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'Boss' outruns another charge


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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:




Initially they claimed they'd requested a Blue Notice be issued. Then they suddenly upped the claim to a Red Notice.


Is this another example of a little white lie?

I did not bother checking the Blue Notices. Maybe the BIB do not know the difference between the Red and the Blue :smile: Just as an aside. There are Thais on the Red Notice List but NONE are requested by Thailand. (mostly from Malaysia).

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Those corrupt police officers that have received money from his family would be even happier because this fugitive had upgraded his "Innocence" by having only one charge left. Therefore, by the time he is back in Thailand, a 2,000 baht fine would end this whole saga. 

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At this point, haven't his family members implicated themselves as accomplices? It seems they would have to be aware of his whereabouts and/or supporting him financially and logistically. Perhaps legal pressure applied to mom would result in a sudden reappearance. 

I am not certain this is the case, but it sure seems likely.

"A momma' s boy only wonders as far as his mothers apron strings will allow".

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2 hours ago, pieeyed said:

I guess everyone has forgot about the booze and the cocaine in his system when he run over the police man on Ekamai?

I don't think there were any tests done on the punk that night.  Even it there were, it will be the easiest item to get dismissed, if this thing ever went to court.  Even a poor small-timer with an ok lawyer can get something like that dismissed (in a Thai court) as evidence.  The Thai judicial system has as much teeth as a chicken.  .....and what about 'a trial in absentia' ?  


2 hours ago, colinneil said:

Justice here is a joke, money is the only form of justice here. You have money, you get away with murder, no money you get fitted up for whatever the police decide. There is not 1 person in authority here with even 1 ounce of decency/ moral fibre, they are corrupt as hell.

Maybe there are 1 or 2 men in brown uniforms (like Serpico) who have a modicum of decency, but they know: to speak up, is to lose their job, or worse.  


from the OP:   "Krissana also dismissed allegations that Thai police had helped the billionaire suspect evade arrest, adding that if anyone had evidence to substantiate such an allegation, they should come forward."

Fried BS in a BS sandwich served on a BS plate on a BS table.  I'm coming forward.  Thai authorities not only assisted the buttplug in evading arrest, everyone involved in that activity should be brought to trial on 'obstruction of justice' charges, from Jaktip on down.  


What's that you say?  There's no such thing as 'obstruction of justice' in Thailand?   Oh well, sorry, forget everything I said.

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odd how  they can use 44 for something trivial but not for amending statute of limitation for people running off abroad to evade the charges. Should be charges never run out, they recommence when you return to a country - even by extradition. Quite simply put - the rich should not be able to run off abroad to evade prison and charges until ran out.

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Well this absolute farce is playing out exactly as many of us expected. What strikes me is that in Australia, my home country, when a Police Officer is killed, especially in the line of duty, the Police Force will pull out all stops to bring the culprit to justice. The country is turned upside down, and all overseas options fully explored.They take it very seriously when one of their own is harmed, and rightly so.The difference here is stark.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:




Initially they claimed they'd requested a Blue Notice be issued. Then they suddenly upped the claim to a Red Notice.


Is this another example of a little white lie?

It's not a 'white lie' it's a yellow lie

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

I don't know about you, but billions or not, having to look around

you and for years and years having to live in fear of being grabbed

by a policeman at any time and detained, sent back in cuffs and

put to trial and sent to jail this is not a life even the most powerfull

and affluent person are envisioning to themselves....


Who are you referring to?  If you are referring to Boss then you clearly don't understand things here because he's in no fear of arrest or incarceration whatsoever.

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15 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

odd how  they can use 44 for something trivial but not for amending statute of limitation for people running off abroad to evade the charges. Should be charges never run out, they recommence when you return to a country - even by extradition. Quite simply put - the rich should not be able to run off abroad to evade prison and charges until ran out.

Unfortunately it is not 'odd' at all and the Junta Huggers on here have no explanation why their Great Leader has been silent on the issue and not "44'd" it. 

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5 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Thailand often says that it has a legitimate, fair system of justice.


This case is incontrovertible evidence to the contrary.



Rich People always have the edge on any justice system in any country of the world, which you know. So Thailand is not alone here. In almost any country, if you can afford to pay the high bail, they have to let you go free until trial date.


In the USA, they still haven't been able to bring Polanski to a Trial after 40 years, and Cosby has not spent a day in jail. Won't even talk about O.J. Simpson. The list goes on. 


But these are only High Profile Case we all hear about. What about all the other case we don't hear about. When somebody Rich and Famous finally does get charged and goes to jail, it is big news everywhere. If you have the money for bail and the best lawyers money can buy, there is a very good chance you won't got to prison, or at least for many years after. But even then you have the money and power to get out on some early release program.  

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2 hours ago, DoctorG said:

Well, I just did a search of the Interpol Red Notices. Guess who is NOT on the list?


While most Red Notices are restricted to law enforcement use only, some member countries choose to make an extract publicly available. 

Doesn't really prove he's not on the list.

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11 minutes ago, Blackheart1916 said:

Well this absolute farce is playing out exactly as many of us expected. What strikes me is that in Australia, my home country, when a Police Officer is killed, especially in the line of duty, the Police Force will pull out all stops to bring the culprit to justice. The country is turned upside down, and all overseas options fully explored.They take it very seriously when one of their own is harmed, and rightly so.The difference here is stark.

Mate you are so right They will go the extra mile to get the guy who killed one of their own Last guy in Queensland who shot a cop was shot by the cops  dead. They say he had pulled a gun on them so they had to shoot him That was the official line that was told by the police My guess is shoot him ask questions later It was Payback time

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