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Everything posted by Negita43

  1. I am not disputing what the article says (nor agreeing with it). However, there are things we ingest that are reckoned to be just as harmful https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/alcohol But I still enjoy my glass(es) of wine - I started drinking wine (never touch beer) at 25 and I'm now over 80 and my last blood test showed the liver is holding up well. As the old saying goes - All things in moderation
  2. I would like to see an answer to this one too
  3. I was just about to open a joint bank account with my Thai partner (of 12 years) to make it easier for her to access money if something happens to me - however: With the implimentation of the recent rules about foreigners having to pay tax on "income" remitted from overseas I am wondering if that is such a good idea as it might complicate her tax position - she has a government pension and already pays tax.
  4. A slight variation I use a debit card (UK) to pay for medical bills: 1. If I can prove the money was in the bank account before 01/24 will that be taxable? 2. Are medical bills tax deductible?
  5. There is an old saying about never putting your eggs in one basket - keep them all till they expire.
  6. So am I - your handle says it all - forums are for exchanging information not really for slagging people off (although many like you do).THE END
  7. Thanks - no criticism of you - but that tells us a lot!
  8. What Websites say and what happens in real life can be two entirely different things. Nothing like asking (politely) for the experiences of those that have actually done it
  9. In my Macro (Korat - opposite Do Home) in the freezer cabinet with the Roti and spring roll frozen pastry
  10. Can anyone tell me what the channel code SYSG means on a statement - better still anyone have a list of these codes and there meanings Some are obvious such as ATM but others a bit more difficult).
  11. It seems that this forum has many members who's intellectually challenged Including the original poster - "members" is a plural form "is" (who's = who is) is singular verb
  12. Same here - but why on the whim of a bureaucrat
  13. Another underhand government tactic to keep tabs on you
  14. I am a UK citizen, about 12 years ago I came to Thailand on a retirement visa which I obtained in the UK - as far as I recall that did not require the 800,000 Baht in a Thai bank account to obtain it (only when I extended it). But that was 12 years ago and things change. He has already tried to open a bank account in Thailand and been refused because he only had a tourist visa so he feels that he is in a catch 22 (no visa no bank account no bank account no visa). He has more tha sufficient funds to support himself here but what is his best route to get a retirement visa (he is over 50) - is i possible to get one in the USA without the 800,000 Baht and then come and open a bank account and then do a visa extensions subsequently over here?. Thanks
  15. Good thoughts for your full recuperation - take care
  16. He doesn't have to know - you have to prove
  17. Actually my point is about choice not vaccination.
  18. Yes but doesn't that depend on whether the remittance comes from income that year or assets accumulated before that year?
  19. You'd defend a government's right to insist you get vaccinated (and who knows what else they might insist on)
  20. TheInquiry-20231221-HasToyotaSolvedTheElectricCarBatteryProblem.mp3 Well has it. TheInquiry-20231221-HasToyotaSolvedTheElectricCarBatteryProblem.mp3 TheInquiry-20231221-HasToyotaSolvedTheElectricCarBatteryProblem.mp3
  21. I would tend to agree with you also BUT would you rather live in a society where you can choose or one where you have no choice? That's the dichotomy of freedom of choice - if you can choose one way then you have to allow another to choose their way that's the price you have to pay for your freedom of choice.
  22. Maybe I'm spoiling lots of posters fun BUT If you believe in vaccinations - have them. If you don't believe in vaccinations - don't have them. It's your choice just as it's another's option to choose what thay want.
  23. At last a thread I can get my teeth into! But it is true dental treatment here (at Government hospitals at least) is good value compared to my country - that is if you can find a dentist to "take you".
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