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Everything posted by sometime

  1. So why did you buy it ?????????????
  2. Sorry had it done in 2017, I looked online don't think he is still there.
  3. Had both eyes done & lens implants at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, very pleased
  4. I am looking for a new pickup, is there any main dealer IE Ford Nissan Toyota etc that do trade ins, my old pickup for a new one & I pay the difference? Thanks
  5. Last three morning had to fish at least sixty of these bugs out of the pool. they swim, happily stay under water, they also can fly, given the chance they can nip you Any idea what they are
  6. Have you tried system restore
  7. Her in doors decided she wasn't to keen on the new sink look (<deleted>) I knew I had a piece of inch cement board and a few spare tiles, job started half way through angle grinder stopped quick look it needed new carbon brushes. Off to the local have it all shop, you have yes. Job finished just needs a wash down in a few weeks time.
  8. If the soak away from the tank is full with the heavy rain it will back up to the tank, presuming you have a soak away? A lot of houses just have a few rings filled with gravel for the soak away,
  9. Look carefully a kitchen tap
  10. A Cheap Charlie job We have gone through 3 stainless steel sinks in the car port due to them rusting, & the size of the hole cant get to fit, didn't fancy removing the top & tiles. Came up with this idea, we had an old LG washing machine top, then purchased from Mr DIY, 1 tap 130baht, 1 sink outlet 30 baht 1 bowl 80 baht
  11. Can anyone recommend a SIM router with antenna from Lazada
  12. Its like all the hype on EVs OH i must have one, you are being brain washed
  13. Me & the wife 0 and still going strong at 75,
  14. My internet connection is with a true sim card,70 gig a month from Lazada,and a dongle, the connection used to be good but at the moment its crap. On saying that after a storm the other night downloading at 24 MPS Is there a better network than True I live NaJomtien near Silverlake area Thanks
  15. Why not try home brew to pass your time
  16. sometime


    Closed today Friday 11.30 am
  17. We only watch TV 1 hour at night, too busy during the day, But we have music playing most of the day,on the desktop I have a folder called TV TIMES, when one series finishes I edit it TV TIMES MONDAY - Doc Martin or -Murder most horrid & Keeping Up Appearances TUESDAY- Kingdom or BERGERAC or JOHNATHAN CREEK WEDNESDAY -VARIETY THURSDAY- 2 X30 MIN COMEDY FRIDAY BOON or UFO or LOTUS EATERS SATURDAY MUSIC VIDEO SUNDAY Traveling man or The Mrs Bradley Mysteries
  18. Easy, 4 Hds have all the old Shows films 1 Hd has all the new things to watch, and I have a lists of whats on the HDs ect comedy. detective. drama sifi
  19. I just do it the easy way, put whatever I want to watch off my PC/ 5 hard drives onto a USB stick & stick it into the TV
  20. But you are paying it, the 300baht was put on the ticket price years ago, to save going to the booth to get your exit sticker.
  21. Most chaps rent a condo, that's most of their pension gone every month.
  22. Just hope the weather forecast on my phone for next Wed Thur Fri is wrong, just outside Pattaya
  23. How about exercise, if you have two legs get up and walk, swing those arms that have been hanging by your side
  24. How to Euthanize Your Dog by Helium Gas (Amelia's Story Based) https://petsofun.com/how-to-euthanize-a-dog-at-home-without-a-vet/#How_to_Euthanize_Your_Dog_by_Helium_Gas_Amelias_Story_Based
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