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Buddhist organisation objects to ‘Fight of God’ video game featuring warring deities


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2 hours ago, Grumpy Duck said:

Actually many people believe such characters really existed. Perhaps they did perhaps they didn't. 

What the problem I see is many forgot these were men not dieties, men who taught peace and how to deal with humanity. Then the followers forgot the teachings and worshipped the idols representing the teachers. 

What I feel the big mistakes were that followers follow respective teachings they find useful and cling to them as they worship the teachers and not the  Deities. I believe in all religious texts for every story that is told will have another story with an opposite moral. 

I hope what I said makes sense. 

Evidence indicates at best that most religious iconoclasts were composites comprised of various historical figures, who, as you mention, were later deified to whatever extent. And were this true historicity behind these amalgamations plainly taught, I would have no problem with, much like the vast majority of Jews, the traditions being maintained, but with the allegorical parts kept to just that, allegory mythologized to whatever extent you want. I believe it was Aesop's fables that had morals (meaning deeper meanings) woven within the fabric of the stories. The difference being that the fables were never purported to be anything more, and more importantly were obviously meant to provide insights to the human condition, not to control and/or enslave it. Religion is by definition, evil. Morality doesn't have to be.

Your message was clear and concise. And you are right. Interspersed amid the nonsense in most of the writings (The Book of Mormon and the Watchtower, exempted) are some fairly valuable and not overly-plagiarized universal teachings. If someone wanted to extract them and brand them as something other than some pie-in-the-sky avenue to physics suspending cosmic salvation, perhaps there would be a place for them.

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2 hours ago, Shiver said:

Some gross misunderstanding by the parties in the news piece about others potentially misunderstanding.


Money is the new god ('cos Frankie goes to hollywood said so :o/ ).

Jesus from my schooling days didn't claim to be a god.

The first Buddha never claimed to be a god so far as I'm aware.


I guess you could say they're both 'paths' to the way, the truth, the light, enlightenment or whatever you're intending.  But then so are some martial arts, and they can appear quite violent [confused]

Now that I've said blasphemous things I'm going to have to go out and buy a bottle of red Fanta, a spirit house and say 3 hail Mary's.  Divisiveness, brilliant innit.


How about one bottle of gin, a spirit-chasing bottle of tonic and 3 ice cubes? And you can hail as many maries as you'd like... There, absolved.

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5 hours ago, rkidlad said:

So expose them for what they are with facts and good ideas. Telling people they can't talk about something and hiding it away just manifests itself into something even uglier and more dangerous. 


It's regressive and will lead other people to bring forth what they think shouldn't be allowed to be discussed or thought. An awful precedent. Religion seems to be another thing that we can't criticize of question.  

5 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I do agree to expose them. 


However I also do believe that hate speech is not a right. 


I think deep down, BP, it is tough to argue that speech of all kinds, and that includes hate speech, is an inalienable right. The question becomes, should hate speech be "protected speech?" On this, there should be no disagreement. Absolutely not.


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2 hours ago, Songlaw said:

How about one bottle of gin, a spirit-chasing bottle of tonic and 3 ice cubes? And you can hail as many maries as you'd like... There, absolved.

 Absolved.... well alcohol is a solvent, as is water.  It's a long 'shot' but it might jus[hic] twerk.

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Yup, wrongful use of these religious deities. Perhaps It should have been Buddha vs Muhammad, a la Myanmar. :whistling: 


But as always it is the 'cranks' and 'extremeists' of any religion or belief system that gives that religion or belief system a bad name.


Me, I am happy just being a non-believer. Do what you can to help people - no reward or punishment for not doing so from some unbelievable person up in the "sky".  :smile:

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Some years back, the global blockbuster game GTA (amongst others) went into similar trouble with the law, as the graphic content of the game enabled slaughtering of police officers....many court rulings, including one from the California Supreme Court have banned parts of the highly graphic content of these senseless games...


So why on earth and in hell, would Thailand not be allowed to do the same and ban such rubbish????....freedom of speech ok!...but freedom of stupidity and violence, definately NO!

Edited by observer90210
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2 hours ago, observer90210 said:

Some years back, the global blockbuster game GTA (amongst others) went into similar trouble with the law, as the graphic content of the game enabled slaughtering of police officers....many court rulings, including one from the California Supreme Court have banned parts of the highly graphic content of these senseless games...


So why on earth and in hell, would Thailand not be allowed to do the same and ban such rubbish????....freedom of speech ok!...but freedom of stupidity and violence, definately NO!

You can still kill police in GTA. You always have been allowed. It's all part of the game.


My suggestion to people who are offended easily - read the label. It warns of a graphic and violent context. You might not want to play these kind of games and it's your right not to do so. I for one love GTA and won't have anyone tell me I can't play it cos it offends  them. Jog on and mind your own business. 

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5 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

You can still kill police in GTA. You always have been allowed. It's all part of the game.


My suggestion to people who are offended easily - read the label. It warns of a graphic and violent context. You might not want to play these kind of games and it's your right not to do so. I for one love GTA and won't have anyone tell me I can't play it cos it offends  them. Jog on and mind your own business. 

Maybe you would like to meditate (between killing virtually some cops) on the maxim that says:


One person's freedom ends where another's begins.


I'll let you ponder on it and with maturity and time, I'm sure you would get the point. Enjoy (healthy) gaming in the meantime and take care of your eyesight.

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5 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

Maybe you would like to meditate (between killing virtually some cops) on the maxim that says:


One person's freedom ends where another's begins.


I'll let you ponder on it and with maturity and time, I'm sure you would get the point. Enjoy (healthy) gaming in the meantime and take care of your eyesight.




Let me return the favour and give you my little philosophy in life: "Mind your own business"


We all have the right to pursue our own happiness. Whether that be through meditation or video games, etc. To each their own. 

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13 hours ago, wgdanson said:

All religion should be banned !

Including your belief that "All religions should be banned", (to continue your constructive comment.)

Banning never solved any problems, or maybe you have an example where it worked to the benefit of society and did long-term good?

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16 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

I looked it up. They didn't have the cajones to put Muhammad in there. 

So the game which basically mocks people's beliefs, is made by cowards who, like the Islamists only attack those who won't fight back.

If they were equal opportunity offenders they may have had an argument against censorship.


That is so disappointing.  Bunch of cuck game creators...

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12 hours ago, Songlaw said:

Buddha himself, had he existed, would be doing cartwheels for all eternity in the afterlife over this sh*t. No doubt about it. 

And subject to attitude adjustment in the here and now for that text...

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22 hours ago, Songlaw said:

Buddha himself, had he existed, would be doing cartwheels for all eternity in the afterlife over this sh*t. No doubt about it. 


10 hours ago, baboon said:

And subject to attitude adjustment in the here and now for that text...

Dignity isn't for the squeamish and it is never cheap. Your point?

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4 hours ago, lvr181 said:

Twerk(ing) is now allowed? :whistling: 


Bring on the 'twerk' :partytime2:

I dunno, maybe try it in a place of worship, and if you get out alive then they can incorporate it into GTA.


[Edit]:  Sitting at the bar in Suzy Wongs does not count as a place of worship.

Edited by Shiver
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2 hours ago, Shiver said:

I dunno, maybe try it in a place of worship, and if you get out alive then they can incorporate it into GTA.


[Edit]:  Sitting at the bar in Suzy Wongs does not count as a place of worship.

Damn................... :sad:

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23 hours ago, KKr said:


Including your belief that "All religions should be banned", (to continue your constructive comment.)

Banning never solved any problems, or maybe you have an example where it worked to the benefit of society and did long-term good?

Human (especially children) sacrifice.  Slavery.  Sure there's more but I don't want to sound contrarian...

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10 hours ago, sklmeeera said:

It has been conclusively proven that single , white , expat males between the ages of 30 and 47 and living in Thailand , are the most selfish people on the planet .

And your peer reviewed research for that is............?  :whistling:  Or is this just a flippant (but probably with an element of truth) comment? 

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On 9/13/2017 at 9:13 PM, dave_boo said:

Human (especially children) sacrifice.  Slavery.  Sure there's more but I don't want to sound contrarian...

Thank you for correcting me on that, although slavery was as far as I know not driven by religion but by the need of certain people c.q. conquerors, to have cheap labor.

Was thinking more in today's terms where, rather than work for the common good on an overcrowded planet and take a step forward in their thinking, some people aim to gain power and wealth by forcing "their"  people to believe that their religion or believe is the chosen one.

If one believes that, that is fine with me, but stay on your own turf.

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Forgive me if I question the emphasis on this video game, while "supposed" Buddhists cleanse Myanamar. Just like Evangelical Christian hypocrites in the US, it seems that spirituality is indeed subjective. To burn villages and rid others who hold a different viewpoint is disgusting...contrary to purported Buddhist tenets, and quite frankly yet another example of intolerance. I am tired of all of this. My inclination of religiosity should have no bearing on those who choose another route. There are mosques in Thailand.there are temples in Thailand.  The reality is that countries are not based upon a sole religion- even if some wish that were so. The problem is anyone who believes that living in a certain country should dictate religious allegiance. That is arrogance- quite frankly. For someone to dictate to me what religious route I should follow simply reinstates the intolerence throughout history. You go to a mosque, I will go to a temple. You go to a temple, I will go to a church. Seemingly simple, yet why people care about others' lives and preferences- especially when they have no direct influence on my choosing is beyond me.


I am not talking about fundamentalists like ISIS. I am simply talking about the fact that people overall are basically good and their religiosity does not change that. But again...what I see in Myanmar is ethnic difference, yet intolerance to that difference. Human beings who are scared and rightly so. It saddens me that e have learned nothing....we have not learned empathy....compassion. Imagine any one of us who is forced to flee for whatever reason. Syria......Myanmar......Yemen. all because of religious fervor.


This all has to stop and if not, we are directing our demise.Prejudice...unnecessary slighting (including Farangs),  all of this unnecessary hardship and stress- when does it become tiresome? Sorry for the length...I can imagine those who not only feel the same, but even more so become apathetic or complacent. And that is not good.

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I had a conversation with my Poli Sci professor from undergraduate school.When in school, I did not know his background. And then he was featured in an Alumnus article. Then I understood after reading his background. Jewish and Palestinian....Jewish with Palestinian neighbors. Yet they got along - even to this day. I guess it boils down to whether you see someone as a person or of a different religiosity or ethnicity. And that is what prejudice is about- a supposed, assumed makeup of someone. And then when people understand that many go through whatever, some will change and understand. And then others will make it harder than it should be :)



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