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Foreign Farang Attempts Suicide On Pattaya 2nd Road

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Foreigner attempts suicide

At 1 am on 6th January the Pattaya police got a call that a foreigner had tried committing suicide by taking an overdose of medicine. The foreigner had passed out and was unconscious in front of Jom House, a guest house on Pattaya 2nd road.

The police and Sawang volunteers rushed to the scene to find a near naked foreigner lying on the footpath in front of the guesthouse with a bottle of medicine nearby. His condition was serious so the police asked the Sawang volunteers to take him to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya immediately.

After the foreigner was taken for treatment, the police questioned the informant for more information. The informant told the police that he stays at this guest house. No one in this area knows this foreigner.

At the time of the incident, he was sitting outside and the foreigner walked along the road in a drunken condition wearing only underwear and sat on the footpath in front of him. The man then started pouring a whole bottle of pain killer tablets down his throat – followed by a pack of Tiffy (aspirin) tablets, and then went unconscious.

The hospital informed the police that the man’s condition had stabilized and at the moment the police are trying to find out his identity in order to contact any family or friends.

SOURCE: Pattaya people


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who cares,all his problems will have been self inflickded.probably financial,should have gone home when he was supposed to and worked to earn the money to return.looks reasonbly young could be drugs

I honestly hope I never meet you .............

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There is the possibility he has a mental illness but at the same time, one must realize that people (healthy and ill alike) come to Pattaya for one last hurrah before kicking off (naturally or self inflicted).

This recent story shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who regularly reads Pattaya news. Last month was the story of a Croatian woman successfully committing suicide in south Pattaya (not at all the 1st female farrang suicide here). It's ongoing and soon enough you will sadly read of another one. :o

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There is the possibility he has a mental illness but at the same time, one must realize that people (healthy and ill alike) come to Pattaya for one last hurrah before kicking off (naturally or self inflicted).

This recent story shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who regularly reads Pattaya news. Last month was the story of a Croatian woman successfully committing suicide in south Pattaya (not at all the 1st female farrang suicide here). It's ongoing and soon enough you will sadly read of another one. :o

Mr Pattaya Punter has a point.

No one should pass a judgement and feel that what they are presented with is the solid fact of the event.

I love Pattaya.

Or should I say ,I love the crack that Pattaya has.

If I was thinking of drinking loads of strong medicine and falling asleep on the pavement,I,ld probably do it in Pattaya.

I would,nt think of doing it in Manilla(for example)

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Something could be done to stop these suicides and attempted suicides.

But it can't be done alone.

This subject has been discussed before, and there were virtually no takers.

I am prepared to put some time and effort into this, if others are willing to do so too. It would take much time and effort, but some of these lives could be saved and some of these people who have lost all hope, can be brought back from the brink. I'm not talking religion - I'm talking practical help and advice at the end of a phone.

Anyone interested? :D

Bombers need not reply. :o

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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who cares,all his problems will have been self inflickded.probably financial,should have gone home when he was supposed to and worked to earn the money to return.looks reasonbly young could be drugs

Complete and utter inane babble.

Personally, I care, no one in desperation deserves to die alone.

Self inflickded (sic) wheres the evidence?

Probably financial, speculation.

Could be drugs, it could also be psychological.

Good bye


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I'm talking practical help and advice at the end of a phone.

Anyone interested? :D

Bombers need not reply. :o

I am not in a position to help you Mobi, maybe sometime in the future, because it is a great idea.

To get people thru the darkest depth of their life is the key, if they can get thru this time, there is always a chance they will then be able to pull thru themselves with a little more support.

As you say there is no requirement for religion to be a part, just a friendly compassionate voice at the end of the line, no judgements, no accusations, just a listening ear and the promise that you will never put the phone down.

There would probably be a requirement for anonymity, simply because you will never know who might call and if they know there is a chance that it might be someone they know, they might not call.

Good Luck


You could also put a picture of Bomber above the fire at least it will keep the kids away.

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Something could be done to stop these suicides and attempted suicides.

But it can't be done alone.

This subject has been discussed before, and there were virtually no takers.

I am prepared to put some time and effort into this, if others are willing to do so too. It would take much time and effort, but some of these lives could be saved and some of these people who have lost all hope, can be brought back from the brink. I'm not talking religion - I'm talking practical help and advice at the end of a phone.

Anyone interested? :D

Bombers need not reply. :o

Hi Mobi,

Here in the UK we have an organisation that offers a lifeline to those who are contemplating tacking their own life, called theSamaritans.

To set up such an organisation would be very hard work; you will need people to volunteer, funds, an office, phones and training.

I wish you well as it would a very worthwhile project.


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who cares,all his problems will have been self inflickded.probably financial,should have gone home when he was supposed to and worked to earn the money to return.looks reasonbly young could be drugs

I honestly hope I never meet you .............

could not agree with you more - what a heartless comment to make - Bomber I hope I am around some time when your in a similar situation - but then I would not make a comment like that -- desperation can make people do desperate things - use your brain and your heart - before you speak next time --

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who cares,all his problems will have been self inflickded.probably financial,should have gone home when he was supposed to and worked to earn the money to return.looks reasonbly young could be drugs

Bomber - and the name suits - I think its you who should be going back home where ever it is - what a load of utter uneducated dribble - you have no idea what caused him to be in this situation -- and what ever it was no one deserves comments from someone like you -- please keep you comments to yourself and if you have nothing worthwhile to say = better to have NOTHING TO SAY

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If you want to kill yourself there are many sure fire ways of doing it.

A few pills and lying in public is a feeble way to try it on.

I have known 2 people that have done themselves in (one after giving his girlfriend a final farewell beating) and the world is a better place for it. I worked in a hospital and have seen the relatives of such idiots and have seen the failed 'attention seeking' wrecks.

Like the fools who shoot themselves at the Pattaya gun range, suicide 'victims' show no feelings for others that have to clean them up. They have failed as human beings and in their last push towards putting themselves out of our misery they do it in a way that will haunt others.

It shows what Pattaya means and stands for when it becomes a mecca for losers.

The cost of running the Samaritans would be better put to helping real victims of crime.

Let them get on with it.

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QUOTE(Basil B @ 2007-01-07 02:15:20) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Something could be done to stop these suicides and attempted suicides.

But it can't be done alone.

This subject has been discussed before, and there were virtually no takers.

I am prepared to put some time and effort into this, if others are willing to do so too. It would take much time and effort, but some of these lives could be saved and some of these people who have lost all hope, can be brought back from the brink. I'm not talking religion - I'm talking practical help and advice at the end of a phone.

Anyone interested? :D

Bombers need not reply. :o

Hi Mobi,

Here in the UK we have an organisation that offers a lifeline to those who are contemplating tacking their own life, called theSamaritans.

To set up such an organisation would be very hard work; you will need people to volunteer, funds, an office, phones and training.

I wish you well as it would a very worthwhile project.


Thanks Basil - yes I' m aware of the Samaritans organisation. They exisit in Thailand - mainly in BKK, but it is a Thai service. I beleive there is a limited Englsih service in Chaing Mai, but there is nothing at all in Pattaya, where the farang suicide rate (successful??) is running at over one per month.

I won't respond to those who think the money would be best spent elsewhere - we don't want a slanging match over this - but the simple fact is that anyone who contemplates suicide is at least temporarily ill, and is in desperate need of help. Lives can definitely be saved - sometimes by just listeneing, and sometimes by giving practical help and advice. Some of these people have reached the end of their tether and see suicide as the only way out - many have lost all their money, many have been dumped by their ladies, many have over -stayed and they just can't face the prospect of prison, repatriation, life without their beloveds etc. etc. Some are just plain mentally unstable.

My youngest daughter helps run an 'outreach' programme at Leeds University for students needing help (like the Samaritans) and my eldest sisier is a volunteer for something similar in Johaneesburg - so maybe it runs in the family :D

Yes, it needs money, organisiation and training - but above all it needs volunteers - commited volunteers, for nothing would be worse than to advertise a service and then suicidals find there is no answer on the advertised line.

This is obviously a long term project - but I have to start somewhere. (lkike the worthy thread about stray dogs).

Anyone interested in pushing it along a bit?



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Maybe someone could set up a councilling service for depressed farangs

Offering suicidal farangs a helping hand, so to speak. ( not to go through with it, of course) :o

I trained to work for a volunteer telephone crisis line service. [brutal training].

In the 6 months on the job, we only received calls from the lonely or those seeking tourist info.

I'd be happy to give out my mobile # but obviously there will be incoming calls while I'm driving or in a movie theater for example when I cannot listen. However, that's my contribution in the short-term if I'm permitted by the board.

Been here about 2 years so happy to help when I can. :D

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Mobi, I have nothing to 'slang' at you. What you do is worthwhile, but I cant help but think that the people who kill themselves would do it anyway. perhaps over a large bill or bad news from a doctor. I say let them get on with it.

I have noticed that most of the Pattaya 'victims' are healthy males. Not people born with 1 leg or blind or some such other horror. It seems that losers kill themselves. The man who took some pills in public is a pathetic wuss. If he wanted to do it for real then there is a large sea off the coast of Thailand.

In my opinion those with real problems (disabled people) don't do themselves in. They live with it and do their best and should be helped and praised along the way. People who run out of money or fall out of love and try some stunt, then they deserve nothing more than a firm shake and be told to get a grip.

Spend your money on the victims of rape or some other nightmare that was not their fault.

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Mobi, I have nothing to 'slang' at you. What you do is worthwhile, but I cant help but think that the people who kill themselves would do it anyway. perhaps over a large bill or bad news from a doctor. I say let them get on with it.

I have noticed that most of the Pattaya 'victims' are healthy males. Not people born with 1 leg or blind or some such other horror. It seems that losers kill themselves. The man who took some pills in public is a pathetic wuss. If he wanted to do it for real then there is a large sea off the coast of Thailand.

In my opinion those with real problems (disabled people) don't do themselves in. They live with it and do their best and should be helped and praised along the way. People who run out of money or fall out of love and try some stunt, then they deserve nothing more than a firm shake and be told to get a grip.

Spend your money on the victims of rape or some other nightmare that was not their fault.


I do not want to get into a, 'rock throiwing', contest either, but it is not the case that all suicides would have gone on and done it anyway.

I think someone came up with the term, 'the last hurrah', which may be a case of the high rates in Pattaya, and of course the usual problems of money, lack of that is, rejection and sometimes the realization of perceived loneliness.

But there is also depression and sometimes the reasons mentioned above can cause momentary lack of clarity and in that depth of despair, risk losing all.

If they had that helping hand, metaphorically speaking, the listening ear, sometimes it is not advice and encouragement that is required although that will help on occasion, but just someone who will listen without prejudice, accusation or recrimination.

A sounding board thats all, it can and does make a difference.

Not everybody has the comfort and enjoyment of a large circle of friends and if you do, you will find that within that circle the happy-go-lucky-not-a-care-in-the-world guy, could be the next possible.

I would ask you to think would you be so hard in your thinking if someone close to you was going thru a dark passage of time, would you let them get on with it or would you try and help.

I am guessing you would help.

I happen to agree with you, if you are determined to do it, no one will know and you will manage it, the guy was crying for help, I for one hope he gets it.

Good Luck


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If you want to kill yourself there are many sure fire ways of doing it.

A few pills and lying in public is a feeble way to try it on.

I have known 2 people that have done themselves in (one after giving his girlfriend a final farewell beating) and the world is a better place for it. I worked in a hospital and have seen the relatives of such idiots and have seen the failed 'attention seeking' wrecks.

Like the fools who shoot themselves at the Pattaya gun range, suicide 'victims' show no feelings for others that have to clean them up. They have failed as human beings and in their last push towards putting themselves out of our misery they do it in a way that will haunt others.

It shows what Pattaya means and stands for when it becomes a mecca for losers.

The cost of running the Samaritans would be better put to helping real victims of crime.

Let them get on with it.


By this post & your subsequent one, you prove yourself to be an absolute tw@t with the compassion, empathy & intelligence of a dead jellyfish! I, too, worked in a hospital and saw "failed suicides" and I also saw nurses & doctors who, like yourself had no empathy, understanding or even sympathy. Having worked in a hospital, one would have thought you'd have heard of clinical depression or any of the other mental illnesses that can make an individual contemplate suicide.

Your generalisations are insulting, & indeed, hurtful to people (myself included) who have had a person close to them take their own life. You have no idea of the individual stories behind this guy or any others, so, until you do, keep it zipped. :o

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