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Everything posted by Negita43

  1. I stopped reading this thread at 100 pages - it's too unwieldy to follow now. Once the rules are known I suggest a new thread. And I point you all to something called the Serenity prayer (not that I am religious but the sentiments are sound): God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
  2. It's an Android OS for some NAS boxes Mobile Phone based but I guess you could use on windows with an Android emulator - any thoughts appreciated
  3. You can't tether your mobile ?
  4. my internet goes down once every 3 months or so - Squirelised - But 3BB come the same day and fix it. In the UK I have sim based 4G router for 5 years or so but over here I suspect prices will be too high and 5G routers are still expensive. Compared to what I pay on 3 BB (450 a month including TV on a special 2 year deal a year ago). When that expires I might look at going cable free and deprive the Squirrels of their fun!
  5. Thanks Now that I have persuaded my GF that using the C type for earphones is not life threatening (mine not hers!) and I have found a "splitter" to enable simultaneous (I hope) charging and listening I am reviewing whether the A54 (which gets very good reviews) and which I have seen at 11800 on Lazada (only 1000 more) maybe a much better long term prospect
  6. I suppose one section of the tourist visitors might increase - the ups and downs of international tourism figures!
  7. Not according to this: https://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_a53_5g-11268.php Also if you read te revue above on the site above you will see they actually like the 52 more! But who knows in this mysterious world of mobile phones - I guess seeing is believing is the best watchword.
  8. Thanks already tried but as it's an old model they don't seem to stock it anymore.
  9. Yes I am aware BUT the 52 has something both the others you mention don't have - a jack socket AND before you say - yes I know you can buy a c type USB connector BUT you don't have my girlfriend who does not even want to change her WICO Y61 -Android 10 (ugh) and anyway as it's an old model I expect (Ho Ho) a good price that's certainly the case in Europe.
  10. Anyone know if it's available here at a decent price - I've seen one advertised in Lazada but the site says 5.5" screen and all the specs I've read say it has a 6.5" screen
  11. My Thai GF always agrees to buy something then asks for a discount - not really a good negotiating tactic
  12. New FjordPhantom Android Malware Targets Banking Apps in Southeast Asia https://thehackernews.com/2023/12/new-fjordphantom-android-malware.html
  13. Crossy I found this definition for "moderator" I think its very apt for some of Asean threads! moderator noun [C] (SUBSTANCE) a substance that slows neutrons in a nuclear reactor
  14. Never trust a moderator or a man who thinks LHS stands for left hand sex!!
  15. All three!
  16. This thread is classic misdirection. What I want to know is the real reason Asean went "off air"
  17. I guess I'm lucky, although I like Thai food my gf is a fabulous cook and makes me so many "Farang" foods - Fish n Chips, steak and onion pies, sausages, chorizo, pizza - or maybe she's just hastening the heart attack!
  18. Crossy I always knew you were a bright sparks
  19. Royal Horticulture Society or maybe the opposite of LHS
  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q.E.D. And don't argue about full stops. i am also applying one of my previous posts paradigms to this exchange
  21. I appreciate the quick and clever reply but I'm sure you know QED means quod erat demonstrandum, meaning "which was to be demonstrated".
  22. My approach - but I've never thought of it as a punishment. More like withdrawing their "conflict fix" and we know how junkies suffer without it. My mum used to say if you can't say anything good about something - don't say anything at all,
  23. Insulting people who don't agree with your viewpoint just shows how insecure you are in your own. Carefully watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Manage and watch your words, for they will become your actions. Consider and judge your actions, for they have become your habits. Acknowledge and watch your habits, for they shall become your values. Understand and embrace your values, for they become your destiny. Mahatma Gandhi
  24. Isn't the clue in the title? "Pub Forum". When people have had a few beers often they get argumentitive and insulting to each other - so let them get on with it and use the other sub forums for, hopefully, more nuanced discussions. Why not a "Bar Brawl" sub forum just for them? So many men, so many opinions (Blaise Pascal)
  25. Yes and that's what those who died in 2 world wars died for, so having the freedom to march against war on this particular day underlines hard fought for values and far from being an insult is actually a celebration of their sacrifice.
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