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'Boss' outruns another charge


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Here's Boss' agenda for the upcoming  weeks: 


Friday September 15, 2017: Singapore.

Saturday September 16, 2017: Singapore.

Sunday September 17, 2017: Singapore.

Friday September 29, 2017: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Saturday September 30, 2017: Kuala Lumpur., Malaysia

Sunday October 1, 2017: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Friday October 6, 2017: 鈴鹿市 Suzuka-shi, Japan.

Saturday October 7, 2017: 鈴鹿市 Suzuka-shi, Japan.

SundayOctober 8, 2017: 鈴鹿市 Suzuka-shi, Japan.

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37 minutes ago, Techno Viking said:

A few weeks back it was reported he in on a blue notice, can that be searched instead of red.


As far as I can tell, no it can't (I just tried). If he's on a blue notice, that would explain why he's never been arrested - a blue notice is just a request for information. However, just because a search of the publicly available red notices doesn't turn up his name, doesn't mean he isn't subject to one.  As it states on the Interpol website:



 While most Red Notices are restricted to law enforcement use only, some member countries choose to make an extract publicly available. This includes information such as the individual’s name and the criminal charges for which they are wanted. The full Red Notice contains additional information for law enforcement purposes only. 

So if Thailand is not one of the countries that chooses to make Red Notice extracts publicly available, you're not going to find his name on the Interpol website (unless you're involved in law enforcement and have access to the full info).

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1 hour ago, bbpbbp said:


I am SO SURE that you or your kids would surrender and go to jail in the same situation.


So funny or brainless and liars can be people not even able to imagine themselves in the same situation...



I'll never find myself in that situation because I never drink and drive. 


The one and only time I have ever fatally injured a person in a road accident I hung around and waited for the police, unlike Baby Boss. I didn't do a runner like the despicable little coward you seem to be defending/sympatizing with. 


I know only too well the situation, first hand, that is for SURE!

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

I don't know about you, but billions or not, having to look around

you and for years and years having to live in fear of being grabbed

by a policeman at any time and detained, sent back in cuffs and

put to trial and sent to jail this is not a life even the most powerfull

and affluent person are envisioning to themselves....


He knows that won't happen, and is probably not at all concerned, he would be forewarned about any likelihood of getting collared and his private jet warmed up ready to whisk him away at the drop of a hat, pure conjecture of course but i bet i'm not far wrong.

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2 hours ago, Yann55 said:

Can someone well versed in law please explain to me (or rather us, as I'm pretty sure I'm not the only here who's totally staggered by this situation) how this 'statute of limitation' thing works ?


How is it even possible that criminals only have to run and wait for the 'statute of limitations' to save their ass ? I know that it doesn't cover every kind of crime, but how come it does cover this one ? (and yes, I know, there are 3 different charges and only 2 have been wiped 'clean' by now, but the third one - the worst - is also due to be erased later on).


There is usually a reason why laws exist, so I'm desperately trying to get my head around this one : what purpose does it serve ?


Please note, I am not calling for typical TVF paranoid rants in response to my question. Enough of those already. I'm just hoping that among the many members of this Forum, one or several understand this weird (to say the least) legal point better than I do and would thus be kind enough to share their knowledge. Thank you in advance.




The statute of limitations is only for when you can be charged.  If you are charged but skip the country, you've still been charged.


The duration of the statute of limitations varies depending on the crime, and for some crimes there isn't a statute of limitations.

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

I don't know about you, but billions or not, having to look around

you and for years and years having to live in fear of being grabbed

by a policeman at any time and detained, sent back in cuffs and

put to trial and sent to jail this is not a life even the most powerfull

and affluent person are envisioning to themselves....


Clearly you are talking about Thaksin.

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

I don't know about you, but billions or not, having to look around

you and for years and years having to live in fear of being grabbed

by a policeman at any time and detained, sent back in cuffs and

put to trial and sent to jail this is not a life even the most powerfull

and affluent person are envisioning to themselves....


But he has never had to live with that fear, has he?

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2 hours ago, Yann55 said:

Can someone well versed in law please explain to me (or rather us, as I'm pretty sure I'm not the only here who's totally staggered by this situation) how this 'statute of limitation' thing works ?


How is it even possible that criminals only have to run and wait for the 'statute of limitations' to save their ass ? I know that it doesn't cover every kind of crime, but how come it does cover this one ? (and yes, I know, there are 3 different charges and only 2 have been wiped 'clean' by now, but the third one - the worst - is also due to be erased later on).


There is usually a reason why laws exist, so I'm desperately trying to get my head around this one : what purpose does it serve ?


Almost all justice systems have a statute of limitations. They've been around for about as long as systems of justice have existed.  For instance, in Athens in the 5th century BC, a five-year statute of limitations was established for all cases except homicide and the prosecution of non-constitutional laws. Based on contemporary writings, these statutes of limitations were adopted to control professional accusers from bringing malicious prosecutions long after the event.


The main intent of statutes of limitation is to protect the defendant. I think it's fair to say that they were not designed to protect criminals that flee the jurisdiction, such as in this case.


There are various reasons sometimes given for them, including the following:


  • There is a general feeling that to be fair to all involved, cases should be brought it to trial within a reasonable length of time. There's an old saying: "Justice delayed is justice denied".
  • By the time a stale claim is litigated, evidence may have been lost or be no longer reliable, witnesses may have died etc so it may not be possible to provide a fair trial.
  • Litigation of a long-dormant claim may result in more cruelty than justice.

In most legal systems, a statute of limitations restricts when a case may be filed, but so long as a case is filed during the period specified in the statute of limitations, the case may be heard and decided by the court even after that period expires. However based on what I can tell by looking at the Thai legal codes, in Thailand that is not so - the prosecution has to be started AND the person has to brought to court before the time period expires.  This would seem to be a weakness in the Thai Statute of Limitations as compared to many other legal systems.


Also, in many jurisdictions, the statute of limitations does not apply to the more heinous crimes such as murder or rape and there may be exceptions due to the age of a victim etc.  I am not sure whether Thailand has these kinds of exceptions in its legal code.

Edited by GroveHillWanderer
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3 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Rich People always have the edge on any justice system in any country of the world, which you know. So Thailand is not alone here. In almost any country, if you can afford to pay the high bail, they have to let you go free until trial date.


In the USA, they still haven't been able to bring Polanski to a Trial after 40 years, and Cosby has not spent a day in jail. Won't even talk about O.J. Simpson. The list goes on. 


But these are only High Profile Case we all hear about. What about all the other case we don't hear about. When somebody Rich and Famous finally does get charged and goes to jail, it is big news everywhere. If you have the money for bail and the best lawyers money can buy, there is a very good chance you won't got to prison, or at least for many years after. But even then you have the money and power to get out on some early release program.  

I agree. Wasn't it one of the Kennedy clan, Senator Edward Kennedy, involved with a Mary-Jo Kapechne who drowned in his car which crashed in a lake called Chappaquidick? (Pardon my spelling - I'm a Brit). Someone once told me that as he was driving her home that night, She asked him what he would say if she told him she was pregnant and he told her they would cross that bridge when they came to it.

Didn't he get away with something....................................? money and power talks.

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I use to say "Living in Thailand is like living in the old west".....but, it's so not true. Mr. 'boss' killed a person, fled, lied, bribebed and who knows what else..... and has a ฿20,000 fine, and yes prison time hanging over his head. But, I just googled reward posters from Americas 'Old West' (100 yrs and older) and the average was US$5000. That, at today adjusted rate is ฿4,500,000. Just say'.....

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3 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Rich People always have the edge on any justice system in any country of the world, which you know. So Thailand is not alone here. In almost any country, if you can afford to pay the high bail, they have to let you go free until trial date.  

That's the subject of another old legal adage: "You get the justice you can afford."

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If they really want to find him then maybe try looking in Vancouver... he wouldn't be the only fugitive there evading Thai justice, now or in the past... remember how long it took for Saxena to be extradited from Canada back to Thailand...  thirteen years...

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10 minutes ago, Rawnthai said:

I use to say "Living in Thailand is like living in the old west".....but, it's so not true. Mr. 'boss' killed a person, fled, lied, bribebed and who knows what else..... and has a ฿20,000 fine, and yes prison time hanging over his head. But, I just googled reward posters from Americas 'Old West' (100 yrs and older) and the average was US$5000. That, at today adjusted rate is ฿4,500,000. Just say'.....

A valid line of thought, especially when you picture Boss's present whereabouts. No matter where he is or in what country, won't there be someone, within eye or earshot of Boss at this very moment, who knows that he's a wanted man but fears the risks of revenge outweigh the B20K reward. As you say, slap another few million into the pot and you might soon be cookin'.

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I think the only way to get this sucker to court and to be convicted is that the company delivers him.  And the way to achieve that is to stop buying/using Red Bull/Krathing Daeng and telling everyone its a "cop killer drink". If the word spreads around enough, it will affect sales and stock price, and thus force both the Austrian and Thai management to take action on him.


From now on, I am walking away from all Red Bull products and activities and telling everyone I see using or about to use their products that RB is obscuring justice by harbouring a wanted fugitive.

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41 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

I agree. Wasn't it one of the Kennedy clan, Senator Edward Kennedy, involved with a Mary-Jo Kapechne who drowned in his car which crashed in a lake called Chappaquidick? (Pardon my spelling - I'm a Brit). Someone once told me that as he was driving her home that night, She asked him what he would say if she told him she was pregnant and he told her they would cross that bridge when they came to it.

Didn't he get away with something....................................? money and power talks.

Great 'crossing bridge' joke, but told too much tongue in cheek or under too much 'rich power' camouflage.

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49 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

I agree. Wasn't it one of the Kennedy clan, Senator Edward Kennedy, involved with a Mary-Jo Kapechne who drowned in his car which crashed in a lake called Chappaquidick? (Pardon my spelling - I'm a Brit). Someone once told me that as he was driving her home that night, She asked him what he would say if she told him she was pregnant and he told her they would cross that bridge when they came to it.

Didn't he get away with something....................................? money and power talks.

Dick Cheney's 'hunting accident' is an even more blatant example. 

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16 minutes ago, Ossy said:

A valid line of thought, especially when you picture Boss's present whereabouts. No matter where he is or in what country, won't there be someone, within eye or earshot of Boss at this very moment, who knows that he's a wanted man but fears the risks of revenge outweigh the B20K reward. As you say, slap another few million into the pot and you might soon be cookin'.

"Dead or Alive" I believe the old posters used to read, certainly in 'A Few Dollars More'.  I'd quite happily put a bullet in this maggot's brain for free.

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2 minutes ago, longtom said:

Dick Cheney's 'hunting accident' is an even more blatant example. 

An important lesson was learned at Chappaquidick - Don't drive over narrow bridges when your pissed out of your mind (or with a dodgy brake light if your a fat EPL striker with a stiffy)

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