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Everything posted by Negita43

  1. In general it's not a good idea to upgrade any version of Windows until at least the second update.
  2. You are of course correct but if you think about it the most visitors to Thailand come from China and pass through immigration so I think the Thais should be learning Chinese! And that still doesn't alter my view (and I can't speak Thai) that Caucasians expect the world to speak English and they shouldn't. And English is the most spoken language only because of our colonial past.
  3. That's what I do - been there for 10 years never accessed apart from the one time I spoke about (whilst here on Work permit visa)
  4. Thay sounds like a nice catch 22 - how then do I resolve this issue? I'm only tring to make life easier for them and me.
  5. Why - does the UK immigration speak Thai, Swahili, Lithuanian etc etc. It's their country - if you want to be here complain all you want on the forum but if you want (for whatever reason) to be here accept that.
  6. Yes I have a similar situation I have a deposit account with KasiKorn (interest bearing) - Some years ago I had to withdraw some money from it which was replaced fairly quickly (at the time I was on a work permit visa) but the same bank book now has what appears like two entries for two different "contracts" for the interest deals, so when you look at the book the last entry shows 790,000 baht with a termination date of the auto renenwing contract some time in the future (and further above it shows another amount of over 100,000 Baht with a different termination date for the auto renewing contract. So when the bank writes the letter, they say I have above the required 800,000 baht BUT when the people who check your docs look at the book the last entry seems to them to show I only have 790,000 Baht. This has caused me issues for the last two years but to be absolutely fair to Korat Immigration it has been resolved and an extension issued. I have spoken to the bank and they are reluctant to combine the two "contracts" into one. I keep meaning to withdraw all the money and then immediately put it back under one "contract" but I do not want to fall foul of the rules about maintaining the a requisite amounts after the visa is issued (and last year I was abroad during what I take to be the period when you apparently can have a zero balance (even though it would only be for the time I was making the changes in the bank)). On the basis of the initial post I am now concerned about what will happen when I go to renew in a few weeks time.
  7. 06 Sunshine Of Your Love.mp3 I was a teenager in the swingin 60s Sex (a lot) Drugs (none) and Rock n Roll (even more) Happy Days!
  8. Answered my own questions Re this post and one previously about Turkey Here are the links if anyone needs them: Schengen: Can enter with valid Schengen https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/non-eu-countries-where-you-can-go-with-schengen-visa/ Turkey or Türkiye for the pedantic Visa Free 30 day https://www.mfa.gov.tr/visa-information-for-foreigners.en.mfa
  9. Hopefully, we're off to the UK in March and I have booked a 7 day trip to Croatia from there (my Thai girlfriend has a Schengen from last year which still has validity and I believe that from Jan 1 2023 Croatia is a Schengen member), But here is the question - whilst we are there we would like to take day trips to Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina. I have tried to find out the visa requirements for entry for her but without a lot of success. I have emailed both embassies but got no reply. Browsing the internet gets confusing information. One site appears to imply that they will accept a Schengen visa for entry (even though they sre not members) but others don't say clearly what needs to be done to gain entry. Any useful pointers appreciated
  10. THE PRICE OF PROGRESS?? In the old days criminals used to rob banks, with guns, through tunnels, by wire fraud. The responsibilty for security was the banks and the loss fell on the banks not their customers. No wonder they want to insist on apps (and not care about how secure they are) because then the loss and responsibility for it falls on the customer and it is up to the customer to prove they were not responsible (some hopes). There is a general shift away from corporate liabilty to individual liability But this is not only an issue with banks, most if not all major companies on the internet want you to agree to lose your basic rights to privacy and redress if you want to use their "services". Some say it's the price of progress - but who pays - we the "clients", "users", "subscribers, do - both monetarily and in terms of privacy.
  11. I have already said it's a good Idea but one afterthought - someone said elsewhere that the apps link to the SIM card so Blue stacks wouldn't help in this case - no SIM card in the PC
  12. Whilst I agree with your sentiments in the rest of the post - wasn't Tony Blair the one who adamantly said that IRAQ had another type of weapon of mass destruction????
  13. Thanks everybody. I was concerned about how they count the days issue. Last year we were in the UK for 130 days (May - Sept) minus a 3 week side trip to Spain and this year we are planning a 179 day trip (Chosen because of flight costs not because it's 1 day less than the limit) day trip (March - September) with a side trip to Europe (she has a Schengen) and hopefully Turkey (doesn't need Schengen) to be booked in the UK so we can review the security situation before booking closer to the time). She also has a 10 year USA visa and has been travelling to the UK and Euope regularly for the last 12 years. We also always take a copy of her last 6 months banks statements and she is an ex Government employee with a pension and owns 3 properties in Thailand. I also have a Thai retirement extension which has been renewed for the last several years (with the exception of Covid when I was in the UK and she was in Thailand for nearly 2 years and neither of us could travel - I don't expect she'll get an extra two years on her 10 year visa for that!). Apart from all that she thinks Thailand is the best place in the world to live in. (looking at the UK news I'm not inclined to argue that point with her!) Although I am not a Border Guard and it may well depend on who you get on the day I think we can provide enough evidence to show she will abide by all the immigration rules and she will not be seeking to stay pemanently in the UK - but who knows! As I said at the beginning I was more concerned about how they "tot up" the 180 days.
  14. We must share a wife!!!????
  15. That's a good point I have bluestacks also but it's superflous for my needs at the moment but as you suggest if banks remove all PC based banking then it may be a solution. Finally, I use a PC also because I can view everything on my 42 inch TV screen - these old eyes ain't what they used to be!
  16. And my PC never leaves the house whereas my mobile goes wherever I go so having TWO DEVICE security is whilst not perfect, is better. Just read the BBC link here's an extract: "Because the device was locked and password protected, Mr de Simone said that initially, while he was upset his phone had been stolen, he didn't think much more of it until the morning after when he checked his online banking. "I found both my current account and savings accounts had been drained of £22,500. I was completely shocked. I didn't know how this was possible. "I don't access my phone using a pin code - I use facial recognition. My Barclays pin is different to my phone pin and they'd need to have both of them."
  17. I just do not understand the banks motivation in forcing people to use mobile phone apps - just look at all the problems with them. It almost seems that banks are complicit in all the frauds that go on and yet refuse to compensate people for their losses when they use a system imposed on them by the same banks. I use a PC for banking and my phone can receive an OTP and I do not want to change to mobile app only which is less secure. And here's another from the BBC in the UK https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-64240140
  18. Thank you - very clear. However I must say that having a 10 year visa does imply "frequent or successive visits" in itself - why else have one?
  19. Anybody know if on a 10 year visa does that means 180 days in a calendar year or 180 days in a 12 month period?
  20. The UK embassy actually has such a list of the "official things" that need to be done in English and Thai which can be downloaded. In my experience the USA Embassy is far more helpful to it's citizens abroad so I'm sure the they will have one. With regard to assetts etc a list and a trustworthy solicitor will help
  21. Mine was a serious question about a country that many still call Turkey but I don't object to any humour based on a play on words. Society seems to be losing its sense of humour ???? droll noun : an amusing person : jester, comedian
  22. I'm sure you know what they do with Turkey
  23. I have said for a long time that the idea of OTPs (one time passwords) and banking apps are not secure because most people want convenience not security so they put everything including passwords on their mobile phones - hack the phone and the criminal has all he or she needs. Two DEVICE security is more secure where the app is on one device and the passwords are on another. For convenience I have 1 banking app on my phone with never more than £200 in the account. The rest of my online banking uses two devices - a notebook for accessing the account and where they insist, a mobile phone for receiving the OTP. Some banks (and even the UK HMRC) will send OTPs to a landline number but not all - for me that is far more secure BUT in IT nothing is certain!
  24. Thanks everybody and for those of you who gave me links - I had already tried that and on the "official site" I located Thailand did not appear on any of the three catagories of tourist visa requirements. https://www.visasturkey.com/requirements/
  25. And they will not be arriving directly from Thailand (Whilst on holiday in UK)
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