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Everything posted by moogradod

  1. In the countryside we have a house (very rural style) with about 11 dogs (one more is born, others are overrun by cars). The house is never even locked, but if anybody unknown enters the property at least one starts to bark and the others will follow. Night and day. The perfect security system actually - they are on the property in every direction. But not really an option for the house we have here ????. I am still looking for a suitable Camera System. Extremely difficult. If you seem to have found it, you will later find some downsides (one example: I would mind to have my face on a Chinese Cloud Server with face recognition). Some are using Amazon Cloud Services hosted in Singapore, but these have other flaws....A siren that you can barely hear in the next room ? No, thank you. From 100db-120db up is OK.
  2. To lower electric price is helping the people - and that is why you elect the ones that could possibly do that. That they do something in favour of you. It is the very reason to motivate to elect anybody. To call this "vote buying" is utterly wrong with a twist of sick thinking. Of course that will get you votes as it should. Shows again that the powers in charge now are not qualified at all but clinging to their status quo as the only reason for acting - and not to be of benefit to the people. Same thing for trying to expel the MFP, to refrain from rethinking the education system etc. Still these people get votes - and not even from those who profit directly and protect their own power and wealth. This is both very strange and sad. I wonder how this country could make any progress at any time.
  3. The 5 dogs that are strolling around our property and enter it once the garage door is opened have already learned that they are not welcome. They go away as soon as I shout at them. They are timid and would never give any alarm. My wife proposed to get a German Shepherd, trained by a specialist together with us. That would be more like it but we have already enough family members to take care of. I had once a dog and I know the problems that this can make. In Thailand you cannot even take your dog to the public transport which is a matter of course in Switzerland. As far as the warning system is concerned I am not so sure although it is hairy as can be to find the correct one. ALDO would be the perfect system, but for some unknown reason it may not be operated from Thailand. But I am not giving up quickly.
  4. Just read in the Thai press that this is only supposed to be an opinion poll and it is not the idea to implement it. I may not name the source because of Forum Rules.
  5. I did have an ARLO cloud server, yes, but what was recorded there was nothing special. I never needed the cameras. And then you can download the clips and they are gone. In this situation only you cannot avoid cloud storage in an environment you do not control (shiver ????) Currently we live in a condo with high security. It would be difficult to proceed to our entrance even. 7 x 24 h. Our new house is stand alone and not in a gated community but I will think out surprizes for any intruder so I would not recommend to try braking in. The cameras are just one part of the whole system.
  6. I would never rely on that. To get alarms directly and act on them is by far faster and as well more reliable - and cheaper. We would inform the nearest neighbor. Our house is stand alone and not in a gated community.
  7. I have no cloud service and I have removed anything slightly ressembling or associating with such a service from all devices I own.
  8. Thank you. That's exactly the reason why I struggle at the moment. I even have a Synology NAS with the Surveillance App installed - worked before in Switzerland with other cameras, too, but this does not help much for I get no cloud storage this way. Granted, EOL after 4 years is not really it. But otherwise they are excellent ???? and I would buy a set anytime again - but cannot because they are not supported from Thailand ! No idea why. Cloud storage for TAPO has as well a very strange list where it does work and where not. Probably could cheat it by using VPN to access the account and the router setting up VPN for a supported country.???? One thing to consider is as well my age (67) and my health condition. I am quite sick and could leave this world anytime soon. So I am only motivated for solutions that more or less work out of the box. I wil gladly give an order to someone to do everything for me. Only configuration and IT-setup is something I still can do comfortably. Did not find any substitute yet which is really surprizing. Do the suppliers not know what their customers want ? What I see in abundance on Aliexpress and Lazada is most probably crap. They focus on resultion etc. and not on really necessary functions. My requirements are nothing extraordinary but merely the minimum.
  9. These dogs do nothing but disturb and pose a possible danger to the young children that live with us in the house. Not to talk about rabies etc. And I will get rid of them. I have determined methods to do that in a humane way without harming them. And in a semi humane way if necessary. Maybe I should as well say that the Puyai Baan of the Tambon is the father of a friend of my wife. Maybe we can get him to deport the bunch to a place far far away. No burglar whould even know that he is recorded. And if they would see one camera it is too late. We have since long received an alarm on our phones and can contact someone in the vicinity that may act. Apart from the evidence stored abroad. This is all part of the whole system. I still have some months to implement all that.
  10. OK, I will look at hookup again. I am a quite persistent person. I need a surveillance system with my requirements and I will get it - some way or another. I do not know the format the ARLO Base Station communicates to the router. The problem is that we are in Thailand and some components might be hard to get. Have a look at the ARLO website to know the advantages. https://www.arlo.com/en-us/Of course selective detection and clips to the cloud accessible from everywhere and the extreme ease which which it is "installed" (does not need an installation actually, just carry the very small cameras - which fit into a childs palm - around and place them where you want them to be and then just configure the ARLO App on the mobiles. You may change that in a jiffy if required as well. The charged batteries last incredibly long (months). You may use a desktop to access the cloud from anywhere and then download the videos to your locall environment as evidence. So far I was really reluctant to use cloud services (Google, Microsoft). Just hate the idea - many reasons. I will make me knowledgeable about blue iris / ProjectAI (does not really sound good to me - it's the "AI" in the name which does alarm me. Big Data, AI - I block everything I could possibly reveal to Google etc. No Facebook, no Line, no Twitter, no social media at all. AN is the only social media platform I do exchange information with.
  11. A storm is rising at the horizon. Access to TAPOs Cloud Storage seems only be possible when you have a camera (source: German Reviews) for they do not seem to have a base station which connects to the router and the 7-day storage could be viewed from any desktop if you have an account. So if the intruder removes all cameras and interfaces you are again left with nothing. I contacted them by email in English but of course so far no answer - I wonder if I will ever get one. This is as well a sign of a the excellence of a company - quick and competent user support. Currently it does not look too good which makes steven100 s proposal the favourite. I will contact the company. I foresee that the downside would be the cost. That's the way it is in Thailand, remembering happy times in Switzerland whre this all would be no problem at all.
  12. Incredible. Yes this is a huge increase. In %. Not in actual money. But this is a view fro my own perspective - I must admid that. For a family of 5 with low income it might be desastrous. ????
  13. I feel deep regret and many thanks for everything. That is how it goes in our realm. May your subtle consciousness continue in some better world.
  14. Welcome. I think Rynair for example does not even offer first class - its all wood class and if you are lucky you get a bottle of drinking water or a sandwich - for which you have to pay extra I suppose.
  15. We were not talking about border crossings. It was about flights abroad. So you can spare your comment. But in a way you are right - of course you do not think about any possible situation which may even more hairy than the one you descibe. But I guess I do not have to apologize for that.
  16. Accepted, JayClay. I was really not aware that you could fly that cheap to KL. I did never understand as well the Discount Airlines in Europe (Ryanair etc.). No idea how they may exist (if they still do) with the rates they did offer in the past. An airplane is something expensive - especially its maintenance and airport taxes etc.
  17. Interesting. We are talking about flights that leave Thailand. I am not aware of any flight abroad that is in the price range of 1000 THB. Please just tell me only one. I would like to learn. We do usually fly Business Class to far away destinations and then 1000 is near to nothing. I guess even to Vietnam or Cambodia or Laos flying in the baggage compartment it must be more. But maybe I am really wrong. Just tell me one flight abroad in this price range please.
  18. This 1000 was proposed in order to limit people spending their money abroad. Seriously. Of course this is not really a well thought out idea. Who would change his mind to depart because of the ridiculously low amount of THB 1'000.--. All these taxes at arrival or departure regardless of its amount (be it 300, 700, 1000 or even multiples thereof) do not have the slightest impact on anything IMHO. Peanuts for anybody who can afford a flight ticket.
  19. Storage happens only in case of a defined event, not continuously. In this case I would not mind to make the clips even public on social media. It is as well only stored during 7 days. In practice, I would download any event videos to my local environment and then delete the cloud storage, which is only desirable because any intruder cannot take away any evidence (like on a SD-Card or recorder). The other thing is cloud storage in general or -computing. I would never allow that.
  20. Thank you very much steven100 !! In fact I have to admit that your answer brought a few tears to my eyes. You did even dig into the matter and came up with helpful advice. So rare nowadays on AN where a considerable percentage of posters does not try to really help but sometimes the exact opposite. I thank you again for your compassionate attitude ! When I get a system which satisfies all the requirements that I have listed above, then there is not very much to install. It is rather a configuration thing, because the cameras you can place by just carrying where you want them to be. An exeption is the one external camera which has to be attached to a wall. If there is a base station then this may be connected via Ethernet cable to the PC. Everything else is WiFi. Plus an application on the mobiles. Not really a problem. As for the hardware the TAPO as @stubuzz proposed seems to be the most promising solution so far. But then there is as well loosafe, but this one looks a little bit too "Chinese" to me. And then there is of course your proposal as well. I think I will have a system ready. Thank you all again (no the Alfred Cam will not be part of the shootout, but thanks anyway !)
  21. Thanks ! What I have seen so far on TAPO's homepage looks promising. Seems they have copied the features from the lower end ARLO cameras - but they are cheap and THB 6'000 for 5 cameras per year is just THB 500.-- per month.
  22. I found the info on cloud storage on their homepage. However it does not say how much the 7-day plan is.
  23. Thank you. If you had this all then you know as well which company to contact. Could you tell this to me please ? Thanks. ....and I forgot: No dog in my house regardless of my wife's advice.
  24. Obviously not. It says explicitely "local storage". Then battery operation is not mentioned, nor the number of supported cameras at the same time.
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