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Everything posted by Negita43

  1. And I always thought "Life was a bowl of Cherries"
  2. I have a knee issue that I would like to treat but what do all these initials stand for please? Thanks
  3. Many people would say Donald Trump (who you have posted about times before) was "smart" after all he became President twice - yet would you say he knows the difference between "fact" and "opinion" (and indeed stating something as a "fact" just because it served his purpose).
  4. Now there is another lovely word to argue about "smart"
  5. I agree with your point but I would change "don't accept facts" to "don't accept other people can have different opinions". The word "fact" is a minefield - "facts" change - one the most famous ones was "the world is flat" until someone proved otherwise. And in the political arena one man's fact is another man's poison!
  6. You are of course right. A serious answer to a tongue in cheek post.
  7. You see that everywhere I always check the singles price versus the "offers" and sometimes the "refill packs" are more expensive than the bottle you would refill. As one famous TV police sergeant once said "let's be careful out there" - if anyone can remember Hill Street Blues.
  8. But who of the "top" players (including Mr Do(d)gey is going to jump or be pushed off first or will they all stay the course?
  9. Since I started the thread and I went today to extend my Non O retirement at Korat immigration. I'm not trying to be contentious or disagree with all the helpful previous responses but this is what actually happend: TM 30 (issued 22 November 24) accepted. Blue ink produced by overlaying in a pdf program on my computer not liked by initial (trainee checkers who help you fill in forms) but not a problem with main checkers and immigration officer (I use this method because I have arthritis in my writing hand and my writing is difficult to read). STM2 form has changed from last year (as far as I could make out only in so far as two sheets have become double sided) Took the precaution of getting a blank set to scan. Everyone helpful and friendly to deal with. One thing to note - two pages on the blue book (the initial page and the page with the owners? name) need to be copied to the same sheet. Got the extension, 90 day report done, new TM 30 and single re-entry stamp done by the immigration officer all in one go. Oh yes, Internet went down for an hour or so whilst I was having the stamps put in the passport. Funnily enough the same happened last year but there is a really nice restaurant just opposite so no sweat 😃.
  10. The richer you are the more you want and the more you have the more power you get in this money obsessed world
  11. Elon Musk of course getting there will fill his pockets.
  12. I am saddened that conversations always turn to economics and never to ethics and morals
  13. I am confused - winning an election and then firing thousands of people some of whom may well have voted for him doesn't sound like a plan to me. (or does he think they are all Democrats). Alternatively maybe the plan is that he knows the courts will block him and he can appear to be tough without actually having to be (and he can blame those Democrat judges). I think this man (Trump) is Dangerously Devious and his side kick (Musk) is a Degenerative Genious
  14. I have taught in Thailand and based on that I would have to say they deserve to be at that rank - All most of my students wanted was a report with an "A" without any real desire to actually learn English HOWEVER when I use customer services on say 3BB or Lazada and other services I am surprised how good the English is - so all is not lost.
  15. Thank you In my previous life I was a planner (actually in the travel business) so no I am not overthinking just being "true to type"- forms already completed and ready to be used I was just checking if things had changed since last time (as they sometimes do if the staff change).
  16. I think the value of a LTR Visa depends very much on your age.
  17. Thanks TM 30 receipt (even though I already have one from when I entered Thailand in November) Also last year I had to do a "deposition" (about the penalties for overstay) and a stm2 which is about the bank balance and a checklist. Are they still required or a thing of the past? PS Every form prefilled (Blue) on computer will that be an issue ?
  18. I prefer 'truth'. Two of the most mis-used words in the English language.
  19. I spoke with "information" in Korat on Friday and was told they will renew up to 45 days before expiry By the way anyone know if blue Ink is a requiremet still?
  20. The only problem is - however confusing, not understandable (dare I say wrong) it is - in the end it will be us that suffer because saving face is so important and I have never known a tax office anywhere in the world admit their rules are confusing (until they are taken to court and who of us can afford that?)
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