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Are people who use smart phones smarter?


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1 hour ago, kenk24 said:

Interesting conversation - - and I agree. I have a Mac w/a 27 inch screen and it is great for watching movies and sports... and really anything that I need a computer for - - but, as a retired guy, I do not feel a need to be connected when out of the house. I don't need the distraction. If I go out to the waterfalls, I want to enjoy the waterfalls and natural environment. If I go to a restaurant with friends, I want to enjoy their company, even if I go to the mall to do some shopping, I don't need to be buried in a telephone... that said, I do keep a kindle with me in case I want to read a book... and I keep a regular phone with me in case I am needed by family... I am just not into sending pictures of my poached eggs to all my friends... so, not sure why I might need a smart phone? 

I think you have missed the point of the poached eggs.  It is a nice non threatening non political way to stay in touch with old friends.  I don't have to ask about ex wives or social diseases or anybody we may not both like.  I only have to send a photo of my latest pizza, cappuccino or chocolate mousse and we communicate and renew bonds of friendship that may be 40 or 50 years old and span continents.  Last week I got food photos from Arkansas, Florida, Turkey, Japan, Hong Kong, Pattaya, Bangkok and a few other places.  Nice of old friends to say hi and stay in touch.  

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On 13/09/2017 at 3:24 PM, amvet said:

Derelicts, homeless people and subsistence farmers don't use smart phones.

Well, I just guess some people can't afford a smartphone...

Having or owning a smartphone doesn't necessarily mean you are more intelligent, it simply means you have a use for such a machine and enough money to buy one.

I know people that run successful businesses who do not use half of what they are set up for, but are very computer literate and work on computers every day.


Most "smartphones" are now marketed for Morons that are addicted to social media and games.


If you wear a "beanie hat" are you automatically judged as thick, or a joker?




Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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It's not about who uses them at all.  It is about how they are used.  If they are productive applications the users are probably a little smarter.  If it to take food porn pictures to post on social media, it does not matter how smart the phone or the user is.

The really smart ones, IMHO, are the ones who get someone else to use those computers to be productive for them, and don't have to do it themselves.

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5 hours ago, dansbkk said:

It's not about who uses them at all.  It is about how they are used.  If they are productive applications the users are probably a little smarter.  If it to take food porn pictures to post on social media, it does not matter how smart the phone or the user is.

The really smart ones, IMHO, are the ones who get someone else to use those computers to be productive for them, and don't have to do it themselves.

Tell me you are not a rich kid "millennial"...

Maybe a budding Bill Gates who stole most of the tech for MS.

I've been a manager all my working life, but you just neglect the question you asked.

Phones are convenient, but the major work is not done with them.

You do NOT need to be intelligent to have a smartphone.

Having a smartphone doesn't make you intelligent either.




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Just now, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Tell me you are not a rich kid "millennial"...

Maybe a budding Bill Gates who stole most of the tech for MS.

I've been a manager all my working life, but you just neglect the question you asked.

Phones are convenient, but the major work is not done with them.

You do NOT need to be intelligent to have a smartphone.

Having a smartphone doesn't make you intelligent either.

George, you do not have to be intelligent to use a smartphone, but you do need to be stupid not to use one.


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10 hours ago, amvet said:

In Less Than Two Years, a Smartphone Could Be Your Only Computer


With each passing season, another wave of mobile devices is released that's more capable and more powerful than the generation preceding it. We're at the point where anyone armed with a current model smartphone or tablet is able to handle almost all of their at-home—and even at-work—tasks without needing anything else.


Chipmaker ARM believes that with its new chips announced last week—a new Cortex-A72 processor and Mali-T880 GPU—we'll be able to count on our smartphones to do all the tasks we currently need a computer to do.


Reality is goodby computer hello smartphone.



Not for me........ my Partner has a 8" Samsung Tablet, If I use it have a bad head within 10 mins.. as for my smartphone, don't have enough hands to use as a computer.  [would need one just to hold the magnefing glass] 


my PC screen has been 32" for years, just about the right size..

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8 hours ago, amvet said:

I think you have missed the point of the poached eggs.  It is a nice non threatening non political way to stay in touch with old friends.  I don't have to ask about ex wives or social diseases or anybody we may not both like.  I only have to send a photo of my latest pizza, cappuccino or chocolate mousse and we communicate and renew bonds of friendship that may be 40 or 50 years old and span continents.  Last week I got food photos from Arkansas, Florida, Turkey, Japan, Hong Kong, Pattaya, Bangkok and a few other places.  Nice of old friends to say hi and stay in touch.  

Well, again, call me old fashioned - I do love a twist of technology as I will shortly be skyping with a friend that I am recently back in touch with. We took teenage road trips together 50 years ago... it is nice to see him, hear him laugh,  find out what he is up to - and looking at his breakfast is surely not high on my list. But, if you like doing that, it is surely fine. I have friends who do that. 


And all the things you described about smart phone uses, none mean much to me. I know I would have loved it when I was in business and very busy and travelling. Now, not so much. I spent 4 hours yesterday afternoon in relaxed conversation and live inter-action with actual people. The weather was going to be hot, my car gps would get me home, in case I forgot the way... and when I get home, the world opens up on my brilliant desktop, where I too can keep in touch with friends from all over the world... so, I too have a mix. 

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22 hours ago, Ace of Pop said:

Not being Smart we have Apple  i cant have a Brain at all,because nearly everyone i meet takes great delight in telling me theirs can light Campfires and only cost 6K.....

My Galaxy S6 comes with a cigaret lighter App.  You press the button in the App and the phone bursts into flames:laugh: very handy at parties , and self emulation events.

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7 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Well, I just guess some people can't afford a smartphone...

Having or owning a smartphone doesn't necessarily mean you are more intelligent, it simply means you have a use for such a machine and enough money to buy one.

I know people that run successful businesses who do not use half of what they are set up for, but are very computer literate and work on computers every day.


Most "smartphones" are now marketed for Morons that are addicted to social media and games.


If you wear a "beanie hat" are you automatically judged as thick, or a joker?




My delivery guys use smart phones to have me sign for packages and get directions to my house and my repair guy uses it to check error codes for appliances.  Those seem like tech applications that are done 100% by phone and not for morons.  Broadcasting on profitable social media and many games are quite complicated to play and learning experiences.  Games that I purchase for my computer like detective interactive fiction games are also downloadable on my phone.  I believe you are showing your inexperience rather than judging morons.  Try some current Sherlock Homes or Agatha Christie stories now made into interactive computer/phone games it might sharpen your wits.  

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1 hour ago, kenk24 said:

Well, again, call me old fashioned - I do love a twist of technology as I will shortly be skyping with a friend that I am recently back in touch with. We took teenage road trips together 50 years ago... it is nice to see him, hear him laugh,  find out what he is up to - and looking at his breakfast is surely not high on my list. But, if you like doing that, it is surely fine. I have friends who do that. 


And all the things you described about smart phone uses, none mean much to me. I know I would have loved it when I was in business and very busy and travelling. Now, not so much. I spent 4 hours yesterday afternoon in relaxed conversation and live inter-action with actual people. The weather was going to be hot, my car gps would get me home, in case I forgot the way... and when I get home, the world opens up on my brilliant desktop, where I too can keep in touch with friends from all over the world... so, I too have a mix. 

When I got home my 3bb optical cable was down and flashing red lights.  I tethered my phone to my PC and my computer internet was up again with speeds just as fast as my 3bb contract.  I use the phone as a back up for when my PC or TV computers go down it is good insurance in an area like mine where we have a lot of storms. 

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'It has been my experience that Heads of State and General officers and corporate movers and shakers all use smart phones.  Derelicts, homeless people and subsistence farmers don't use smart phones.'


Pray tell what phone does QE2 use....Marcon.....Trump?


Can you name a few derelicts, homeless people and subsistence farmers who do not?


Didn't think so.

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16 hours ago, amvet said:

What they do better?  Waterproof, storage bigger, GPS and directions and weather, face, fingerprint and voice recognition for security, more sensors (speedometer, IR, bluetooth devices, heat and light,  book, games, better camera and controls, 4k screen, better detail and color, weight, charging systems, better microphone and speakers, better amplifiers, multitasking ability, computer operating systems, accessories available.  For example I can carry on three different conversations while racing my sailboat in a storm, navigate the boat, buy stocks and you would not hear any background noise. 

Gee you must be important.

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16 hours ago, amvet said:

I asked my AC technician to diagnose the problem with my unit and he took out his smartphone and communicated with the computer brain in my AC unit and had the answer and part in a minute.  Efficient, accurate and economic.  Days of using a calculator is about the same technology as an abacus both outdated and obsolete.  The computer scans a bar code and does all calculation necessary while deleting the item from inventory and placing an order for the replacement all by cellphone.  Who uses a calculator?  

I do....all the time......but I'm an engineer not a Nerd.


There is also a good chance that people who design and build your beloved smart phone use a calculator too.

Edited by tryasimight
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16 hours ago, amvet said:

I think the more tech savvy the more street savvy.  The two today go hand in hand. 

Absolute unmitigated garbage.

Smart phones are for dumb people.....and the socially inept.


In fact the 'street savvyness' reduces greatly by the use of smart phones due to decreased social interaction in real time with people.

I guess you don't go to restaurants much.

People walking into power poles or falling down lift shafts doesn't seem particularly intelligent to me.

Simply being able to operate a phone does not make you 'tech savvy'.

Being able to design, build and write the operating system does......but I doubt many phone users fall into that category.


But I guess you just cannot accept this.

Edited by tryasimight
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16 hours ago, amvet said:

I would like to add I don't know anyone who has switched from a smart phone to a dumb phone.  I know people who have purchased a dumb phone to go along with a smart phone because of weight and size.  I also know that 800 million people bought their first smartphone in 2015 and in 3 years 80 of the world's population will have a smartphone.  It's one reason dictators all over the world are running scared.  Information is freedom and smartphones mean information. 

Smart phones also mean tracking, monitoring and easily spread disinformation.


Dictators love them.

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12 hours ago, amvet said:

1.  You might not be in your own car.

2.  My complete med records and where to send complicated payment requests (VA insurance are quite a bit more than can be carried in my wallet). 

3.  My smartphone stays open as long as it is near me.

4.  When looking for products substitutions or better alternatives may be available at the store than was known at home and for technical issues a photo is worth a thousand words especially when speaking Thai.

5.  My phone gives me weather reports by voice.  I don't have to look at the screen.  Rain or wind may not be obvious an hour before it strikes.

Sounds like your phone can do anything for you.

Perhaps the next gen phone may be able to get you a life.


By the way I do own a smart phone and my company has also banned them in the workplace due to safety concerns and reduced productivity of the workforce.

We pay them to be attentive and to actually do the job we pay them for......not wander around distracted or 'playing' on their phone.

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3 hours ago, sirineou said:

My Galaxy S6 comes with a cigaret lighter App.  You press the button in the App and the phone bursts into flames:laugh: very handy at parties , and self emulation events.

You might be thinking of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 of which a number overheated and burst into flames. The refurbished model the Note FE (Fan Edition). Even if a lighter app were possible (think old-style in-car lighter. Remember those?) they would be deemed security risks and banned from being carried on planes immediately.

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16 hours ago, amvet said:

I use a phone to read books.  I have a girlfriend who uses her phone to make money (she is a model and gets paid for letting people watch her on her smartphone).

My phone is always on and I watch my house, kids and dog. 

so you are not the one i talked about.....

but you feel offended?

Re-read my post on your phone .....because i'm sure it is not easy ....reading a message on a phone , let alone reading books on a phone......AND simultaneous watch your house,kids and dog. .Your kids must be happy with such a father ,lucky your wife works?

Close your phone and wake up.....or start typing with your saucisse-fingers on the 1x3cm

keyboard to try reply this ,lol. 

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I'll take someone with common sense, good judgement, and some self-control over somebody that is smart (i.e. tech savvy) any day. Some are fortunate enough to have both, but I know many that always own the latest smart phone and can use all the functions and apps, yet in real life they make the stupidest decisions over and over and do not even learn from their mistakes.


To each their own. When I'm not traveling overseas, I live in a 20-foot, self-contained motorhome with virtually no bills and no responsibilities. No electricity, no running water, no internet, I don't own a television, and have lived most of my adult life without any type of telephone. If I feel the need I can listen to talk radio, or watch an old Western video DVD on my laptop running/charging it off my vehicle batteries. I've set up my life so I can travel any time I want and come and go as I please. Each night I park and sleep where I choose, usually out in the desert far from civilization where I can put a beer in each pocket and take a relaxing walk with the sunset. I enjoy the sunrise, climb a mountain, ride my bike and get some exercise and do whatever I want. Enjoy your life made so easy by technology. For me, I love the uncomplicated feeling at night of being in the middle of nowhere and realizing that there is not one single person on earth that knows where I am, and they couldn't get a hold of me even if they wanted to.

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51 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

'It has been my experience that Heads of State and General officers and corporate movers and shakers all use smart phones.  Derelicts, homeless people and subsistence farmers don't use smart phones.'


Pray tell what phone does QE2 use....Marcon.....Trump?


Can you name a few derelicts, homeless people and subsistence farmers who do not?


Didn't think so.

Trump and Macon use Iphones (easy to confirm with your computer or smartphone).  The guys who pick up my trash and are subsistance farmers don't have smart phones.  I know because I have to contact them on occasion. 


So I answered your questions and you were wrong.  555.


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50 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

Absolute unmitigated garbage.

Smart phones are for dumb people.....and the socially inept.


In fact the 'street savvyness' reduces greatly by the use of smart phones due to decreased social interaction in real time with people.

I guess you don't go to restaurants much.

People walking into power poles or falling down lift shafts doesn't seem particularly intelligent to me.

Simply being able to operate a phone does not make you 'tech savvy'.

Being able to design, build and write the operating system does......but I doubt many phone users fall into that category.


But I guess you just cannot accept this.

Smart phones increase social interaction by organizing and making it more efficient.  I can navigate the street with more confidence and awareness if I know where I'm going and the best way to get there (traffic reports and user reports and reviews of people and places).  Before I eat I'll get a recent review of the place and the food on my phone.  I cast music and video and movies to other broadcasting media and this process requires some technical competence.  I don't walk into things because I can voice control my phone with a number of assistants that live in my phone(metaphorically speaking). 


Most college students I know who use social media on their smart phones are a bit brighter than the subsistence farmers who pick up my trash who don't use smart phones and they like me use the phone to assist in keeping the average household running using apps that the appliance companies use too, Line is a good example of that.  Toshiba didn't believe the problem I was having with my oven till I sent them a live video over Line and they could see it for themselves and then they sent a tech out the next day to repair the problem.  Saved again by an app and my smart phone. 

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28 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

I'll take someone with common sense, good judgement, and some self-control over somebody that is smart (i.e. tech savvy) any day. Some are fortunate enough to have both, but I know many that always own the latest smart phone and can use all the functions and apps, yet in real life they make the stupidest decisions over and over and do not even learn from their mistakes.


To each their own. When I'm not traveling overseas, I live in a 20-foot, self-contained motorhome with virtually no bills and no responsibilities. No electricity, no running water, no internet, I don't own a television, and have lived most of my adult life without any type of telephone. If I feel the need I can listen to talk radio, or watch an old Western video DVD on my laptop running/charging it off my vehicle batteries. I've set up my life so I can travel any time I want and come and go as I please. Each night I park and sleep where I choose, usually out in the desert far from civilization where I can put a beer in each pocket and take a relaxing walk with the sunset. I enjoy the sunrise, climb a mountain, ride my bike and get some exercise and do whatever I want. Enjoy your life made so easy by technology. For me, I love the uncomplicated feeling at night of being in the middle of nowhere and realizing that there is not one single person on earth that knows where I am, and they couldn't get a hold of me even if they wanted to.

That feeling will go away when you are old and forget where you are and have to change your depends and get to a hospital for your weekly transfusion.  The superman feeling right or wrong of youth changes as we mature and come to realize that life is a cooperative effort best accomplished with all the help both personal and technical that is available.  I know, I know I was invincible when I was young too. 

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10 minutes ago, amvet said:

Smart phones increase social interaction by organizing and making it more efficient.  I can navigate the street with more confidence and awareness if I know where I'm going and the best way to get there (traffic reports and user reports and reviews of people and places).  Before I eat I'll get a recent review of the place and the food on my phone.  I cast music and video and movies to other broadcasting media and this process requires some technical competence.  I don't walk into things because I can voice control my phone with a number of assistants that live in my phone(metaphorically speaking). 


Most college students I know who use social media on their smart phones are a bit brighter than the subsistence farmers who pick up my trash who don't use smart phones and they like me use the phone to assist in keeping the average household running using apps that the appliance companies use too, Line is a good example of that.  Toshiba didn't believe the problem I was having with my oven till I sent them a live video over Line and they could see it for themselves and then they sent a tech out the next day to repair the problem.  Saved again by an app and my smart phone. 

So you admit that you cannot do simple day to day activities without relying on a phone. That does not make you smart at all....in fact quite the opposite.

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1 hour ago, tryasimight said:

Smart phones also mean tracking, monitoring and easily spread disinformation.


Dictators love them.

I guess you have never heard of a VPN.  Do dictators love them?  It saddens me that Apple and google cooperate with China and the FBI.  I hope they will soon see the error of their ways. 

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25 minutes ago, amvet said:

Trump and Macon use Iphones (easy to confirm with your computer or smartphone).  The guys who pick up my trash and are subsistance farmers don't have smart phones.  I know because I have to contact them on occasion. 


So I answered your questions and you were wrong.  555.


No you haven't...all you have achieved is making yourself sound pompous and up yourself.

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1 minute ago, amvet said:

I guess you have never heard of a VPN.  Do dictators love them?  It saddens me that Apple and google cooperate with China and the FBI.  I hope they will soon see the error of their ways. 

Oh dear...vpn really?   You are not that tech savvy after all are you?

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1 minute ago, tryasimight said:

So you admit that you cannot do simple day to day activities without relying on a phone. That does not make you smart at all....in fact quite the opposite.

No, not eat all.  I do simple activities better, faster and with less effort with a smart phone, therefore I get more done better than a person who does not use a smart phone.  Kind of like using your hands or a harvester to get in crops.  The world would starve without mechanized farming.  

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2 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

No you haven't...all you have achieved is making yourself sound pompous and up yourself.

You asked 'Pray tell what phone does QE2 use....Marcon.....Trump?

Can you name a few derelicts, homeless people and subsistence farmers who do not?

Didn't think so.


I answered.  Trump and Macon use Iphones (easy to confirm with your computer or smartphone) and included a photo of the royal family using smart phones.  The guys who pick up my trash and are subsistance farmers don't have smart phones.  I know because I have to contact them on occasion. 

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