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You think you're speaking English but you're actually speaking American!


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I nearly had a heart attack when my niece, born and bred in the UK started mentioning her school's "prom"!
 UK schools are now having these only because they've seen it on TV from the US - they had no existence in the UK until about 10 years ago.
 Now that's colonisation!
Same as Halloween which is just a excuse to make money. I ant bothered about the prom just a excuse to have a party why not. Wish we had it I left school. We just got drunk round my mates house. And we went back to the school and one of my friends went in the exam hall why a exam was in progress. And the Teacher of punched him.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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On ‎9‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 11:01 PM, partington said:

I nearly had a heart attack when my niece, born and bred in the UK started mentioning her school's "prom"!

 UK schools are now having these only because they've seen it on TV from the US - they had no existence in the UK until about 10 years ago.


 Now that's colonisation!

Don't be absurd, which I just have to assume you're actually trying to be.  THIS is what 90% of the Ameriphobe nattering, whining about U.S. imperialism and colonialism, usually amounts to.  How can anyone claim to speak English and not know the difference between "colonization" and "imitation"?!   If a Brit can't watch an American television program without feeling compelled to ape what he sees therein, that's pretty much his own problem.   Heaven help the UK if Brits are going to imitate all the wingnutter chaos which is currently scourging America as well...


LOL..   'Someone from the UK thinking he's going to preach to Americans about their "colonization" of the UK.   I'm hoping you're jesting, and if so, it IS funny, in a this-is-beyond-ridiculous sort of way!




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"Who will colonise the colonisers?"  Karma perhaps?


As your "z" reveals you to be American, I need to explain: I was being facetious when I said "colonisation"- that is exaggeration for humorous effect, not meant to be a serious analysis!

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7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Americans tend to divide the whole World up into just two different categories

Everything is either "awesome" or it "sucks"

And they all seem to use the word "like" every third word .

"And I was like, that sucks"

"And I was like, thats awesome"

More Ameriphobic stereotypical nonsense.  That's just an adolescent style, particularly on the west coast ("valley girls") that most kids outgrow and that Hollywood loves to exploit.  When adults use it, it's almost always in deliberate mockery.  The vacuousness of it attracts ridicule by simple-minded foreigners who watch too much TV and apparently enjoy thinking all Americans speak that way.

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1 minute ago, hawker9000 said:

More Ameriphobic stereotypical nonsense.  That's just an adolescent style, particularly on the west coast ("valley girls") that most kids outgrow and that Hollywood loves to exploit.  When adults use it, it's almost always in deliberate mockery.  The vacuousness of it attracts ridicule by simple-minded foreigners who watch too much TV and apparently enjoy thinking all Americans speak that way.

You are saying that I am a simple minded foreigner and that I watch too much American TV ?

   I do not watch any TV or films , I am basing that on Americans that I have met .

Many of the older Americans also tend to be rather manic and cannot speak without swearing and many seem to be on one drug or another .

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Just now, sanemax said:

You are saying that I am a simple minded foreigner and that I watch too much American TV ?

   I do not watch any TV or films , I am basing that on Americans that I have met .

Many of the older Americans also tend to be rather manic and cannot speak without swearing and many seem to be on one drug or another .

More nonsense.  Drunks you meet in bars are probably not the best specimens from which to extrapolate wild national stereotypes, which you seem intent upon doing.  YOU might actually do BETTER with the TV & films!   I see my share of loud obnoxious wife-beater clad Brits pounding out nearly incomprehensible English, but consider them a small minority and not at all typical of the nationality.   You should perhaps consider adding the ability to make such common sense distinctions to your own repertoire.



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3 hours ago, juice777 said:

It really gets my Goat when I see a Thai Web site and they have the USA flag to change the language to English. I mean the clue is in the name of the language.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Is 'Goat' a first name or last name?

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Americans tend to divide the whole World up into just two different categories

Everything is either "awesome" or it "sucks"

And they all seem to use the word "like" every third word .

"And I was like, that sucks"

"And I was like, thats awesome"

It sucks to be you.

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6 hours ago, juice777 said:

It really gets my Goat when I see a Thai Web site and they have the USA flag to change the language to English. I mean the clue is in the name of the language.

just tell your goat not to get too upset. after all This Is Thailand! :wink:

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Ha, some of you make me laugh, and I mean that. Let me tell you what happens to me 4 or 5 times a week. A retired soldier from directly opposite where I live visits me in the morning and chats to me in English. He has books, CD's etc etc but he always asks me if there is something he doesn't understand. Wherever there might be (a general) US pronunciation that is different from the GB I tell him about both. I don't tell that one is wrong I just say that he should be prepared to hear both depending on who he meets. Why? Because that's the reality. This applies to spelling too. Slang is a different story as I'm sure there is just as much 'verbal corruption' in GB as in the US. And look at the size of GB compared to to the US yet one can travel just a few miles in GB and the accent changes and even some slang words have different derogatory values. The wise thing to do is to accept, just like anything else else, that if a language travels it undergoes change. The English language is now more 'colourful/colorful ', richer in variety than any language before it and that evolution is what makes it useful worldwide. I fink I've said enuff so I'm orf for a cuppa.

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8 hours ago, juice777 said:

It really gets my Goat when I see a Thai Web site and they have the USA flag to change the language to English. I mean the clue is in the name of the language.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Careful... this is the English flag but I have never, ever seen it used. Seen the Union Jack often enough but that's not the 'English Flag' so go tell that to your goat.

download (1).png

Edited by LannaGuy
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13 hours ago, bazza73 said:

Indeed. So the the fact Australia has made itself a nuclear target for America's benefit means nothing to you. There are 15,000 American troops stationed in Darwin as part of America's containment policy. Pine Gap, North West Cape and Tidbinbulla are critical components of America's global communications and intelligence networks - we actually gave you guys the right to establish sovereign US posts on Australian soil.

And I'll bet those posts are quite busy at present with terrorism and the North Korean fat boy.


Australian troops have been fighting at your side in the Second World War, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. We took care of Timor ourselves. Your senior military commanders have always held the battle discipline and effectiveness of Australian troops in high regard.


Too far away to matter? I suggest you think before you open your mouth.


My, my, aren't we touchy. For America's benefit?  I suppose the US forced poor little Australia to fight by our side and keep our troops. Australia, no doubt, got nothing out of it. And, we were talking about language.

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10 hours ago, piersbeckett said:

What they learnt was that there are no depths to which the non-native North Americans will not sink in their eternal quest to hebetate every human endeavour that can be hebetated.

Well,  it seems to be you who has managed the hebetation.

Edited by smotherb
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10 hours ago, juice777 said:

It really gets my Goat when I see a Thai Web site and they have the USA flag to change the language to English. I mean the clue is in the name of the language.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Did you not notice TV is American English? Try typing "humour" and see if it gets underlined.

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10 hours ago, smotherb said:

My, my, aren't we touchy. For America's benefit?  I suppose the US forced poor little Australia to fight by our side and keep our troops. Australia, no doubt, got nothing out of it. And, we were talking about language.

I think some respect is in order. Obviously, you have none for the blood and treasure spent in support of America.


Yes we did get a mutual defence treaty as part of the deal. However, given America's record with other pacts, permit me to doubt if it will be honoured if push comes to shove. The USA has always acted out of self-interest.


I've travelled to the USA numerous times, and met Americans from many walks of life. For the most part, they were very hospitable. I used to play golf with an American who was one of the most affable people I've ever met. Sadly, he was killed here in a motorbike accident. I still miss him.


I hope it's a minority; however, there are the blowhards and braggarts who typify the Ugly American. A term invented by Americans, it does have a wider meaning now. Welcome to the club.

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Well this seems to have devolved into an anti American thread.


I am surprised that so many of you are so attached to your country of origin considering that most of you don't even live in your country of origin. 


And of course everyone is perfect from your countries. I have never seen English or Australians in Thailand acting like complete a**holes before. 


I have friends from all these countries and I don't make much of a distinction between them based on nationality. Good people are good people. 


Happy Sunday. 


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22 hours ago, juice777 said:

The day we here English people saying these words American style,That will be the end of us.







Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk





Clearly an English expert here.

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12 hours ago, smotherb said:

My, my, aren't we touchy. For America's benefit?  I suppose the US forced poor little Australia to fight by our side and keep our troops. Australia, no doubt, got nothing out of it. And, we were talking about language.

Don't be an a hole (and that's my "language" :smile:) with your comments. The world doesn't revolve around the USA despite what some of its citizens think. 


12 hours ago, smotherb said:

Did you not notice TV is American English? Try typing "humour" and see if it gets underlined.

Duh! The use of alterntive spelling is not limited to American English. Having installed MS Office on many computers, the default maybe American English but it can be changed. Your comment is as worthless as tits on a bull. :smile:

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