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Everything posted by GinBoy2

  1. I'd say send them to the US. I'm pretty sure our prisons are Hell on Earth compared to anything in Europe. They will either get the sh**it scared outta them or die They might come back as better people
  2. I've not quite got what Messianic attraction this man has over folks I'm one of those odd ones nowadays and have voted for both Democrats and Republicans, Arnold Schwarzenegger may have been a mistake I must admit, although I still like the guy! But this guy I just don't get it. As as an individual he's just a vile human being, the idea that the 'Christian' right support him baffles belief. The narcissist he his thinks nothing about anyone but himself, yet the acolytes don't see that. Multiple marriages, screwing contractors out of money, bankruptcies, porn star sex, puss****y grabbing and they still seem to be mesmerized him. Hopefully this cycle he will lose and the RNC will awaken from this Trump hypnotic state and return to a rational party
  3. I went to one after HS, but after that I was done. Lots of folks either bragging or justifying their life choices I keep in contact with 2, who I would consider close friends, but going to some shindig with folks I probably barely knew or actively disliked, I don't think so! Now my college buddies, we don't do a formal thing , but we do a zoom thing every now and again . We're scatted across the globe. But those tortuous days back in Berkeley studying in to the middle of the night still seems to bond us together And at our age nobody has anything to prove. We've done our stuff and it's done
  4. I did have to chuckle about the health insurance versus Medicare. I've had Thai private insurance. It's a true insurance market, not like Medicare where you pay what you pay until you finally depart this world. I'd ask this guy when he's 70 how those premiums are looking, if he can even get anyone to insure him!. Then you get to exclusions. Never get sick because from that point whatever ailed you it's excluded from your policy. Years back my wife had a ruptured fallopian tube which required surgery. not uncommon in women From that day forward, now Cigna excluded any and all gyno issues from the policy. Women have gyno issues, thats what I thought insurance was for. So think of it like your US car insurance policy, make a claim, and just watch next years renewal invoice!
  5. Yeah those of us in the 20+ years it's a whole different thing. We're in our 50's 60's, kids are all grown up and we're just 'comfortable' with each other. Nothing to prove, we just live a generally happy life, kids and grandkids. I certainly don't understand how the older guys figure it out with a gf half their age, I'd be exhausted. So me and my old bird, we potter around, go to work, go out for dinner day trips to the kids. Must sound pretty boring for some, but for us, it's just back to that 'comfortable' thing
  6. Me and Mrs G almost never hold hands. I'm old she's old we'd look stupid pretending to be love struck teenagers
  7. I'd give it a 50:50 chance Been through three of them and this looks pretty much the same
  8. The thing to remember about Thai insurance, is it's a true insurance system. The policy will increase exponentially every year because of your age, because the older you get the likelihood of you you needed insurance increases. Thats why Medicare in the US exists, it eliminates that exponential increase and caps it it regardless of how old you are So then you back to the thorny question. Do I continue to pay ever escalating insurance policies in Thailand, if you can even find anyone to insure you, or throw the dice and hope for the best Very few of us actually get through end of life without having some serious medical intervention
  9. My point about having an Advantage plan, is generally they have emergency overseas coverage, which Part B doesn't, to get you fixed up enough to get home. As for Doctors not accepting Medicare, thats a nonsense. Most Dr accept Medicare patients, it's easy guaranteed money for them
  10. Totally agree with this. The green card option is the objective one, tick the boxes and your wife will get a green card guaranteed The B1/B2 is subjective and you cross your fingers and hope for the best But if you don't really want to live in the US for the majority of the time, go down the green card option it's a limited time option. They will let it slide for a few years then the green card will be revoked
  11. He kinda makes some valid points, and I think he probably validates why keeping an Advantage policy in the US probably makes sense. Stuff happens and in an emergency most Advantage policies will pay to at least fix you up enough to get you back home and utilize that Medicare Part B Interesting thing that he talks about Philippine Hospitals holding you hostage. I think any of us that have been in a Thai Hospital recognize the being walked to the ATM to get the cash before you can be discharged!. I have never been to in Thai Hospital, but my wife has for emergency surgery. Before she was discharged I was literally frogmarched to the hospital ATM and then to the cashier before she could be released
  12. It is interesting, but the proposed legislation is simply defined at Philippines
  13. So maybe Medicare should learn from Tricare where it appears there is no problems paying for vets healthcare overseas! Never have quite understood what the difference is, both government funded (subsidized) healthcare under a different name
  14. That was actually a pretty informative video. I think it looks like Advantage overseas is pretty doable, and for your initial post JT, I think he pretty succinctly laid out why you shouldn't cancel Part B!
  15. Like all insurance it's a crap shoot, you don't need it until you need it! The problem with health insurance is that dirty rotten truth is that the older we get the risk sorta rises exponentially every year that you are going to need that insurance. Roll the dice and hope for the best might be option, but I'm a little too cautious to go down the 'GoFundme' route. If you have Part B, keep it, it's the backstop if the sh***it hits the fan
  16. Go to Medicare.gov, enter your zipcode and it will give you the options in your State. I'm not a dumb guy but the options are a little bewildering. I think I opted the best for me. Not sick, fairly healthy but I wanted something pretty seamless covers everything and in addition covers me in Thailand
  17. Well California property taxes are all special due to Prop13 back in the day My ex wife, who I still love death, pays less tax on her three bed house than I do on my 2 bed condo's
  18. True and the policies vary massively by State I was bombarded with mail and phone calls trying to pitch products. I ended up actually talking to folks who had the 'products' Who knew getting old should be this hard
  19. I just tried to check it out and as far as I can see expats repatriating have no special exemption from the standard enrollment period, so get sick and want to come home for treatment, that's a problem. On another note, I have part C, an Advantage policy, costs me an extra $64 a month but fills in the gaps and gives me drug, dental and vision. But the interesting thing is it also gives me emergency coverage overseas for $500K, rather handy when I'm in Thailand
  20. Doesn't bother me at all If folks want to hand over money good for them. But still seems crazy to me why anyone would hand over cash for someone dying. We all all die and you and your family accept that and make plans for it. In this case the ex wife of 24 years is even more ridiculous. Buy yourself a plane ticket if you care that much
  21. Yeah I struggle with this whole Gofundme concept. Maybe some horrific incident happens I can see it. But people die, we all die, If the family want to go see the cremation all well and good but why should strangers chip in? Literally minutes before I read this i was on the Medicare website (US Healthcare for us old 'uns) looking at my payments. Maybe I should cancel that and just do a gofundme every time I go to the Doctors? Maybe it's a Brit thing which I don't understand, but personal responsibly needs to kick in at some point
  22. Actually 'Spanish' flu originated in Kansas! The Spanish got an unfair rap for that The only reason it's called Spanish flu was that during WW1 Spain being neutral had an uncensored press and were reporting the epidemic, whereas other countries wartime press censorship suppressed the news
  23. My recommendation without a doubt, Air Fryer We had a halogen years ago, but the air fryer is way better
  24. The other thing that comes into my equation. I just aged into Medicare so I don't worry about healthcare, When we lived in Thailand full time insurance was already crazy expensive. Now I'm not sure that I could even get insurance at at any price Unlike many of you I do worry about health insurance and couldn't deal with the risk of 'self insure' which is a nonsense concept. That will bankrupt you in a couple of weeks if you get seriously ill. My Medicare Advantage covers me for our annual trip to Thailand so I'm good with that
  25. Ok @frantick one last food thing before we revert to money. The Thai ladies here love Storming Crab at Rushmore Crossing, and I do too. Their fresh oysters are amazing. Of course my wife is tasked with providing the Thai chutney and chili sauce!
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