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Everything posted by Negita43

  1. Yes but I think each contarct lasts for 3 (or maybe 6) months then auto renews
  2. I have a similar probelm with Kasicorn some years ago (at least 5) I had to take some money out of my deposit account but then quickly paid it back (actually then I was here on a work permit). Now I have two "contracts" in the same book and the last entry in the book always shows an amount of around 170,000 baht and a date in the future BUT this is actually the expiry date of that contract and a few lines above another amount (making up more than the 800,000 Baht) is shown with it's expiry date. This has caused increasing problems at visa extension renewal as the "checkers" only see the 170,000 and immediately say I don't meet the regulation. I have been able to resolve the issue over the last couple of years but I can see it becoming increasinly more of an issue even though I have the bank letter stating I have 800,000 Baht in my account. I have asked Kasikorn to combine the contracts but they say they can't and given the 400,000 minimum rule I can't close the two contacts and immediate renew with one 800,000 Baht one. Even moving it into two 400,000 chunks will give the same issue as then the last entry will show 400,000 Baht with that contacts expiry date. It's extremely frustrating as all I want to do is comply with immigration rules in as simple as way as possible for all concerned.
  3. The reason many years ago in the UK that they restricted the amount of Paracetamol you could buy in one go was that people were using it to commit suicide and I guess the other NSAIDs got caught up in that. The idea being that buying enough in packs of 16 gave you time to "reconsider" your actions! Of course the manufacturers love this restriction if you looked at the price of 100 aspirin before and then the price of buying 100 in packs of 16 after you'll know why! I have had trouble for years getting the small dose aspirin here and when I return from my trips to the UK I bring it back with me (It's prescribed to me by the doctor) I am now concerned what will happen if they are found in my luggage.
  4. But that is exactly the point - some sellers claim to be in Thailand but actually ship from China. How can a buyer be sure if the listing on Lazada says the supplier is in Bankok for example. I don't mind buying from China if the Chinese supplier has what I want and because I know it's coming from China I know the risks and the timescales. But if I think it's coming from Thailand because the listing says the supplier is in Thailand then the risks associated with buying from China are not apparent. It's a very questionable practice and Lazada should address the issue.
  5. Yes BUT the reason I ordered from this supplier is that they claimed to be in Thailand. I could have bought it cheaper from China BUT it was about to be Chinese new year and all that means order processing. It is misleading to say the least to claim to be in Thailand when the order will be shipped from China.
  6. Slightly off topic but I have had money stuck in my wallet for several weeks even after asking for it to be transferred to my bank and after having supplied the relavent documentation. Called them over a week ago they apologised and said it would be transfered - nothing - in the meantime another refund has gone into the wallet called them again today another apology and a promise that all of it would be in my account in 2 business days - We'll see!
  7. And consumer protection laws are not very strong and the online marketplaces don't care about 1 individual because there are so many other suckers out there.
  8. I would never do anything other than COD with any online supplier in Asia.
  9. I had the same issue after about 10 days I tried to cancel the order - could not - then I messaged the supplier saying I thought they were not in Thailand but China - next day the order was cancelled! Spoke with Lazada about this and my suspicions person I spoke with said "do you have any proof" HA HA I have had several issues with Lazada recently including them not moving money from wallet to my bank in a timely fashion.
  10. Actually, I don't think there web site is that crappy and the support is great they answered a question from me via "contact" in 10 minutes
  11. A word of warning - I can't say if it was just a problem with my branch or a general one but: I had a foreign currency account (Euros) with Kasikorn. When I wanted to close the account and repatriate money , even though I supplied all the relevant info (swift codes etc) the bank could not make the transfer and ended up giving me several thousands of Euros in CASH. Caused me no end of issues as my UK Euro account would only accept bank transfers. Fortunately, I like Spain and used the money on my regular trips there (although even then I had to change the 500 Euro notes which were not well liked in shops at banks first). Anyway down to my last couple of hundred Euros now so a big drag but at least I was able to get my money out..
  12. Not being nosey but where (ie what country) would such an account be registered and would that be the country of the persons residence?
  13. I read your posts with interest BUT as far as IT (including mobiles) is concerned the watchword should NOT be "innocent until proven guilty" BUT "Guilty until proven innocent" That's the safest way to deal with all tech companies.
  14. Only one thing wrong with this statement the word "or" should be "and"
  15. Whilst important, weight is not the only factor to consider if you want to extend your life - for example excessive alcohol, no exercise, smoking, family history. All of these may also be factors what ever you do about your weight.
  16. Only OK - So now you have to go to all the Indian restaurants to see it it was really No5 or had just paid Google for the rating.
  17. Never had to do any of this in the past and don't intend to now. I can do all of this of my laptop before I go to the pub - Oh I never do that either!
  18. Why would anybody click on something they don't know the meaning of. Come to that why would anybody click on those tantalising email notifications from someone they dont know. IT seems to have engendered a cavalier attitude to being careful. Do I trust IT - NO - do I use it YES BUT
  19. My 15" laptop is hooked up to my 42" TV - I can just make out the log in screen????
  20. She looks like she might drain your account pretty quick????
  21. I refuse to use mobile apps where my money might be at risk so I guess I am becoming a leper - refused access to many everyday activities because I prefer security over convenience.
  22. Thanks Everybody - Although someone gave me some here in Thailand I had encountered these in the UK many years ago and I had forgotten the name - your posts helped me find out what they were called then - cape gooseberries. Thanks again
  23. A Schengen Visa Valid for 1 year with multiple entry issued by Spain. Visa holder visits Spain and leaves Spain to a Non Schengen country - some months later (still within validity of Visa) holder wants to enter a different Schengen country - Clearly the holder has entered Schegen area previously at the "first point of entry" but does leaving the Schengen area mean they must re-enter again via Spain?
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