the Philippines with a PS4. While I will agree that our reflexes are too slow for on-line with the kids, we can get a lot of pleasure out of them.
  13. I got mine 8 years go, an PRA agent helped me no charge. I have NEVER been to immigration, renew my Resident card every 3 years through PRA. No TM30, 90 day reports, exit and re entry costs. There is a lot less hoops here, believe me.
  14. '(it's a tip, tea money , call it what you like).' I would just call it for what it is, systematic corruption
  15. The foreign tourists in Phuket have vaccinations and tests so where are all these new infections coming from? Not Thais surely.? I know, lets drop the requirement for testing locals, what could go wrong?
  16. So, if all the foreign tourists to Phuket have to be vaccinated and have multiple tests and the only road in has checkpoints.... Where have all these infected people come from? "
  17. CCTV can be very effective in crime control but only if they are maintained and working. I doubt that will be the case here as maintenance/repair is not a priority
  18. The saddest part of all this is that all his colleagues knew about all of this, most likely including his bosses who he no doubt shared the takings with. Of course it will all go nowhere, in Thailand corruption is encouraged then everyone closes ranks as it could be them next
  19. I had Bells Palsey about 14 years ago in Pattaya, completely recovered in about 5 weeks. I had two Sinovac jabs here in the Philippines, last one 6 weeks ago. No side affects at all, not even arm soreness.
  20. Looking at the car damage, and he appears uninjured. Budha was on his side that day, best buy a lottery ticket I think
  21. 'It's fine for a dirty weekend, but it's not a place to live as there's nothing else there. ' Not sure what you are looking for in Angeles, apart from a beach, that they dont have.? It is a huge place really, the bar area is only a tiny part of it.
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