Yes Thanks but 9000+ Baht for an SSD when I'm not bothered if it's an SSD or 2.5 HDD (at 3900) is a no brainer because like I said I aleways have at least two backups of anything important.
I am not particularly looking for SSDs - it's just that the product I highlighted cliamed to be SSD based. nor am I biased towards 2.5 external drives - it's capacity I am looking for.
I am very old school IT I never have just one backup of anything important.
All human wisdom is summed up in two words; wait and hope. Alexandre Dumas
All human wisdom is summed up in two words; wait and hope. Share this Quote Alexandre Dumas
All human wisdom is summed up in two words; wait and hope. Share this Quote Alexandre Dumas
I think the tax free allowance in each country (and the difference therof) may also factor in
Moderator Note: the quote is mis-attributed to Mike Lister but is in fact from poster Phulublub.
Thanks for the last two posts but when I say high capacity I mean at least 5TB.
As far as I am aware 5TB is the max possible for an external 2.5 HDD (unless you start compressing data and then of course you are not really increasing the HDD capacity just reducing the file sizes).
Also as far as I am aware getting bigger than 2TB for SSDs is at the moment possible BUT costs thousands of dollars.
So part of the reason for my post was just to check I had not missed some technological advance and if I had not to express concern that the online site allows the sale of product that appears to be tecnologically impossible to achieve.
My Thai girlfriend strongly believes in Buddha but not in temples
I agree with her - by all means believe in your chosen God but beware of the institutions man creates in his or her name.
I'm looking for a high capacity external USB 3 HDD so I did a search on a well known online site expecting to pay 3-4K baht
The initial search was innudated with offers like the attachment. SSD and 16TB (and I have seen some at 128TB)
I suppose these could be low capacity with high compression rates but.....
You know what they say if it seems too good to be true then it probably is OR have some advances in HDD tech passed me by?
I like Apple Pie and even more Apple and Blackberry Pie. Haven't liked Apple since the 11e was discontinued - just like I don't like Nanny Governments I don't like Nanny Phone Companies.
I had a friend who was a techie for Cray (GCHQ had one in Cheltenham - top secret then but "de-secretised" in the mid eighties - his major piece of equipment was
- a soldering iron!
Thanks Mike my will situation UK and Thai is covered I had started the idea of a Joint account (either or) before all this palava started so that I could transfer money to Thailand and it would be easy for my gf to access on my demuse. Now I think I might have to rethink it all.
I understand yhe pressure you are under so I will not bother you again about inheritance.