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Who has been poisoning the dogs - 40 stray mutts die at Chumphon institute


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2 minutes ago, loong said:

How many are/were there in total? Assuming that they have not all been killed, there could be a lot more roaming around outside.


That should read

"We don't have to live side by side with these animals as they are not allowed inside the institute's gate.

They are not any inconvenience to us, we can go home at the end of the day, so the only people that have any problems are the locals and we don't care about those peasants."


"We give them some scraps but it is probably not enough, so the hordes of dogs have to raid locals' houses and kill their chickens"


Professor, if you care so much about these animals, why don't you round them up and take them home to your house. See how happily you and your neighbours will live happily side by side with them!


I suspect that if the dogs just simply wagged their tails and were no threat to the locals or their children, nobody would feel it necessary to poison them.


there are a lot of dog haters around who do not need any reason to kill with poison , shit on these horrible cowards .

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8 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:


there are a lot of dog haters around who do not need any reason to kill with poison , shit on these horrible cowards .

I just don't get you.   These are pests who bite kids in their own street.

they chase the elderly and they carry rabbies.



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Just now, steven100 said:

how do you like trying to walk your soi without being attacked & bitten  ???


I do not have have problems with our soi dogs , they like us . If youy are scared of the dogs , just buy a taser ( ebay ) . They run away when you only show it to them ...

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It appears nobody in Thailand is openly bothered about stray dogs unless a few are found dead.

Rode past one killed on the road this morning, fortunately this time there wasn't a vehicle accident associated with it.

Edited by jacko45k
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1 minute ago, nobodysfriend said:

I do not have have problems with our soi dogs , they like us . If youy are scared of the dogs , just buy a taser ( ebay ) . They run away when you only show it to them ...

your soi dogs might be ok ... but mine ain't .. lol

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1 minute ago, steven100 said:

I just don't get you.   These are pests who bite kids in their own street.

they chase the elderly and they carry rabbies.



Yes , I understand that you are good at generalizing ... all the dogs should die , all the thais are lazy , all thai women  are prostitutes , all farang in Thailand are beer drinking and ugly talking sex tourists ... and so on ... did you ever see a dog die of poison ? It takes up to 45 minutes for the dog to die , it suffers HORRIBLY , it is cruel and disgusting way to to kill ... but it is the way humans like to do ...

I will do everything I can tyo find out who kills a dog like this , and then I report it to police , there are laws protecting the animals from the most horrible creatures on the planet , people ...!


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3 hours ago, smew said:

Get rid of 7-11 dogs as well. How many children must die before anything serious is done. Try going for walk or ride a bicycle and all you animal lovers will very quickly change your mind, no I hope you get bitten and then require 16 rabbis shots.

I walk and cycle daily. Rarely do aggressive dogs confront me.

But then I like dogs and they will sense that. It is no wonder when you think about it that it is the dog haters who have bother with them - what is a carnivorous animal supposed to do when it suspects you mean it harm?

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18 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

Yes , I understand that you are good at generalizing ... all the dogs should die , all the thais are lazy , all thai women  are prostitutes , all farang in Thailand are beer drinking and ugly talking sex tourists ... and so on ... did you ever see a dog die of poison ? It takes up to 45 minutes for the dog to die , it suffers HORRIBLY , it is cruel and disgusting way to to kill ... but it is the way humans like to do ...

I will do everything I can tyo find out who kills a dog like this , and then I report it to police , there are laws protecting the animals from the most horrible creatures on the planet , people ...!


Unfortunately I have seen it take a lot longer than 45 minutes. Poisoning them is a dreadful way to deal with stray animals. 

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I'm pretty sure it was only several hundred each time for a full course, certainly less than a thousand.

Sure it was only a few hundred baht, since they give you a cheap rabies course.

If they would follow WHO guidelines you would be looking at, depending on your bodyweight, around 30.000 to 40.000 baht for an immunoglobin course.

So be happy the dogs that bit did not have rabies otherwise you wouldnt be here anymore to tell about your rabies shots for less than 1.000 baht.
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20 hours ago, webfact said:

CHUMPHON: -- A professor has gone to the police after 40 dogs died from poisoning 

Oh-oh . . . don't get me going on the DOG issue! . . . election stalling may be worrying but, let's face it, stray dogs in Thailand must, in almost anyone's eyes, be one of the major scourges of the country. Why is there no control over such an obvious and all too evident cause of road accidents - scooters, especially, since many dogs 'enjoy' threatening these? There are countless thousands of often quite nasty wounds, needing treatment either at village or main hospitals.


The cost, to the nation, of just these 2 issues - accidents & bite wounds - must run into billions of bahts, so why is there no persuasion, either on local or central government's part, for dog-owners to have their pesky pets spayed or neutered, just as a token gesture to control their numbers? And why is there no government initiative to remove the countless thousands of dogs - seemingly ownerless and often roaming in aggressive packs, from Thailand's town and village streets, as is the case in UK and probably most other 'civilised' countries. Loose dogs should be collected by an appointed warden; penned until collected by the owner - in a week, let's say - and, if not claimed, painlessly put down.


"There are so many dogs around the place" . . . was one of my daughter's first comments, when I asked her how she liked our 'nice' little village, during her visit, 2yrs ago. I fear that when she returns, next year - before the election, probably:smile: - she'll comment that there are even more of the critters around the place. Don't get me wrong . . . I actually like dogs, those that are wanted and, indeed, can be useful around the house or farm and those that are kept within the property confines and actually enjoyed for their company.


In Thailand, sadly, that is all too clearly not the case, like outside the Institute gates, for example. Well, who did poison those mutts? I know who I'd be looking at and I'd be more than a little concerned that he/she may fall foul of the country's absurd cruelty laws, which evidently put dogs before people.


I wonder if Pra't keeps dogs at home and, if so, how many and are they allowed onto the street or public spaces, untethered? Anybody know?


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They say it is cruel to poison the dogs, but it’s not, these dogs have worms, ticks, fleas and many other types of parasites on them, they are a danger to the public especially to children.

The cruel people are the ones that take the dogs to the temples and institutions let them go just because they can’t be bothered with them anymore.

The Thais will let the dogs suffer in pain rather than have them put down, but then try and find a vet that will put the animal down.   

Years ago in Bangkok, they used to round up the stray dogs and feed them to the crocodiles at the crocodile farm, but this was condemned as cruel.         

Edited by KhonkaenExpat
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4 minutes ago, KhonkaenExpat said:

They say it is cruel to poison the dogs, but it’s not, these dogs have worms, ticks, fleas and many other types of parasites on them, they are a danger to the public especially to children.

The cruel people are the ones that take the dogs to the temples and institutions let them go just because they can’t be bothered with them anymore.

The Thais will let the dogs suffer in pain rather than have them put down, but then try and find a vet that will put the animal down.   

Years ago in Bangkok, they used to round up the stray dogs and feed them to the crocodiles at the crocodile farm, but this was condemned as cruel.         

Cruel . . . I wonder why. Probably 'cos it got the crocks too excited. :saai:

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16 hours ago, TSF said:

may well be the local council doing it. when people complain about packs of stray dogs the local council often lay baits.


Great,,, We all should complain then,then the Councils should clean the Whole country from All the stray vermin,,,

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Thais don't seem to know where puppies come from so when they magically appear they take the mother and the puppies a few kilometers away to the official puppy dumping site on one of the main roads and let the Buddha sort them out. Then find a new puppy and repeat to Infinitum.  


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"Thailand's tough animal cruelty laws."

Yet allows cock fights and those cows with horns gouging each other; then show it on TV 24/7 or what seems like day in and day out. I'd rather see dogs killed, I haven't been attacked by chickens or cows.

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17 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Rubbish....the perpetrator is doing the community a good service....there's so many freakin soi dogs in Thailand, and no-one wants them...disease ridden vermin they are!

.disease ridden vermin they are!

And that's just the two legged animals I encounter every day.

I've walked the sois full of dogs many times. Never had a problem. I don't act scared of them and I'm not aggressive toward them. I just ignore them. I realise they are hot, I see no bowls of water for them and they're probably hungry. Under conditions like that, who wouldn't be grumpy. Nobody can tell me it is their own fault. It is the fault of people.

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Not as many as the badly behaved people. Do you suggest we poison them too?

In another thread the

"soi dog foundation" estimates there are over 8 million stray dogs roam Thailand..every means possible should be used to drastically reduce that number.





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